
Chapter 255 - An Immortal

Chapter 255 - An Immortal

"It\'s too late," Lina finally confessed. "Far too late."

At the exact moment, a quiet knock echoed throughout the room. Theodore entered, bowed his head, and pretended not to see the kneeling man on the ground professing his love for their Madam. Theodore pretended it was an everyday occurrence. With how beautiful their Madam was, he was certain this happened more than once.

"Your chamomile tea, Madam, and for our deranged guest," Theodore explained, placing the porcelain tray down. "Accompanying it are finger biscuits and cookies."

Atlantis dryly glanced at the aging butler, who had never once looked at him. Without another word, Theodore bowed again and exited the room quietly.

"I meant what I said," Lina informed Atlantis. She yanked her hand back. "It\'s too late. Enjoy your tea and leave."



Lina wasn\'t sure if she was repulsed by his confession or heartbroken by his expression. He resembled a wounded puppy. This man was attempting to appear as docile as a lamb, but neither one of them believed that. He was one of the most ferocious men she knew. A raven would be a better description for him.

It humored Lina.

A dove, a raven, and a hawk. Two predators and one prey.

"Let my heart bleed on the ground then," Atlantis suddenly said.

Lina\'s eyes flashed. He rose to his feet, grabbed her violently by the shoulders, his gaze trembling. She struggled in his grasp, her heart threatening to jump out of her chest. She was worried he\'d do something. He looked like a mad man. She thought he\'d hit her, maybe. Or be a cliched scorned lover—force a kiss.

Atlantis looked her dead in the eye. She froze, the breath leaving her lungs. Despite the heartbreak in his stare, he didn\'t do anything. It was almost as if he was searching her eyes for the truth. That maybe, just maybe, a part of her loved him beyond a friendship. When he received the answer he wanted, he was completely shattered by it.

Lina had to make her feelings clear to him, especially at this moment. He deserved the truth.

"I never sent you the invite," Lina said. "I love the man on the invitation. I love him so much, I\'m willing to pour my heart on the ground for him to stomp on. I love him beyond words, I love him, Atlantis, and nothing you do or say can convince me otherwise."

"But something he does or says can convince you of otherwise," Atlantis suddenly told her, watching as she wavered in confusion.

Atlantis believed he knew something she did not. He knew Kaden was immortal. He knew a human girl like her would never be able to accept that. He wondered if she knew all Pure-Bloods possessed an ability. And Kaden was no exception.

"Would you have loved me if he never came into the picture?" Atlantis shot back.

"I think I loved him long before I knew of his existence."

At this, Atlantis was completely broken beyond repair. His heart couldn\'t even be considered bleeding. The poor thing was stomped into thousands of tiny shards that could never be placed back together. His throat tightened. His chest pricked. He felt an uncomfortable weight on his shoulders.

Atlantis let out a shaky breath, released her, and then, did something she never thought he would. Atlantis hung his head in defeat.

"I\'ll never stop loving you, even if there is a bullet through my heart," Atlantis softly said.

Then, without another word, Atlantis turned and headed for the door. Lina watched his figure leave, tall and broad. He could shoulder the world, but not a heartbreak. She didn\'t realize, in this exact moment, that she was his world. And without it, he was nothing.

"If you ever need me," Atlantis said, from the doorway, glancing back for a final moment. "I\'m always a phone call away, Lina. Always."

Lina doubted there would ever be a moment she\'d call him for help. Why would she? It wasn\'t like Kaden was going to betray her. She felt the ring on her finger burn.

Atlantis saw her gaze. She lowered her head to look at her ring. He could barely keep his composure. She was so beautiful, she stole the breath from his lungs, and bled him dry. Her hair cascaded softly over her shoulders and down her back. She revealed a slither of her neck, long and lean like a graceful swan. Her lashes fluttered when her fingers, thin like jade, brushed the ruby ring. His heart ached. She had grown up and changed, whilst he remained the boy that held her hand and pulled her from the bullies.

"Don\'t let the door hit you on the way out," Lina sardonically said.

"There will never be a goodbye between us," Atlantis suddenly declared. "I will always be here for you, even if you do not need me to."

At this moment, Lina knew one thing. Lina could murder Atlantis a thousand times, and he\'d never lift a weapon to her. The truth shattered her.

- - - - -

When Atlantis departed from the living room, he was met with the final boss. The man stood by the entrance, a hand on his tie, and the other resting on his side. Kaden was deathly still. He wore a detached and distant expression, his skin pale, and his features sharp.

At the sight of Atlantis, Kaden\'s eyes didn\'t even change. Instead, he went back to loosening his tie. Neither man said anything, despite the fiery tension in the air.

Kaden didn\'t need to say anything. He didn\'t need to warn Atlantis to stay away from his woman. He was self-assured that he had Lina in his grasp. She was in his arms, not another man\'s.

"You better cherish her whilst you still can," Atlantis said whilst brushing past him. "You may have her now, but I\'ve known her longer than you have."

Kaden couldn\'t even refute that claim. Long before the Seventh Prince of Ritan met Lina, Atlan was by her side. Perhaps that was what infuriated Kaden. The fact that another man had her first.

Without warning, Kaden grabbed Atlantis by the collar. He yanked him close, his eyes burning a lethal red. Atlantis let out a bark of laughter, despite not being amused.

"Killing you would be like child\'s play," Kaden murmured.

"Does she still make that little noise?" Atlantis taunted.

Kaden\'s eyes flashed. He knew exactly what Atlantis was talking about.

"Little?" Kaden repeated with a sardonic and sly smile. "All she does is scream."

At this, Atlantis\' expression became murderous. His jaw tightened, despite provoking Kaden first.

"You son of a—" Atlantis controlled himself. He willed every cell in his body to calm down. This was not his plan.

"I know you\'re immortal," Atlantis suddenly said.

Kaden let out a soft laugh. The doors in front of him clicked open. He made eye contact with Lina. Her face paled as if she was caught red-handed cheating on him. Then, without warning, he slammed his fist into Atlantis\' face.

Lina let out a scream as Atlantis staggered backward, blood dripping down his nose, his lip split on the spot. But she remained frozen in place, not racing to his aid. That was all Kaden needed to know. That was all either man needed to see.

Atlantis supposed he deserved that punch for attempting to take Lina with him. Instead of saying anything, Atlantis let out a cunning laugh. Kaden might\'ve gotten the last hit, but Atlantis won the war.. He had found what the King of Wraith wanted all along—an immortal.

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