
Chapter 51 - Corporate Espionage

Inside the secure Data Access Node room at the basement level of a key communications hub, Two Korean hackers were working on breaking into Future Tech cyber defenses.

They each had modified laptops physically connected to the Node.

"What\'s taking so long?" one of the armed private soldiers asked the hackers.

"We\'re running into some mad interference in the Node network. I think we\'ve been compromised. I estimate it will take another 30 minutes for us to penetrate the Node\'s defenses." one of the hackers replied.

Meanwhile, at the Austin Future Tech Headquarters, Anthony and a team of nethunters were supporting in helping defend the Node remotely.

Anthony opened a channel in the company\'s secure comlink and called the FS Squad leader, who was in charge of the particular communication hub.

"We\'re making good progress at stopping their intrusion attempts. However, the enemies are undoubtedly inside the Data Access Node room already. Surround the area, and clear the space. Try not to destroy their computer equipment." Anthony said over the comlink.

"Understood." the squad leader replied before closing the comlink channel.

"We have two Stingrays and 100 operators as reinforcements arriving soon. Have them surround the building when they get here." the squad leader instructed a sub-leader.

He took half of his contingent, around 25 FS operators, and headed towards the Data Access Node room.

"This is taking too long. Can we just grab the Node and escape?" one of the Korean private soldiers asked.

"The Data Access Node here isn\'t the mobile version. Instead, we\'re plugged into the console, and the Node is this entire room." the hacker replied.

"We\'ve been here for 15 minutes already. I suggest we abort this mission and head back to the maintenance room. FS are professionals. They could be here any minute now." the soldier declared.

While they were talking, the FS squad team leader was content with his units\' positioning around the vicinity of the Node room and ordered a clearing operation.

Six FS operators acted as the vanguard. As soon as the security door opened, they quickly threw flashbang grenades before entering the room.

Their rifles utilized Future Arms\' new non-lethal 5.56x45mm ammunition loaded into M4FA rifles.

The original Armalite rifle design the legendary Eugene Stoner introduced has been tried and tested. Future Arms decided to refine the rifles using more sophisticated materials, upping reliability, and designing more ammunition types for situations like hostage rescue non-lethal rounds.

M4FA rifles include variable optics, laser sights, suppressors, and canted red dots as a standard-issue across Future Security.

The six vanguards protected the Dragonflies while taking cover, and the rest of the unit stormed in with confidence.

The Dragonflies were controlled by a nethunter assigned to the FS contingent and disabled the two hacker\'s laptops using breach protocol.

Their highly trained enemies immediately took cover though two were too late to react and were incapacitated.

The firefight was quick and intense, but the FS upper body armor was too tough for sub-machine gun rounds.

The remaining enemies were flooded by more operators entering the room and drowned under heavy fire.

"Secure the area. Detain the enemies and confiscate all their equipment." The squad leader instructed.

A lightly armored woman in her 30\'s followed the FS squad leader into the Node room. She was holding a Future Tech laptop and barely armed compared to the others.

"Bring me both of the confiscated laptops. I have work to do." the nethuntress declared.

She plugged her Future Tech laptop into the console before connecting the confiscated ones.

The nethuntress opened a secure comlink channel and connected to Anthony.

"I\'ve already unlocked the confiscated laptops. So let\'s start the cyber operation," the nethuntress stated.

"Let the games begin," Anthony replied joyously.

Data Access Nodes across East Asia started retracing network channels the confiscated laptops were using while attempting the intrusion.

Nethunters assigned at all Future Security branches from Austin to Kandahar were expected to contribute to the retaliation operation.

After twenty minutes, a major Node located in Seoul was forcibly connected to the Hyundai C&E corporate database using the information gained in the confiscated laptops.

Unfortunately, the multi-billion dollar corporation lacked enough cybersecurity defenses to stop the FS nethunters.

The nethunters essentially had free access to the entire Hyundai Group database via the Construction & Engineering connection.

Corporate information and secrets from Hyundai Motors, Steel, Capital, Card, Merchant Marine, and other subsidiaries were stolen and routed in different network directions.

Nethunters utilized all the Nodes and Future Tech satellites in the world to cover their tracks after Anthony called off the operation.

[We\'ve already taken enough. Better not be greedy.] So Anthony thought while reading the stolen information.

Price received a notification regarding the detainment and successful retaliatory mission.

"Take the detainees and transfer them to the Kandahar FS branch. We\'ll interrogate them here." Price instructed the squad leader over the comlink.

