
Chapter 189 See You Again (Part 5)

"Humans doubt about what they feel because they are human. If I don\'t convince myself that the emotions that I felt are real, then I wouldn\'t have felt anything at all to begin with," Adam to talk again—yet another monologue, but he knew that someone was listening.

Adam understood the first thing that differentiated a human and any higher tier beings out there—They understood how the Autonomousity worked. In the first place, every beings created by God of Creation should be equal, so the existence of these entities were a form of anomaly. They managed to find a way to change the natural order of things and ascend into a higher realm of existence.

In that case, even if someone managed to gather the fragments, it was not like anyone could become a God, or so Adam concluded. Things weren\'t that simple. It was impossible for a simple human to do this, and there was no need for a human to do such a thing in the first place, if everything followed the natural order of things like how everything should have been.

That was when Adam remembered about another detail. The corruption.

"I am surprised! You are more intelligent that you appeared to be… No, your intelligence is not that outstanding, but you continue to think you continue to think constantly," the Emperor said through Liu. It looked like he had hard time following Adam\'s thinking process. A while ago, he wasn\'t even thinking about nothing at all, and all of sudden, he managed to solve one the mystery of the universe.

"No, all of the hints were always there, I just needed to think, and think again. Looking for a connection between all of them. Pride\'s words and his existence, the vision, the mystical world, the authorities, the corruption. And I will do the same with you… I should have enough information to deal with you now, but you are not alone. What are you planning to do with the tree fragments? What\'s Amelia\'s function in all of this? Who are you working with and what is your goal?" Adam continued, showing no change of expression.

He was also, at the same time, blocking the attacks of the four puppets, without even showing any hint of exhaustion. He didn\'t even let the thought cross his mind as the Emperor would immediately notice.

Boom! Swoosh! Fwoosh! Five elements were manipulated to become destructive forces, capable of destroying a whole planet—and Adam was facing all of them alone.

Heat—so intense that it would melt a planet if the user was strong enough to extend their domain to such extent—The same with the cold. As for the the lighting, it was one of the destructive force of nature, and could split a planet into two. As for the earth particles, they were the most unpredictable of all, creating a new metal that only existed in the most hidden corner of the ensemble of everything that exist—the Voidium; a metal that almost as heavy as a black hole.

Using their respective ability, the four puppets didn\'t hold back and used their full power. The destruction spread, and all of the floating Island in the surrounding were disintegrated one after another.

The air was not even breathable anymore, and a human would vanish just by standing at a few kilometers around this deadly battleground. Fortunately, the battle took place above ground, but even so, the ground below was often struck by a destructive lightning, and lava were raining down like meteorites. It was the first time that such a battle took place within the Empire\'s territory.

Adam, the one who were targeted by these attacks, didn\'t feel any fear in his heart, nor did the thought of losing or dying crossed his mind. He dealt with the situation without wasting any more power than needed. As such, he coated his body with a layer of Antimatter. Now that Adam understood the nature of the Creation and Destruction authority, he just made use of the the Nothingness around him. The Creation ability modeled the Nothingness in order to create something from it. As such, everything that existed was also a form Nothingness, and he could control if as long as he fulfilled certain condition. In exchange of Verte, he was able to actiavte Authorities. However, he could only activate them and use a little bit of their power before exhausting all of his vitality.

For someone who was still a human, Adam\'s ability was retrained by the Natural Order of thing. One of the rules of natural order of things was \'the equivalent exchange—The three others were, order, possibility and impossibility, and material and immaterial.

The authority of Autonomousity keep everything as how they should be. In exchange for more power, a person must fulfill all of the conditions, as long as they existed inside of this universe created by the God of Creation.

Order. The person must follow the order of things pre-established, progressing from zero to ten. That was why, jumping to ten, for example when it comes to acquiring a new power, would just cause the person\'s death. That was the natural outcome, and natural order. After life comes death.

