
Chapter 35: Floor 9 and Trashing the Blind! (2/2)

Chapter 35: Floor 9 and Trashing the Blind! (2/2)

Then just as they left, he came near the corner before dropping a pickaxe. The kobold guards on the other side heard the clanging sound clearly. Without thinking one of them approached, grabbed the pickaxe off the ground, then hurriedly turned the corner….Where Josh was awaiting. As soon as he raised his eyes the kobold knew it had fucked up. But before it could run or emit a sound its neck was already broken.

Then Josh made sure that the kobold looked half-decent before hoisting the body in front of him. Then he simply rushed inside while hiding behind it.

Now, the few guards clearly realized there was something bizarre with what they were seeing. Their friend was dashing so fast toward them while floating in the air. Still, it took them a few moments to process what exactly was wrong with the grotesque appearance.

It became all clear when they could finally see Josh throwing the corpse at them. Except that just as they were about to sound the alarm, Josh had already twisted a few of their necks. There was one remaining kobold, in the process of opening its mouth. Josh threw his sword. It lodged itself snuggly right in the monster\'s face thus ending its futile attempt.

By some miracle, no one had seen Josh at work. Actually, the place seemed pretty empty, with that specific outpost only being in a remote corner.

Turning around, Josh could see something magnificent. Contrary to the tunnels, inside was light. There were many glowing green mushrooms radiating a pleasant atmosphere. The area seemed vast with pathways going downward and various little cave entrances in the walls.

They had dug a big area for where they nested. Their actual civilization level was unconfirmed. They had metal, but somehow only pickaxes. They weren\'t wearing armor either. Only a rough cloth. This was peculiar for sure. There was no trace of fire either.

At the bottom, there seemed to be a cave entrance bigger than the other ones with 2 elite guards defending it. Now, these guys would be an issue. To somehow descend Josh would have to pass right in front of their eyes.

Should he simply rush in there? He didn\'t really care that much about being seen. He simply didn\'t want to waste the opportunity to explore without fearing his target running away. Whoever that blind kobold was it would be a pain if he ran like his brethren.

Looking around there were a few pickaxes. Josh did have an idea, but even he wasn\'t confident. It would rely on luck as much as skills. The kobolds down there seemed as unmoving as statues.

Josh grabbed two pickaxes, getting used to their weight, swinging them around for a little while. Then hen went toward the edge of the hole peering down there.

Focusing on his two targets he swung and released both pickaxed. The gravity itself was enough to give a frightening power to both pickaxes. Josh couldn\'t help but hope for the best.

He then started climbing downward. The two kobolds looked up just in time to notice two shadows aiming for their heads, approaching very rapidly. That was the last thing they both saw before their heads exploded akin to a watermelon sending gory bits all over the place.

One thing for sure was that it was impossible to clean this mess. Anyone coming remotely nearby would see it. Josh quickly headed inside.

After journeying for a few minutes, appeared before him a throne room. The glowing mushrooms did make the place less…regal. In there were a dozen kobolds kneeling in front of an old blind kobold on a throne, a shabby one made of coarse iron. The creature\'s skin looked discolored.

As soon as Josh entered, one turned its head, but he quickly dashed over ending them all with a quick strike to the neck. That left him alone with the blind kobold. He seemed to sense that something was amiss, probably thanks to the smell of blood.

<Blind Kobold lv 1> His level was special, to say the least. Josh didn\'t let it time to do anything as he dashed toward it before grabbing the creature. The old kobold didn\'t even move in his arms only softly calling for help in a broken voice that seemed especially old.

Now what? Was Josh simply supposed to wait? He had captured the target.

"System, I\'ve completed the mission. What are you waiting for?"

That\'s when Josh suddenly felt something. Something he was very familiar with, killing intent. Quickly and violently throwing the old kobold, Josh backed away. Just in time to see it slash with a dagger. It had been aiming for Josh\'s heart and would have accurately pierced it had he been careless.

Josh chuckled slightly as he inspected the old kobold once more. <Blind Kobold lv 15??> "Nice try, old thing. Now shall we play?" Josh simply dashed toward the creature, but then he abruptly stopped before falling back. He has seen the playful look of his adversary.

That\'s when Josh picked up a nearby corpse throwing it at the enemy. Pushed from the impact it dropped the open vial that it was hiding in its hand. Picking a glowing mushroom Josh threw it toward the creature.

Only then with the added lighting did he notice clearly the almost invisible cloud surrounding it. Poison. That was why it was hoping that Josh would charge at it. Said poison cloud was slowly dissipating to the dismay of the creature.

