
Chapter 125: Negotiations with Gods

Chapter 125: Negotiations with Gods


Zudithe, the God of Space, and Judith, the Goddess of Time had appeared out of nowhere in both Axitl\'s Divine Realm and Abraddon\'s Divine Realm.

It was incredibly sudden, and just when Axitl had decided to end this conversation by letting Frank keep Orb.

"Zudithe…? Old man, what do you want?" asked Axitl with a bit of bewilderment of having her personal space invaded.

"Ah, come on, Axitl, for old time\'s sake," said Zudithe.

"No! Go away! I do not want any proposal from you! You\'re also the weirdest of the Gods, with your weird galaxy-body or whatever…" said Axitl.

"T-That hurts a bit… I am not that weird… right?" asked Zudithe.

"Don\'t listen to her, my brother," said Abraddon.

"A-Anyways… It is nice to meet you, Frank," said Judith, as she glanced at the surprised boy in front of her.

"...You know me?" asked Frank.

"But of course, each time you came to this world and left it, we always sensed it," said Judith.

"Hm, we aren\'t the God of Space and the Goddess of Time for nothing," said Zudithe.

"Since the day you were teleported to our world that we had been watching you over, to see if you were truly a danger or not. But it seems that your influence hasn\'t been negative and that you\'re a good-natured man," said Judith.

"Indeed, you also possess the ability to go through worlds almost instantly, which surprises even us. And even more, you seem to have some kind of time dilation and hasten effect, which makes the worlds you are in make their time go faster compared to other worlds… It is an interesting concept that we have not explored completely," said Zudithe.

"I-Is that so… Well, it is nice to meet both of you…" said Frank, he tried to smile, but his eyes were clearly tired.

The two gods noticed this and decided to hasten the proposal, as they sensed within the Boy\'s soul a lot of exhaustion.

"Very well then, Axitl, please do hear us out," said Zudithe.

"Right… Okaaay…" said Axitl, sitting on her throne while crossing her arms and glaring elsewhere, clearly annoyed.

The two Gods seemed to have been observing at Frank this whole time, but instead of intervening or telling him to stop coming, as Frank would have guessed, they deemed him as someone that meant no harm to Terra, and let him do as he pleased.

However, as trouble arose by Axitl in the time that he stole her Dungeon, they began to plan something.

What if they could finally bond more with Axitl, while also making everyone happy?

And the plan they had come out with was just that, or even more.

"Our proposal is quite simple, and it will benefit both parties," said Zudithe.

"Indeed. What we have come out with is a bit complicated…" said Judith.

"But we will make sure to explain things out properly," said Zudithe.

"Well speak!" said Axitl.

"Axitl, we know that you possess the ability to create Dungeons and that you\'re growing strong through absorbing the energy they produce. I bet this is why you got angry over Frank, right?" asked Zudithe.

"Well yeah, he stole my power source! Well… one of them… A truly little one…" said Axitl.

"But because the power source is a person now, you can\'t simply force her to do as you please, right?" asked Judith.

"Yes… More or less, I… Well, I… She can do whatever she wants, I do not care. I just do not want this brat to touch my other dungeons… I mean he can go to them and explore and do all the things mortals like to do… But don\'t take my dungeons away from me!" said Axitl.

"Yes, yes, our proposal will not take away none of your Dungeons, in fact, it will even strengthen them!" said Zudithe.

"You can even gain more power from it," said Judith.

"E-Eh? Is that so?" asked Axitl.

"How is that possible and where do I go in this?" asked Frank.

"Well, let\'s just resume what we wanted to say," said Zudithe.

"Yeah. We want Frank to use his powers and combine them with Axitl, so dungeons that connect to our world can be created in the worlds that Frank visits," said Judith.

"This way, a constant source of Divine Power can be acquired as you create more and more dungeons across worlds, and our world Origin Core will grow stronger as well," said Zudithe.

"Eh?! That\'s… I never thought about that! Wait, Origin Core?! The Divine Power from my Dungeons is mine!" said Axitl.

"Yeah, but if you want our help to widen your influence and power, even more, you will have to share your power with us, which we will use to strengthen our Origin Core, that of Terra," said Zudithe.

"After all, this is more like a deal. We will not do all of this only for your sake, Axitl. However, you will be greatly benefited from this while losing absolutely nothing in exchange," said Judith.

"And the boy will also grow stronger from that," said Zudithe.

"I see… But… aren\'t dungeons dangerous? I don\'t want to bring harm to other worlds…" said Frank.

"Dungeons can be seen as dangerous or also as sources of resources and strength to people. People from another world that is already accustomed to monsters will not find dungeons as a bad thing, as they will hunt inside of it, and monsters will gather in a single space instead of spreading all over. Dungeons are a good place to gather all the monsters, so they don\'t step outside and end up harming innocent people that are not prepared to fight them," said Zudithe.

"This is why it would be better if you only created dungeons in places where you know that people are strong enough to confront them, if not, you can simply decide to not do so," said Judith.

"I see… It does make sense," said Frank.

"That\'s… A bit of a stretch! But… I like the idea! Although I will have to share the gains, I will get a lot from that! And I can spread my influence all across… the cosmos! Wait, isn\'t this pretty amazing?! This kid is better than I imagined then!" laughed Axitl, giving Frank a cheeky grin, imagining countless people across the universe worshiping her as the Goddess of Dungeons.

