
Chapter 298: Vol4 Ch23: Terrifying upright apes

Chapter 298: Vol4 Ch23: Terrifying upright apes

Translator: La0o9

「 Boss, it seems a few primitive organisms have arrived 」the white-bellied, violet-back Flame Dino checked the machine on his wrist, noticing several living organisms heading towards them.

「 Oh? What kind of organism? We’ll need a lot of people to create the weather machine, it’s going to be good if we can capture them as slaves 」Chrysosaurus replied without much care.

Dino Sapiens had their natural pride. They were the most powerful natural creatures to have ever roamed this earth, not only were they physically powerful, but they were also technologically advanced, so how could those human apes ever qualify to rule this planet?

In their timeline, the Dino Sapiens were the premiere sentient race, while the human apes were nothing but one of the endangered species to be kept in zoos and natural reserves. At the time, quite a few Dino Sapiens had even created a human ape protection association, discouraging and forbidding eating human ape brains.

However, in this timeline, dinosaurs hadn’t even evolved to gain the ‘Sapiens’ suffix, remaining animals without intelligence.

For that reason, Chrysosaurus couldn’t be blamed for looking down on humanity. He believed that the Great Dino group who actively proposed to coexist with humanity to be traitors, traitors of the Dino Sapiens race.

Damned animal protection activists!

Chrysosaurus silently cursed them in his mind.

The position of the world’s prominent species isn’t easy to get or maintain, so what’s wrong with fighting for a better living environment for our species?

Animal protection is fine, but that has to be nothing but hypocritical tears shed for the sake of ‘endangered’ species when Dino Sapiens are at the top of the food chain

From Chrysosaurus’ perspective, Tyrannosaurus was an animal rights activist whose head had gone wrong. The human apes were no longer an endangered species, they were now the Dino Sapiens’ direct competitors in nature; but for some reason, Tyrannosaurus still believed those human apes to be an endangered species to be protected or some sort of cute pet.

Chrysosaurus could guarantee that if the common pets of those human apes, like canines and felines, turned into intelligent species capable of competing with the human apes for the top of the food chain, the human apes would eradicate them without any hesitation. There was only meaning in protecting pet cats and dogs; if they were instead predators that competed for the right of survival or even masters that ruled over their heads, they were better off dead.

Frankly speaking, any weak group could be taken care of and given equal treatment; but if being ‘weak’ was used as a reason to gain without putting in the effort, or even demand privileges with extreme cases, that would be ridiculous.

It was because Chrysosaurus understood this well that he was proud of his identity as a Dino Sapiens, and also the reason why he looked down on Tyrannosaurus. This was a war for species survival, not a family game, emotions like empathy shouldn’t exist for an enemy.

「 Human apes... from temperature readings, they’ve only just learnt how to use fire 」Flame Dino examined his wrist tool and replied.

「 Just in time, I’m itching to teach some damn human apes a lesson 」the crimson Tyrant Dino said, full of expectations: 「 They dared to dig up dinosaur bones and displayed them at museums, although they aren’t Dino Sapiens, those who desecrate the dead should be killed of 」

「 Not only do they put dinosaur bones on display, but they also have a hobby of turning every creature into taxidermy and put them on display, including themselves. Mummy – humanity’s treasure, tsk! 」

「 This inferior race is only worthy of being slaves. Brothers, let us show them what is true fear! 」Chrysosaurus leapt out from the crater that was made from their collision, charging into the group of torch-holding human apes.

「 Wait a minute, why is that flame golden? 」Chrysosaurus’ large emerald eyes naturally managed to clearly see in the dark. According to his information, the original fire of the human apes shouldn’t look like this.

The upright-standing human apes raised their torches just in front of their faces, reflecting their terrifying gloomy expressions, especially since some of them were widely grinning in pleasure. Their uneven jagged teeth gave the three Dino Sapiens an especially bad feeling.

“New food has appeared, eat them!” the upright apes roared in unison as they charged towards the three Dino Sapiens. Their speed was unimaginably fast, the hair on their bodies was nearly all gone, and their upright posture made it so that they weren’t too different compared to the human apes of the modern future.

At this point, Chrysosaurus suddenly recalled a portion of the human ape’s records. In the beginning, the human apes were essentially harmless simians, their natural characteristics made them insufficient predators to compete against the other races like primitive Dino Sapiens or primitive Snake Sapiens. However, at a certain period of time, the human apes began to explosively evolve, growing into progenitor humans that weren’t too much different from modern humans.

That period of explosive growth wasn’t a few million years, nor was it a few hundred thousand years, in fact, it didn’t even take 1000 years, only 120 years. A short 120 years compared to humanity’s total history.

This group of terrifying upright apes had fulfilled every condition to evolve into Homo Sapiens, but no one had been able to determine how humanity managed to complete this great leap, after all, primitive human apes didn’t exactly know how to record history.

And Chrysosaurus seemed to have discovered the reason for their explosive evolution.

Watching the human apes charging at them, Chrysosaurus and the other two Dino Sapiens got ready, then engaged them in combat. Thanks to their scientific alterations, a Dino Sapiens was individually much more powerful compared to a Homo Sapiens, but having to face a horde of human apes, the Dino Sapiens found themselves unable to hold them back.

These terrifying upright apes were using their sharp jagged teeth to rip away their flesh, their golden torches in their hands constantly burning.


A few years ago, the great leader of the human ape tribe, Prometheus, obtained the Divine flame. By using this flame, they were able to quickly digest anything, and once they added the Snake Sapiens as well as Dino Sapiens into their menu, they discovered that their entire tribe would obtain evolution.

From that, these terrifying upright apes realized a certain fact: the more diverse their menu was, the faster they would evolve.

Borrowing the power of the Divine flame, the terrifying upright apes expanded the contents of their menu without any limits. Anything that ranged from big games like dinosaurs and whales to tiny things like slugs and ants. Regardless of whether the prey were animals, plants, mushrooms, or even minerals, everything they could get their hands on joined their menu.

Today, they discovered three strange Dino Sapiens, but so what if they looked a bit strange? Perhaps they’d give benefits from being devoured as well.

The crimson Tyrant Dino collapsed to the ground. Both his claws and tail were equipped with a high oscillation blade, capable of slicing through everything, but this horde of upright apes was skillfully maneuvering their way around to ambush him from behind. With their coordination, they firmly restrained his limbs, then immediately began to feast on him alive.

Seems like I’ll need to discuss a bit with leader Prometheus when we return.

We need to restrict their consumption, otherwise, there wouldn’t be enough food.

The upright ape leader stood on one side, watching Tyrant Dino’s body quickly being reduced to bones with that thought in mind.

He then shouted: “Stop feeding, the other two are running away”

Chrysosaurus’ tail was now also nothing but bones, his body also filled with bite and scratch wounds. Flame Dino didn’t fare any better either, he was able to use the device behind his back to produce high-temperature flames, but the terrifying upright apes weren’t at all afraid of the fire. They instead embraced the flames and turned into human torches that burned him, one of his eyes had already been carved out and eaten by the upright apes.

Who could’ve imagined that the physically weak human apes of the future would have had such terrifying ancestors?

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