
Chapter 77

“Releassse me’¦ Or die a horrible deathhhh’¦ When my brethren arrives’¦” A deep and metallic sounding voice rang out from the red ball.

A deep chill ran down Elliot’s spine when he heard its voice.

The fact that it was able to speak so fluently in English also added many layers of mystery to the situation.

“What are you? Why did you attack me?” Elliot asked cautiously.

“I am’¦ The scariest criminal here in this game. None who angers me will live to see their next sunriseeee’¦ Releassee me, and I will spareee your life’¦” The creepy voice rang out again.

Immediately, a sense of wrongness struck Elliot.

For one thing, nobody really scary ever labeled themselves as “scariest”.

“Scary” was a kid’s word.

And for another, wasn’t its main threat about its brethren? Why did it suddenly switch to it sparing his life?

Elliot decided to play along.

“Ah! Please don’t kill me! I will release you! How do I release you?” Elliot cried out in fake panic even as he sat down casually next to it.

There was silence for a moment.

“Thereee iss a hugeeee rockkk above meeee. Movveeee it awayyyy’¦” The voice rasped.

“I can’t! It’s too big! Are you going to kill me? Please don’t kill me!” Elliot wailed and gestured for Camelia and Kara who had just walked out of the front door to remain silent.

“… ‘¦ You havee to’¦ Move it awayyy or diee!!” The voice demanded very unreasonably.

“How’¦ How do you plan to kill me?” Elliot asked with a trembling voice.

“I will’¦ Stab you with my sharp blades!” The voice threatened.

“But, you’re stuck there! How are you going to stab me?” Elliot asked again.

“I will’¦ Shoot them out of my transport! And stab your whole body with the blade!” The voice replied loudly.

“So you’re an alien fugitive, and this red ball is your transport huh?” Elliot asked in a normal voice.

“Yess!” The voice replied. “I am the scariest alien fugitive! Now obey meee!”

“How can you be scary if your transport is only one meter in diameter?” Elliot chuckled and dropped all pretense. “Morning girls! How are you doing?”

“We’re good, Elliot. What are you doing?” Camelia answered for them both and asked curiously.

“This little bugger almost killed me just now.” Elliot pointed at the red ball under his mammoth’s massive foot.

“Enough with your acting. Deactivate your ball- errr transport at once and come out.” Elliot ordered.

“I am the scari-” The voice began once more.

“If you don’t come out, I will crush your little red ball to pieces.” Elliot threatened.

There was silence for a moment before a resigned sigh sounded from the red ball.


The sound of compressed air leaving the red ball rang out and a hatch swung open.

“Ooof!” A cute little red bird the size of a regular cat rolled out of the red ball. It had a huge yellow beak, and beautiful red feathers trimmed with all sorts of colours.

Elliot’s jaw dropped. He definitely wasn’t expecting a bird to roll out of the red ball!

“Kyaaaaa! She’s soo beautiful and cute!” Camelia gushed excitedly.

“Hey there human lady.” The red bird righted itself and squawked in a birdy voice. “I’m Red Death. How YOU doing?”

“KYAAA!! IT CAN SPEAK!!” Camelia’s excited squeal turned into a scream of shock!

Elliot chuckled lightly and quickly sent the girls away to cook breakfast.

The mansion was only recently vacated, and there was still lots of food in the kitchen.

It turned around to look at Elliot. “You must be the pipsqueak who was almost peeing in his pants while talking to me huh? What’s your name, pip? Why aren’t you able to move a simple thing such as a roc’¦ WHOA! What in all of God’s creation is this massive and ugly beast!?”

It stared at the Giant Armored Mammoth for a quick second and immediately opened its mouth once more.

“No wonder my Hyper Fast Transport-slash-Fighter couldn’t shake it off! That fat beast must be at least a thousand weight units! Why on earth is it stepping on my Hyper Fast Transport-slash-Fighter? And did you happen to see a White Dragon nearby? I was pretty sure I crashed into it just now.

It’s not that big, maybe around twice as tall as you, Pip. And its completely white in colour. It must be somewhere nearby! Did you see it? Hey, say something! It’s starting to feel weird here being the only one talking!”

Elliot stared at the little red bird curiously. It was one heck of a talkative bird, and it looked pretty cute. “Hawk. Is it a beast? Can I tame it?” Elliot asked his AI.

[Unable to determine. Please allow a little bit of your bloods to mix for a complete analysis.”

“Right. Only one way to find out.” Elliot decided.

“Hey you, what’s your name?” Elliot asked.

“Hahahaha! You finally couldn’t stand it anymore huh? You had to know my name so that you’ll be able to give the image of my awesomeness in your mind a name, huh? Fine! I shall grant you the awesome privilege and blessing of knowing my name. I am a Frightful Murderous Element Spitter, and my name is Red Death!” Red Death announced loudly and proudly.

“Hawk? Is there a Frightful Murderous Element Spitter in your database?” Elliot asked.

[Negative. There is a race called Element Spitters, however. They are Avian and based in the Flame Ring System within the Eastern Universe.]

“You’re an Element Spitter huh?” Elliot nodded as he studied the red bird. “Do you want to sign a beast contract with me?”

“What? You’re offering me, the most wanted and murderous criminal of the universe, a pathetic little beast contract as though I am some lowly animal in need of help? How dare you? Who gave you the guts to-“

“I’ll let you live if you sign a contract with me.” Elliot cut in before the stupid bird could get warm in its rant.

“It’s not about life and death! I am a Frightful Murderous Element Spitter! I am worth Trillions of Currency Units! Which queen of luck did you think gave birth to you to make you think that you can sign a contract with me so easily? Who do you think you ar- Gulp.. Ehm let’s not get too hasty here’¦” Red Death sputtered as it eyed the laser gun which Elliot had suddenly taken out warily.

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