
Chapter 251 Who the freaking hell


Came the indignant cries of the monsters of the third wave.

They were actually quite powerful.

They had extremely slimy skin with a bouncy texture that would cause most attacks to slide away upon contact.

Even straight up sword thrusts would find it extremely difficult to penetrate their bouncy, rubbery skin!

Their bodies were also very resistant towards water based attacks, so Frosty and Winter would find it extremely difficult to deal with them.

Finally, they also have an extremely poisonous burp that they could unleash very suddenly and at very close range!

It was literally impossible to fight so many thousands of such enemies without getting poisoned.

If allowed get into close range combat with Elliot’s beasts, these frog-like poisonous beasts would definitely cause them no small amount of headache.

But as it turned out, they weren’t given the chance to get within a hundred meters of the tower.

None at all!

Because although their slime made them hugely resistant to water based attacks… they were oily in nature, and made them much weaker to fire based attacks!

Fire based warriors with area of effect attack like Rom and his Fire Blast would have a field day with them.

But against Jessica and her ultra-huge area of effect Black Flame Apocalypse… It was pure tragedy for the poor frogs.

Jessica’s ravenous black flames ripped into their ranks and consumed them mercilessly!

“Huh? That’s the third wave? Why does it seem like the waves are getting weaker and weaker? The Gaming Commission must be slacking off in their management. In my many long years as Game Master, I have never made such a rookie mistake!” Red commented loudly.

“Although I hate to agree with brother Red and his many overly bombastic statements, this time I think he’s right. Look, those frogs are burning up like a huge bunch of dry firewood.” Brock said in his deep voice.

“Do you have fire based attack? If you don’t, then I doubt you would be saying such things if those frogs were allowed to get into close combat with you.

Look carefully. The speed at which those frogs are burning up indicate that they are actually flammable. Flammable usually means resistant against water. Frosty and Winter’s cold damage would be useless against them.

And without Frosty’s freezing field, it would be a hell of a fight for us.” Khalendros very accurately analyzed the situation and displayed his vast experience for all to see.

The beasts ooohhed and aaahhhed in enlightenment and then remained silent to watch the rest of the show.

Very soon, the third wave was over.

Jessica had single handedly finished off two waves!

[Fourth wave – Demon Bunnies.]

Jessica quickly made her way back to Elliot’s side and then smiled sheepishly.

“Sorry big bro! I actually killed off two waves instead of one. But I still had a lot of energy after the second wave and the third wave came so fast! So I thought I might as well take care of that as well. Hee hee!” Jessica said half sheepishly half proudly.

“Don’t worry. You did good! And you’re way more powerful than I thought you’d be. Well done!” Elliot smiled proudly at her.

“Jess! You’re really cool! Those black flames are really strong.” Jennifer said admiringly and then she asked the question that she had been wondering for the past few minutes. “I have dark energy and fire energy too. Can you teach me?”

“Actually, yes! I have learnt the secret on how to cast spells. Do you remember the three runes you learnt, one of them is a fire based attack rune right?” Jessica said excitedly.

“Yes! Yes I remember!” Jennifer said with even more excitement.

“Well its like this…” Jessica immediately launched into a detailed explanation of her earlier findings for Jennifer.

“Teach me slowly when we have the time later. I will go and test out my power on the next few waves.” Elliot told Jessica.

After that, Elliot unleashed his power before blinking away.

He appeared high in the sky, not far from where Jessica was standing earlier.

A vast draconic energy in the form of a seven headed dragon whose massive wings flapped lazily once in a while appeared behind him.

The seven headed dragon was more than twenty meters tall and emitted a strange power over nature that allowed Elliot to smoothly travel in the sky as though he was walking!

At that moment, Elliot was officially flying without wings.

“Let’s see. I want to try out… The Gold Dragon’s power first. Gilgamar, are you ready? Let’s start with something simple first, shall we?” Elliot drew Gilgamar out of his sheath and entered the opening stance of Movement Twenty Four.

“Something simple is Movement Twenty Four – Blasting through the immovable mountain?” Gilgamar snorted.

Elliot grinned and began to circulate his Cosmic Dragon Energy. He willed his Gold Dragon Transformation to appear and immediately, mesmerizing golden scales appeared all over the right side of his body.

His right hand and leg turned into dragon claws and a single curved dragon horn appeared on the right side of his head.

If his golden scales and draconic features made him look crazy fierce, then his wild, draconic aura which poured out of his body in vast torrents gave him an unfathomably ferocious countenance which leaves every life form looking at him feeling breathless with fear.


Elliot released a deep throated dragon roar that reverberated throughout the land.

It was so majestic, so full of inherent authority and so overflowing with killing intent that the thousands of Demon Bunnies who were rushing towards them from all directions actually froze where they stood!

At that moment, a collective thought appeared in their minds.

“Who the freaking hell ordered us to attack that bloody God of Dragons? This is suicide! Suicide!!”

“Retreat? Hell! Let’s retreat!”

“Gogogogogo! Get the f*** out of here!!!”

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