Only then did it start to panic. Josh still decided to be safe, he kept throwing dead kobolds. How many kobold corpses does it take to kill another living kobold? Well, in this case, 3 to completely immobilize it and a pickaxe to the face to thoroughly terminate it. Josh could hear the cries of despair of the monster that knew his end was imminent as the pickaxe was flying toward its head. Then it exploded.

Josh wouldn\'t have pity for such a thing, no matter how many emotions it showed. The creature had tried to sneak attack him. One could argue Josh was the invader, but honestly, he gave no fuck either.

[Capture target dead, mission failed!]

"Nope, the mission never specified dead or alive. The target is so captured it\'s impossible for it to run anymore."

[Capture target-]

"Dead AND captured! Now, update your software and note it as completed!"

[Punishment mission: Kobold Onslaught- Recalibration, Mission successful Punishment Aborted!]

"Wait a damn minute! Kobold Onslaught?! That sounds fun! Note the mission as a success and launch the event!"

[Error, error, error!]

"Shut up and just do it!

[Mission Accomplished! Now Starting Event Kobold Onslaught!]

"Now that\'s more like it!"

Going back to the entrance, Josh waited for the Kobold Army. Looking up he could see countless kobolds running down toward his position, from every tunnel. It was impressive how fast they had gotten the message considering there had been no report of their leader dying.

Either it was because of some magical link between them or maybe thanks to the system directly.

Then started a true slaughter. A torrent of scaly small humanoids kept invading and dying in the most efficient manner possible. Honestly, that was why Josh loved humanoids so much. A clear strike to the throat, head, or heart, and they were done.

Before long Josh was showing good progress with his new kobold wall. All until at some point they stopped coming. Sadly Josh had only killed a few hundred. He didn\'t even manage to level up. How sad was that?!

They kept dropping Kobold Pickaxes all over the place. Some were considered items and some were not. Either way, they all worked well when used as projectiles. There was a certain satisfaction to be had to use the weapons of your enemies against them. There were also a few <F-Rank Kobold Helmet> dropping, yes from kobolds that didn\'t wear armor...

The dwellings of the kobolds were rather plain. So plain that Josh didn\'t believe that anything could truly live there. Once more it confirmed that this was but a game, except that the players were real. But this Floor showed way more realism than some others. Maybe one day there would appear a Floor with its complete ecosystem.

Now, would the kobolds respawn? Since he had explored every nook and cranny of the place Josh went out of the area. He had made sure to remember where the best footholds were.

He couldn\'t help but laugh out loud when he saw miners exiting their city about an hour later. They did so without a worry in the world as if it was just morning. Oh, he would have lots of fun.

Now that Josh had tried the quiet and sneaky approach, it was time for the brute force one. He would speed run this! Josh simply went as fast as he could without even bothering about the stunned kobold guards.

Running on the small pathway leading to the chief\'s place he came down just as the two elite guards tried to intercept him. A boot in the face later they fell down as Josh continued his journey. A few instants later he was running sword in hand toward the blind kobold before plunging it in its heart.

That is when the other kobolds in the room all took out vials. Josh\'s face couldn\'t help but change. These enemies he had disregarded ended up being poison masters too! Oh crap! Running away while holding his breath he killed a few, but then another made a poison cloud appear once more.

Fleeing at full speed Josh had to deal with a Kobold Onslaught. Except, this time around he couldn\'t simply hold a defensive position. Every other minute a kobold would throw poison at him sending him running some more.

He had to push against the flow of enraged kobolds as he escaped. It wasn\'t anything Josh couldn\'t handle. Still, it was a HUGE pain in the ass! It took him a long time of running all around until he could finally level up. Now, anyone sane would have instantly teleported out. But Josh wouldn\'t let it end like that.

Instead, Josh waited for the respawn. This time he wouldn\'t commit the same mistake. Before long they were back. Without waiting Josh rushed in there, bypassed the first sentries, bypassed the elite guards, entered the throne room, murdered all of these annoying poison masters, and then turned to the blind kobold to….it was gone. What the hell?! How?!

That is when Josh noticed that there was a hidden mechanism in the throne. One where a kobold could slide in to run. Where did it lead? Josh had no idea. But he didn\'t have time to figure it out. No, instead he had to kill the kobold onslaught that for some reason was provoked once more.

It took a while to kill them all, but this time the effort was pretty relaxing. Then started the search for the goddamn kobold. Josh finally found it. Except it didn\'t look anything similar to before. No, he found a blind miner. One that tried fighting back with its dagger but only ended up dead.

Josh couldn\'t help but think that this Floor had been slightly entertaining as he teleported out. As soon as he was out, he heard the constant Beeping of his UW. Apparently, both Dale and the people from Draconic had sent him lots of messages. Quickly glancing at it he noticed they were making a fuss about Josh\'s trip to the Black Squad.

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