"But how are you planning to do this?" asked Frank.

"Well, pretty easy, we already figured the formula to create Dungeon Cores, so we can simply create one with Axitl\'s help, and we can adjust them through the knowledge we had gathered," said Zudithe.

"We can adjust them so there are more entities where the energy gathered goes. These new Dungeons will be giving energy to Axitl, you, and the Origin Core. Axitl will get 50%, while the Origin Core and Frank will get the 25%..." said Judith.

"Hmm… I get the most of it? Alright then, I accept! Fufu, you really know how to convince me, huh?" laughed Axitl.

"It is good enough for me…" said Frank.

"Then it\'s decided!" said Zudithe.

"Indeed, it was easier than I imagined, I am rather glad that all of you are rather understandable people," said Judith.

"Fufu, don\'t mention it! I am a very understandable and logical woman!" said Axitl.

"(I don\'t know about that…)" thought Frank.

"We can start with Orb, can we?" asked Zudithe.

"Eh? Orb? But you will have to ask her, if she says no, you will have to accept her decision," said Frank.

"Very well then, Orb-san, you\'ve already heard everything, right?" asked Judith.

"A-Ah…! Yes… And sorry but I don\'t want to… I want all of my power to be for Frank-sama… S-Sorry…" said Orb.

"What a pity, but it\'s understandable…" said Zudithe.

"Well, that should be it, for now, later on, we will go to Axitl\'s Divine Realm to generate the new Dungeon Core," said Judith.

"Wait… I\'ve changed my mind," said Axitl.

"Eh?" asked the gods and even Frank and Orb.

"Boy… Frank, right? Conquer my dungeons," said Axitl.

"…What?!" asked Frank.

Out of nowhere, Axitl had requested Frank to… conquer her Dungeons?!

Even when she had been so stubborn about not sharing them, she suddenly changed her mind out of nowhere!

"I got a deal with you to hasten things up. We will adjust each dungeon you conquer in here by the rules these two said. And in exchange for each dungeon you take over in Terra, you gotta pay with another dungeon for me in another world! Like it?" asked Axitl, she smiled mischievously at Frank\'s eyes.

"Oh? Interesting proposal…" said Zudithe.

"I didn\'t think about that… But only someone like Axitl would ever create such a deal," said Judith.

"Oh right, make sure to spread my influence if you can gather a few believers maybe too~," said Axitl leisurely.

"(Believers?! Am I her Apostle or something now?! But… if I can take a bit of the power of each Dungeon, then it would be of great help to heal my soul and strengthen it as well… I am sure that I can set some Dungeons in places on Earth where people do not usually go, or even if I could talk things out with Matsuo- Oh, I have left that place in ruins and the corpses of… Sigh… I have a lot to deal with first before I even begin doing anything on Earth, but maybe I could simply go to another world that is not Earth and leave dungeons there…)" thought Frank.

"Alright, fine… But do not take it for granted," said Frank.

"Huh?!" asked Axitl.

"I will not do it immediately either, so don\'t take it for granted…" said Frank.

"What with that cold stare?! But okay, very well then!" said Axitl while blushing for a bit.

The God of Space and the Goddess of Time smiled as their proposal seemed to be accepted.

"For now, you can go back to rest, Frank," said Zudithe.

"Indeed, thank you very much for accepting our idea," said Judith.

"Don\'t worry about that. It is the least I could do, after all, you could have simply ejected me out of this world but instead let me stay and only observed me, thanks a lot," said Frank.

"No worries," said Zudithe.

"A-Ahem… I… Can I say my opinion?" asked Abraddon, who had been watching this the whole time!

"Abraddon! You\'ve been so silent that we thought you were sleeping or something," laughed Zudithe.

"I think that this idea is interesting, but I believe that I should also be given the knowledge about creating Dungeon Cores…" said Abraddon.

"Oh?" asked Zudithe.

"Well, I\'ve found it quite unfair that Axitl will cater all of the power, while we, the Gods that created her and this world are starving for energy. Energy for worship is getting less and less as our people lose their beliefs in us due to our lack of activities, which are already related to our lack of energy… Perhaps other Gods are fine in their little nations where their people are incredibly fanatic, but not in mine… I know I am being selfish with this…" said Abraddon.

The Gods glanced at each other, as Axitl seemed a tad bit annoyed.

"Meh, teach him, I don\'t care anymore. Even if he begins to create his own Dungeons, I do not care much, my Dungeons have monopolized the world already," said Axitl.

"Thanks, Axitl…" said Abraddon as he lowered his head.

"Very well then! We\'ll teach you!" said Zudithe.

"But this is something that only Gods should know. So Frank-kun, go to sleep now, my child," said Judith, kissing Frank\'s forehead as he disappeared from Abraddon\'s Divine Realm.

Frank was instantly sent back to his body, where he finally could resume his sleep…

However, he felt a strange amount of power surging on his soul…

The kiss on his forehead that Judith, the Goddess of Time gave to him was not just that…

"She… gave me a bit of her Divine Power? With this… maybe my soul can recover faster… But why?" wondered Frank, as he fell into complete slumber.

The Gods kept chatting as Abraddon pointed out something.

"Actually… Have you noticed? My wound is gone…" said Abraddon.

"Oh!" said Zudithe and Judith in surprise.

"Come to think about it, right…" said Axitl.

"Well, Frank did it," said Abraddon.



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