
Chapter 252: Vol3 Ch52: Unstable mutation

Chapter 252: Vol3 Ch52: Unstable mutation

The sword imbued with Fearless Spirit slashed across Darr’s body, splattering blood everywhere.

Darr’s body staggered backwards, a slash mark stretched from his right eye diagonally down towards his waist.

“Hahaha... hahahaha!” Darr’s now deformed mouth uttered a crazed laugh, followed by the sound of a turning gear.

The ring in his hand was glowing brightly, under the threat of death, his psychokinesis was utilized to its maximum limit, manifesting as strings of psychokinetic power that stitched his body back together. Parts of his inner body could be seen; the psychokinetic strings squirmed beneath his skin to repair the damaged organs and maintain his life temporarily.

“I’m not going to die. I’ve only just been noticed by Lord Negary, by the great Lord whom I’ve always strived to become closer to, how could I die right here!?” the sound of the turning gear coming from Darr’s body was becoming increasingly stronger.

Seemingly because he was facing death, coupled with his intense will to survive, the Gear fusing with his body was undergoing some sort of unknown mutation.

Hearing ‘that person’ being mentioned, Chromie’s pupils dilated before he swung his sword again towards Darr’s head. psychokinesis might be able to barely sew his body back together, but if his brain was destroyed, he wouldn’t be able to survive no matter what.

Watching Darr who was continuously backing off, Chromie’s originally fluid movements suddenly became stiff, as he looked down, he found that a few piano strings had already been tied to both sides of the pillar at some unknown point to form an invisible obstacle.

Darr’s expression was growing increasingly insane, when his right eyeball that had been sliced in half fell to the ground, a tentacle grew out from his eye socket. His body started to writhe as the wounds stitched-together by his psychokinesis were quickly mending themselves.

“Unstable mutations” Chromie’s expression turned serious, the injuries he sustained earlier had already stopped bleeding. By sacrificing his love, he obtained inexhaustible stamina and a superhuman constitution, so flesh wounds like this could heal completely in just one or two days of rest.

After the Gear of Impurity had claimed a life, the power of Impurity within it would have been exerted, thus restraining the chaos within it. At the same time, the Gear would obtain a crucial component from within the dead lifeform to maintain its stability and become ‘mature’. It was for these reasons that a matured Gear of Impurity could grant its wielder a stable evolution.

However, when Darr was at the verge of death, he accessed the Gear of Impurity and removed that crucial component with his own willpower, turning the Gear back into its unstable state that allowed the power of Impurity to exert itself in a frenzy.

At the same time, under the influence of Impurity, Darr’s body underwent rapid mutations, the tentacle that grew from his eye socket madly swung around, a large number of flesh pusses manifested all over him, as well as some sort of forcefield.

This was a torrent of pure Impurity, which quickly disseminated a blasphemous will within its vicinity, altering any human within this domain in every possible way. Particularly, a large amount of chaotic ideals belonging to Impurity would manifest and cause the human consciousness to become chaotic as well, eventually assimilating them into Impurity itself.

This domain of Impurity was similar to Shennai’s Worship of Impurity, both of them were able to strongly pollute all living beings within a certain range with the concept of Impurity, the only difference was that this was a pollution of thought, rather than physical pollution.

If Chromie hadn’t sacrificed his sense of pain for the Fearless Aura, never mind thinking rationally, he might have already gone crazy from the incomprehensible whispers of Impurity.

At the same time, Darr, who was right at the center of this domain of Impurity, was undergoing uncontrollable mutations. More and more characteristics of unknown creatures were manifesting on his body, only his head retained its basic human appearance.

It was one thing to use the unstable evolution to mutate his own body due to the pressure of survival; but allowing his rationality to be polluted by the power of Impurity and turning insane was an entirely different matter.

Darr could only use all of his strength to retain his head as much as possible to prevent being influenced too much. His hands had already turned into some sort of other creature’s limb, so the tentacle in Darr’s right eye socket reached out like a hand to retrieve his ring and brought it into his eye.

The mutation was so rapid that no matter how Chromie tried attacking Darr’s head directly or indirectly with his sword, all of the mutated limbs stopped him, rendering his efforts futile.

Stopping his attacks, Chromie observed the current Darr and slowly retreated. Right now, aside from his head that barely retained a human appearance, Darr’s other body parts had completely turned into something else.

Beneath his head was a large number of what seemed to be bones mixed with a flesh-like substance, as well as quite an amount of organs constantly writhing within that skeleton.

Because of the unstable mutation, Darr’s new body was devoid of anything resembling beauty. Other than the fact that various weak points like his organs were exposed, he was also so bulky that he essentially had no offensive means. The only ‘special’ thing about him was how nauseating he was.

Darr was ultimately able to endure it. Borrowing the Gear of Impurity, he escaped his fate of death; at the same time, while this new body was ugly and deformed, it had also granted him unbelievable strength.

『 In the end, it’s my victory, ahahaha, would you like to become one with me? 』Darr laughed hysterically. His body’s chaotic senses had influenced his rationality, the ribs-like bones turned into dozens of skeletal legs that scurry forward like a centipede’s.

Swinging what could be considered his limbs towards Chromie, several pieces of bones which looked like a spinal cord quickly extended under Darr’s control.

When Chromie cut off these limbs with his sword, he found the blood that spilled out had started to start sizzle as they touched the ground.

So he took my sacrificed corrosive blood as well?

Chromie’s expression turned sour as he quickly retreated.

The monsterized Darr’s movement wasn’t particularly quick, his mutated body was long, wide, and unbalanced, completely unsuitable for this environment, nor was it anything like a properly evolved life form.

『 Become one with me! 』Darr uttered those words without knowing why. Although he had used psychokinesis to protect his head from mutating too much, his head was still attached to his body; and since he needed to control his body, his soul that was already unusual had been similarly affected.

His body itself started to distort, a place that should be the equivalent of a human torso opened up, from which a large number of tentacles weaved together with organs reached outward. A large amount of yellowish fluid could be seen dripping from the tip, like it was waiting to take in a different life form.

“So he’s gone completely insane?” Chromie was still retreating non-stop while regretting his course of actions. If he had been quicker to kill the other party before he started mutating, he would have been able to obtain a large amount of information from his corpse through Spirit Vision.

But now, since Darr had turned into a monster, Chromie would be mad to use Spirit Vision on him, his Fearless Aura couldn’t protect him from objects seen through Spirit Visions.

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