Price switched communication channels and reached Anthony.

"What did you guys get?" Price asked.

"Shipping routes, business processes, construction techniques, technology designs, and some interesting information," Anthony replied mischievously.

"President Lee has been busy. We found evidence involving embezzlements, bribery, blackmail, and various other illegal activities." Anthony added.

"Good work. Grant executive directors access to useful information like the designs and business processes. Were there issues with our intrusion operation?" Price asked.

"The Hyundai Group network security defenses were decent but still couldn\'t detect us. So we spent 30 minutes transferring the information, got out, and left a backdoor." Anthony explained.

"Will leaving the backdoor expose our involvement?" Price asked.

"It\'s my new toy, Price—a smart nanite backdoor device I had an undercover FS operator install next to the building in Seoul. The nanites travel through the fiber optic lines and can escape towards our FS branch if needed. I call it \'Network Creepers\' and classified as top secret." Anthony replied boastfully.

"Store the design and manufacturing process in Future Tech satellites. Of course, the government and other corporations will not be happy if they ever find out about these Creepers. But your nethunters did excellent work. I\'ll contact Vince for further instruction." Price replied.

"Sure thing. Talk to you later, Price." Anthony said before closing the channel.

[Vince was right to be suspicious. The information we have is enough to shake up the South Korean government.] Price pondered while contacting Vince.

Vince was conversing with Kevin in a restaurant in Melbourne and received a comlink request on his smartwatch.

"Kevin, hold on a minute. Price is calling." Vince stated before taking the call.

Vince started conversing with Price about the recent operation.

"I\'m having dinner, Price. What\'s so important?" Vince asked while eating.

"A group of armed men attempted to raid a Data Access Node off the coast of Taiwan. The situation is under control, and I sent the detainees here to Kandahar. I\'m sending you a report and will wait for further instruction after you eat dinner." Price explained before closing the secure channel.

Vince opened the report document file on his smartwatch and skimmed through it.

Elon, Christian, Randall, and Nico, sitting at the table, overheard the call.

"Did something bad happen, Vince?" Christian asked curiously.

"Nothing too serious. Don\'t worry about it." Vince stated.

[It\'s pretty serious, and I\'ll have to call President Obama and ask for his opinion. Foreign affairs aren\'t Future Tech\'s responsibility.] Vince pondered as he continued with dinner.

"Elon. Now that I own half of SpaceX, please allow FS operators to secure your headquarters and network. Times are changing, and we can\'t risk our corporate assets." Vince said.

"I understand. Just keep my security detail to a minimum." Elon replied honestly.

The group finished eating dinner and bade farewells before Vince headed to the airport.

Vince, Aiya, and his security detail boarded the Dreamliner and flew back to Austin.

Vince found President Obama\'s office number on his smartwatch and connected to a secretary at the White House.

"Good day, madam. Can you please transfer me to the President?" Vince asked nicely.

[Why does a teenager know this number? Mr. President only gives this number out to influential individuals, so I\'ll just do what he asks.] the secretary thought.

"Please give a minute. The President is in a meeting, and I\'ll have to go inside the office to notify him. What was your name?" the secretary replied.

"No problem. My name is Vince Dalton," Vince replied amicably.

The secretary walked into the Oval Office and found the President and General Douglas conversing.

"What is it, Maria?" Obama asked curiously.

"I have a Vince Dalton on the line. He wishes to speak with you." Maria replied while giving Obama the phone.

"Thank you, Maria. You can leave now." Obama replied as he took the phone.

"Vince, what\'s going on? Is my custom AV ready?" Obama asked.

"It should be on the way to DC by now, but I called you for a more important reason, Mr. President," Vince explained.

[If it\'s important to Vince, this should be interesting.] Obama pondered while listening.

Stats last time checked:

Future Tech current valuation - $300 billion

15 million BTC (currently trades at $1,000)

$40 Billion cash in Future Tech

21,000+ employees (FT AI, Future Studios, Hive Mind Manufacturing, FT Micro Devices, BitCash, FT VR, Future Tech F1, FT Investments, Future Arms, Future Med, Future Tech Robotics)

20,000+ operators under Future Security

Personal Vehicles: Klassen Phantom, Agera R, Agera SFV, Boeing Luxury 787 Dreamliner

Five company collaborators (Epic, Koenegisegg, SpaceX, Tesla, Hyundai C&E)

Dozens of investments under Future Tech Holdings (i..e., Instagram)

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