
Chapter 100 Yasbel The She-Devil

It was completely by way of coincidence. Aldrich just used the Eyes of Insight on Yasbel by pure chance and saw that her last name was different from the plaque on her office door.

The first time he said it, was to test the waters to know if she would really be affected by the reveal of that name. And the results exceeded his expectations to say the least.

He had no idea that she would be that rattled just by hearing that name and so he caught her in a trap.

As someone who was also hiding his identity and someone who has many secrets he understood that these secrets were very sensitive.

p "So, let\'s talk about the details. Lets start from the beginning."

"Fine, you got me." Yasbel sighed and her distorted expression was replaced by a neutral one instead.

The fact that she could get her emotions back in check and accept her current situation so quickly made him even more wary against her.

"First part of the plan is actually to make a company."

"A company? What for?"

"I was going to explain, can you let me talk? You can ask after I\'m done."

Aldrich pursed his lips but decided to remain silent for now.

"There are many reasons, the first being is that you will have a business and trading license which means you will be able to do many things which an individual can\'t.

Investigating a company is harder than an individual and its a perfect shield and vessel.

Second you will open an account in the bank for the company, which you will control as the owner.

Next, as I said about the gold or any coins you bring from wherever you get these things. You will not have the coins appraised in any bank but with outside appraisers, which all have a fee of twenty five coppers to a silver or so.

And then you will use these coins to buy businesses, the profits will then be transferred to the company\'s account. Any questions up to here?"

"Yes, actually," He nodded. "Why do I have to buy businesses?"

"After you get the coins appraised they\'re going to be stamped with the seal of approval meaning that they could be traded in the market and that\'s when you have to get rid of them as soon as you can."

"But even if I did that not many people would agree to accept strange coins instead of imperial coins."

"That is true, in most cases at least. Here\'s where I come in, from my position in the bank I have access to many things that most people are not privy to.

Such as some businesses accurate financial situation, I know which ones are in desperate need of funds, which ones are putting on an act and which ones suffer from bad management, these people would accept especially in a large transaction.

The goal here is to get rid of your dirty money and exchange it for the clean imperial coin and other valuable assets and thats not all we can later use it to buy lands, farms, slaves you name it. From something suspect to something normal."

Aldrich had to admit that he was impressed, this bitch knew what she was doing. And she wasn\'t done yet.

"When the situation stabilizes a little in the future I can use my position to send that coin to be minted into imperial coin.

Or if that\'s not possible, I can have it sent to other branches all over the world. By the time the world takes note of this \'new\' coin we would be in the clear and rich as fuck too."

Aldrich was salivating at this prospect, he even felt sorry towards Yasbel for cursing her dozens of times in his mind. But he quickly sobered up.

"Wait, wouldn\'t the company be under suspicions then? If a huge company that has no roots appears out of nowhere all of a sudden many people will have questions for where all these funds came from.

That is without mentioning other competitors or nobles who would definitely be alarmed and jealous. They\'ll have plenty of incentive to come after us even if we were actually legit."

Yasbel looked to be in deep thoughts, "first, before I answer that. Can you answer my question, how much coin can you get within a year? I have to have an estimate to know what we can actually do."

How much? To be honest Aldrich had no idea. How much money was there in the nightmare town? Unknown. But it was huge, huge amount.

How much could he get? Hmm, the recent changes in the nightmare realm were worrying but he too was getting stronger and his ascension to grade one was around the corner.

If nothing unexpected happened then he was going to be getting more and more coins.

"Hmm, let\'s say it\'s ten gold per month for now."

That would cost him around sixty eight essence orbs, since five cost thirty four orbs to transport.

"Ten per month, and that\'s only for now? About people noticing the company we probably don\'t have to worry about it for the next year."

"And after that?" Aldrich was the type that had to be prepared beforehand, he didn\'t really like surprises.

"After that we will have accumulated a decent amount of wealth and influence within Voryhrm. And we will use that wealth to bribe any officials that might look twice at us, city watch, city hall and local syndicates.

At that point anyone who thought of busting us would have the full force of our company crushing them. In the meantime I will bury anything that might implicate us.

Don\'t forget we will no longer rely on the ancient coins to sustain ourselves later on. We will be a legit conglomerate that has a legitimate source of income."

That\'s true the world revolved around money, he has seen this first hand the moment he walked out of Wakefield. With enough money you could do anything in Voryhrm.

And why wouldn\'t he? He had no choice if he got busted then it was over for him.

Moreover, Aldrich liked luxuries but that was not the only reason he had to get rich. This was one of the methods he could use to retrieve Isger\'s soul and save him.

If he had enough money he wagered that he could buy any wondrous item, he might even be able to invite an Archbishop to save Isger. The possibilities were endless having money was definitely better than not having it.

"And in the future…"

Aldrich couldn\'t help but feel that Yasbel has changed, gone was the serious mood from before, she was getting more and more excited the more she talked.

Aldrich couldn\'t help but feeling like this was not the first time she thought about all of this. It\'s like she was spilling out a plan she had ever since she was a toddler.

She didn\'t even seem to remember her fear and trepidations form not too long ago.

"Alright, I got it. Lets start slowly step by step and then make our way to the advanced parts when the time comes."

Yasbel seemed to awaken from her stupor, "yeah, yes of course. Sorry I got ahead of myself…"

"Well, I will take part in the guild\'s recruitment exam in nine days so in the meantime I don\'t think we can do much besides having the coins apprised."

Yasbel smiled, "actually we can do something, I will set up the paperwork for the company and you can finish the rest in city hall in three days. If you can get me ten gold coins I can get you your first establishment."

"You already have a place in mind?… how long have thought of this plan?"

"I\'ve always had the vision for something like like this but… not enough capital. And you already know the place I have in mind, look around you, what do you think?"

"Alright sounds like a plan," Aldrich looked at the coffee house and nodded, it didn\'t look half bad and both the coffee and the cake were decent.

"But I need at least two coins for my expenses so have them deposited in my account. Of course I don\'t need to remind you to keep things under wraps."

"I understand. But from now on, please refrain from depositing any of these coins in your personal account. Also don\'t forget to come over after you get the business and trading license to make the company\'s account."

"I got it, I\'ll have to say goodbye now," Aldrich declared the end of the meeting as he stood up, "this was a good talk, I still have other things to see to so, see you later. Oh, it\'s your treat right?"

Aldrich still had to attend his training with Gazeff who kept making it harder and harder. It\'s not that he was reckless but he had to pay Gazeff and he already delayed the man a week.

As he made Gazeff wait more and more the beating he got in the \'practice\' portion of the training got harsher and harsher.

As Aldrich walked down the stairs, Yasbel remained alone, looking at her reflection in the what remained in her coffee. Deep in thought.

Subconsciously her index finger moved and wrote on the table the name Aldrich.

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