Possibility and Impossibility. Someone could possibly turn a rock into a bread, and the possibility of a rock turning into a bread was not existent either. However, these possibility couldn\'t be turned into reality unless the person possesses the ability to change the atomic composition of the rock. As such, the authority of Autonomousity would not allow a normal person to turn his wish into a reality, making it an impossibility.

This also shows that a being who progress to the next level of their existence would just be given an the aptitude to manipulate the Autonomousity in order to make their imagination into reality. However, for their to happen, they must feel the condition needed for the exchange. What did it take for the Autonomousity to let someone change a rock into a bread? What kind of things they needed to be aware of? What kind of energy was needed in the process? The authority of Automousity would deem a person unworthy if they didn\'t even understand how to make their wish a reality. Because, that would mean that were incapable of making it a reality.

"In that case, it would be also possible for a higher being to change what kind of imagination a lower being can turn into reality, as long as they fulfill the condition required. What Pride did make sense now. My first dedication about that matter was wrong. Creating two abilities for a limited amount of time in exchange for his existence—His existence was worth that much. This is why some human can used gift and some couldn\'t. Those who were created, or not part of the original human couldn\'t use gifts because their creator didn\'t fulfill the condition," Adam muttered to himself, as if recalling all of the thinking that he did. As long as he continued to think, he believed that even this conclusion might change.

Somewhere, in a room where he controls and receive information, the Emperor, his real body, felt chills.

"I see, so someone can bestow the ability to use gift to someone as long as they can fulfill certain conditions," Adam continued, but the Emperor couldn\'t read his thought anymore. "You can\'t read my thought, because even even the unseen form of electricity can\'t pass the antimatter. Your ability is really convenient and powerful, as you could just install devices that can implify these signals in order to be able to manipulate the tiny bits of electricity is inside people\'s brain, right? This was the reason why you couldn\'t read the my memory when I didn\'t think about them. You try to make it seem like you can though."

"Hahaha, I am speechless!" Indeed, the Emperor installed such device all around the universe, and with the help of technology he could amplify the signal coming from his brain, an ability that was known as telepathy, like some of kind of detector, and then he deciphered the data that he collected. He could even forcefully send data, like voice, into someone\'s head. He was a master of mental manipulation. The way he used his ability showed his intelligence.

However, Adam solved it all. He thought that he could nullify the Emperor\'s ability when he questioned Amelia on board of that ship, but he was wrong. His nullification ability couldn\'t stop this exchange of data. This was the reason why the Emperor knew about everything, and could even manage to control Crystal. His ability was like a virus that infiltrate everything that needed a certain amount electricity to function.

"So this is why you can control these puppets. A way to overcome the natural order of thing huh," Adam muttered.

The third rule of the Natural order of Things was Material and immaterial. The universe itself was divided into two, material and immaterial. Nothing can be at the same time in a material form while being immaterial. The human soul was immaterial but their body was immaterial. The soul can\'t materialize while the body was still in a material form and vice-versa. Even the so-called gods couldn\'t ignore this rule and would be subject to the rule of everything who is in material form when they take the form of a human.

As such, the one who brought Adam to this world, the one who panned everything and left all of these hints had fulfilled all of the conditions to make it happen.

A soul that contained the Creation authority, and a body that had connection with the Destruction authority. A way to prevent the person to use the power, and to protect them from themselves.

"Let\'s end this, I still have many questions that I need to ask them whoever they are. I am sure we will meet someday," Adam said, thinking about what he what he needed to next. First, he had someone to kill, no there were two of them. And also a villainess to exterminate.

"This is insane! Hahaha! I like it! I like it!" The Emperor\'s excitement showed on Liu\'s face.

"What are you talking about? It\'s not that extreme. I can\'t think of any other way for a human to be happy unless they do this much. I thought about it again and again, but the answer is the same. If every human became a God, everything would be the result of their choice—their existence, their death, and their happiness. If you have to accept what was given to you and cherish it to be happy, then I understand why I wasn\'t happy in my previous life. I couldn\'t accept that was given to me was not the same as the others. So the only option is to choose my form happiness myself, and make it happen for myself…" Adam said with an unwavering voice.

"It seems like I was wrong about you! Come!"

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