
Chapter 267 - For You And Your Wife

Chapter 267 - For You And Your Wife

George could do nothing, but watch the entire scene unfold. He pressed his lips together and analyzed the woman\'s expression. Amidst the loving confession, she had the face of someone sitting in a torture chamber.

The private jet was worth millions with hundreds of thousands spent on jet fuel. The comfort of this jet was beyond luxurious. It was the latest model, harnessing all the latest technology so it was the safest plane in the sky.

Yet, Lina appeared petrified and disturbed, cold sweat lining her forehead, and her eyes filled with uncertainty. It was only after she ran off to the bathroom did George comment something.

"Boss, she looked like she was held at gunpoint when you proposed to her," George grumbled whilst flipping the page to a recent report.

Atlantis scowled at his most trusted employee. Atlantis hired George a few months before he took the throne as Medeor Chairman. George was a long-time friend of Atlantis when they were studying abroad. The characteristics were evident in George\'s blond hair and hazel eyes.

"She looked fine," Atlantis bit out, his voice lowering.

George paused his reading. He briefly glanced up and then back down. He had never seen Atlantis lose his temper before. In all the years he\'d known him, only one woman was able to bring out such emotions. George would know. He was there to witness Atlantis\' fury when Lina Yang was publicly shamed as a whore who tempted two heirs.

Everything within Atlantis\' path was wrecked. From flat screen TVs to alcohol worth thousands, not a single thing was unscathed.

"Are you going to keep the ring?" George leisurely commented.

George began to highlight the important lines in the report that raised his red flags like the allocation of funds. When he heard his good friend was inheriting such a large company, he knew it was too good to be true. There were many loose ends that had to be tied up and embezzlement was at an all-time high.

"Unless you can open that jet window for me to toss the ring into the ocean, then yes, I am," Atlantis grumbled, crossing his arms and peering at the report.

Recently, Atlantis was able to harvest major organs to meet the extreme shortage. As such, demand for his supplies sharply increased, hospitals were quickly phoning Medeor Conglomerate day and night, and business was booming. Atlantis\' empire would soon be covered in bloody regime, but they were all criminals. He believed the world would not miss them.

"You can always flush it into the toilet," George commented. "But the ring is worth millions. Better to sell it and buy a new house with it. Your financial advisor heavily recommended investing in the properties that Yang Enterprise is beginning to build. Word on the street—"

"Is the money going to Lina\'s pocket?"

"No…?" George hesitatingly said. "Why does it matter—"

"Then never mind."

"But Boss, those properties are going to be astronomical with the relocation of Ritan\'s best school district and—"

"Ma\'am? Ma\'am, are you alright?!"

Atlantis\' head snapped to the bathroom doors. He shot out of his chair at the sight of Lina on her knees. She was tightly gripping her forehead, unable to respond to the flight attendant.

"Out of my way!" Atlantis snarled, shoving the woman aside to grab a hold of his.

"What\'s wrong, Linlin?" Atlantis pressed, grabbing her by the shoulders. "Talk to me, I\'m here."

Lina could barely respond. Her breathing quickened and her eyes were squeezed shut. She gritted her teeth, feeling as if she was being run over by a truck. Her head was pounding with a skull-splitting migraine. Even her jaws began to hurt, her ears ringing off the charts, and everything became blurry. She could hear voices in the distance, but couldn\'t focus on anything.


His name left her mouth o its own accord. Whether it was out of reflex or not, she continued to call for him.


Atlantis nearly shattered his teeth from how tightly he clenched them. He tried his hardest not to dig his nails into her skin. No matter what he did or said, her conscience would not submit to him. Kaden must\'ve etched himself deep within her heart and brain.

"He\'s the reason you\'re in this mess," Atlantis warned Lina. "Kaden won\'t be here to help you. I will. Your Lanlan is here to help. So tell me, what\'s hurting?"

Lina couldn\'t respond. She physically couldn\'t control her body. Finally, when the pain was too much, her eyes rolled back and she slumped forward.


Atlantis shot George a terrifying glare. He never wanted such dirty words to be uttered around his precious Lina. Ever.

- - - - -

The plane ride took twelve hours. The car ride from the airport to the castle was another hour. During the entire time, Lina was unconscious.

Atlantis had to check she was breathing every fifteen minutes. He was terrified she wasn\'t. Once they arrived at the castle, a grand red carpet was rolled out for him. Soldiers came out, armed with long pistol guns, tailored uniforms, and held up their weapons to form a bridge, per tradition. The guards greeted him like one of the most important men in Wraith, and that was something, considering he wasn\'t royalty.


"Your Majesty," Atlantis muttered in greeting, never once bowing his head.

The tall and powerful Pure-Blood took a good look at his companion. He breathed in and his nose crinkled. Atlantis reeked of a human girl.

"Where is the immortal?"

"He\'s not here yet, Your Majesty," Atlantis stated, opening the car door to reveal Lina. "But I have his sole weakness. He\'ll be here soon."

The King narrowed his eyes upon the tiny little thing in the vehicle. She was limp against the car window. He noticed the lack of restraints. Did she come here on her own?

"Did you kidnap the pitiful thing?"

"Pitiful?" Atlantis repeated, his lips twitching in amusement. "I see our Queen has made great progress with your emotions."

"I\'ve always made progress," the King snapped, almost irritated at being questioned.

"Now, now, Elias, Atlantis is right," a soft voice said, appearing beside him. Dressed in a Tiffany blue gown, she was the complete opposite to her dark and dreary husband. At first glance, one would think they witnessed an angel.

"Your Grace," Atlantis instantly greeted, placing a hand to his chest and bowing in greeting.

"All formalities aside," the Queen uttered. "I do hope you didn\'t kidnap an innocent girl, Atlantis."

"Rest assured, Your Grace. She came here willingly…" Atlantis trailed off, hearing rustling behind him. He turned in time to see Lina shift in her sleep.

"But let\'s speak elsewhere," Atlantis concluded.

"Of course," the Queen eloquently said, a small smile on her face.

Atlantis\' heart was bewitched by another, but even he couldn\'t deny the Queen of her beauty. Everyone always stared at her for a few seconds longer than necessary.

"The guest rooms have already been prepared, two just as you\'ve requested. One for you and George, whilst the other is—"

"Pardon me, Your Grace, but George will be in his own room," Atlantis calmly explained, a slow smile spreading on his lips.

The Queen blinked. Once. twice. Then, she shifted her attention back to the human girl. Finally, amidst the darkness of the car, she saw it. The glimmer was faint, but even from afar, one couldn\'t deny the jewel. Medeor\'s family heirloom.

"Oh, alright then," the Queen said, brushing off her hesitation. "One room for George.. One room for you and your wife."

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