
Chapter 33 - A Stupid Name

Chapter 33 - A Stupid Name

"Did you have dinner yet, my little Lina?" Lawrence asked the second Lina picked up the phone.

"Don\'t tell me you called just to ask me that, Grandfather," Lina mused whilst taking a seat on her bed.

"Hmph, always grandfather and never grandpa," Lawrence grumbled, shifting in his office chair to get more comfortable.

His gaze landed upon his eldest son, the current chairman of Yang Enterprise, who was pouring himself his daily dosage of vitamins.

"I still do not understand why you\'ve grown out of calling me grandpa," Lawrence said in an irritated voice.

Even so, Lawrence was holding a picture of the two of them. This image was usually propped up on his desk. In the picture, she was clinging onto his leg and grinning up at him whilst he reluctantly patted her head.

Lina laughed. "Well, I\'ve grown up, so I have to grow out of nicknames—"

"It is hardly a nickname," Lawrence deadpanned. "Arguing with you on that is like talking to a wall."

"Are you the wall, then, Grandfather?" Lina innocently asked.

"Hah!" Lawrence barked a laugh, leaning back in his chair.

Had anyone else said that to him, he\'d have ordered them to kneel and beg for forgiveness. But this was his dear granddaughter. The most he\'d do is give a smack on the hand.

"It is you who\'s dense as a wall," Lawrence said.

Lawrence took a glance at the newspaper resting on his desk, of yesterday\'s incidents where a numb Lina was seen with a worried Everett. The two looked like a handsome pair of star-crossed lovers. He hoped Everett would die as tragically as Romeo, whereas Juliet magically lives.

"Right…" Lina trailed off. "Well, what have you called me for, Grandfather?"

"What? A grandpa can\'t talk to his granddaughter?"

"No, I just—"

"Well, since you\'ve asked so nicely, I must tell you it is because I\'ve yet to see a charge on the card I gave you. Care to explain?" Lawrence demanded.

Lina slowly blinked. Once. Twice. Surely, her busy grandfather wouldn\'t have called for such a simple reason. Right…?

Despite being retired from the company, her grandfather was still a powerful and busy man.

Lawrence was usually golfing with his old friends, but in reality continued to branch the company whilst maintaining his relations. Though, he didn\'t need to work hard on doing the latter, for people were naturally drawn to him.

"Well, I just didn\'t find anything that suited my taste," Lina lied.

Lina didn\'t want to be indebted to her grandfather, even though he\'d never accept favors from her.

"What kind of shabby mall did you go to then?" Lawrence complained, narrowing his eyes on his eldest son. That damn idiot. How could he let a photo of Lina be leaked in public like that?

"Actually, it was the one owned by DeHaven Conglomerate… the most popular mall in Ritan, grandfather," Lina said.

At the mention of DeHaven Conglomerate, Lawrence narrowed his eyes. Now that he remembered… He heard rumors circulating about Lina and that audacious Young Master.

"Hmph, isn\'t it run by what\'s-his-name again?" Lawrence hummed whilst rubbing his chin.

"You mean—"

"Ah, right, Keydon or something," Lawrence muttered. "Such a stupid name, if you\'d ask me."

Lina lightly laughed. "Grandfather—"

"Anyways," Lawrence grumbled. "Spend my card soon. I will not repeat myself."


"I heard you recently owe a favor to your ""Uncle"" for acquiring a car. Consider that favor paid by his failure to keep you safe," Lawrence added on, glowering at his eldest son when he dared to object.

"Father, Evelyn herself requested the photos to be released, claiming Lina gave consent," his eldest replied.

"Who was that?" Lina asked, hearing her mother\'s name, but no context. She finally realized her uncle was in the same room as her grandfather.

"Nothing you should worry about," Lawrence told her.

As much as Lawrence raised her on tough love, it was still love, and he wanted to protect her. Evelyn had already done so much harm to Lina, Lawrence didn\'t want his precious granddaughter to discover another betrayal. Especially after Evelyn was severely punished by his visit today.

"If it\'s about the photos," Lina began. "I know it was ""Mother""."

"And why do you think so?" Lawrence asked, nodding in approval at how quick-witted and intelligent she was. It was why he adored Lina so much. She resembled him the most. It was a trait that everyone pointed out and he took pride in.

"Well, you showed up for an unexpected visit and Everett seems to be in cahoots with my ""Mother""… I put the two and two together. Not to mention, my mother would be the only person who\'d want the photo to spread," Lina said.

"Smart girl," Lawrence said.

"Heh, I know," Lina gloated.

Lawrence let out a small hmph at her arrogance. She was so similar to him, it was scary at times.

"Well, I will let you do with this information as you will," Lawrence said. "It is late and you should be asleep now."

"But it\'s only nine at night—"

"Little girls should sleep early."


"Good night," Lawrence said.


"I said good night," Lawrence deadpanned, hanging up the phone before she could try to argue about the black card. He knew she would.

Lina let out a sigh and glanced at her phone. Her grandfather was always like this. Pushy at times, but it only showed how much he cared for her.

Setting her phone down, Lina couldn\'t help but wonder if she was truly her mother\'s daughter.

With nothing to say and nothing in her stomach, Lina tiredly collapsed onto the bed, exhausted from today\'s events.

Lina closed her eyes and began to consider the possibility that she was swapped at birth. The more she thought about it, the more she began to fall asleep.

"Hey, if you don\'t go down for dinner, mom will have it thrown away," Milo said, poking his head through the door.

Milo was surprised to see his sister passed out in her bed, but said nothing. Letting out a small sigh, he approached her unconscious body, grabbed the fur comforter slung over the couch, and laid it over her.

"Fine," Milo sighed. "Good night then."

Milo glanced at her sleeping face, tense and taut, as if she knew the storm coming for her tomorrow.

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