
Chapter 380 Mwa ha ha ha

“It’s rate of regeneration and its vitality is stupidly off the charts.” Elise Sands remarked seriously. “Slicing it into pieces is like helping it to divide and multiply. How would you deal with it?”

“Me? Ah I would just use the little clones as raw material for another nuclear explosion.” Elliot grinned at the very simple thought. “I am probably not strong enough to deal with the main body. But the little ones should be doable.”

“Not possible. That Banshee God does not have physical form. Your physical energy won’t be able to capture it. And even if you somehow get hold of spiritual energy, I doubt spirits can undergo nuclear fusion.” Elise Sands shook her head.

“Hmmmmm. That’s true. If causing them to explode isn’t a viable method, then maybe just capturing them within my spiritual energy cube should be enough? But that won’t work against the main body though…” Elliot thought aloud.

“What’s with the passive and weak minded thinking?” Elise Sands rolled her eyes at Elliot lightly. “Go big or go home little boy.”

Elliot chuckled at her words. She reminded him of the traders of wallstreet who liked those bombastic words, and who would more often than not crash and burn.

But in a sense, she was right.

He needed to really think bigger and get more creative with his fighting style.

His first spell was Energy Bombard which he used to kill an ancient mere days ago. But so much had happened since then that he felt as though it was ages ago.

His second major spell was the “nuclear fusion”. It was epic on the grandest scale, and its might was enough to destroy entire star systems.

“How is that not big enough to not go home?” Elliot thought aloud rather sourly as he settled down his thoughts and allowed his mind to soar.

He would not allow previous success to set the boundaries of his potential and limit his success!!

A wise man once said, previous successes could singularly be the greatest obstacle geniuses had to overcome.

He would have to ignore his grandly powerful nuclear fusion catalysis attack and think bigger.

Elise Sands smiled lightly and allowed the young man to think.

Thinking well was just as difficult as working hard.

She liked to think that the laziest people on earth are not the lazy bums sitting on the couch, but the hard workers who had the opportunity and capability to get out of their rat race, but were too lazy to think about it, content to live their daily lives busy with whatever was handed to them.

They were so lazy that they would rather work hard physically just to avoid thinking hard!

Of course, many would object to her way of thinking.

“My dad is a hard worker, and no matter how hard he worked, he never had enough saved up to bring us travelling. But he gave his soul to put food on our table daily! I forbid you to say that he is lazy!”

“Lazy? You say I am lazy for working 60 hour weeks? I am going to kill you during my dinner break later and then continue my overtime! How dare you!”

But nonetheless, Elise Sands stood by her principles.

Thinking hard was much more important than working hard. Because thinking hard could, not always but often enough, result in…

Exactly. Things like that.

“Good. How would you deal with such a troublesome foe?” Elise Sands asked Elliot with a growing sense of eager anticipation.

“Well. You mentioned that its rate of regeneration and vitality is “stupidly off the charts.” Elliot began.

Elise Sands nodded.

Listing out the enemy’s strength was a good first step. The second step would be to list out its weaknesses so that one could avoid its strengths and go straight for its weakness.

“And I got to thinking… I have a very powerful regeneration rate and vitality too! Why should I be afraid? Let’s go big and go head to head!” Elliot said feeling pleased with himself.


That was Elise Sands vomiting blood.

With stupid thoughts like that, one would be better off not thinking and just working hard blindly!!

“And so, if I had to fight that octopus God, I would create clone portals and get all of my beasts to get through them!

One becomes two. Two becomes four. Four becomes eight. I will create a hundred portals! And by the time my beasts exit the hundredth portal, I will have… I dunno. Just as many if not more fighters than her!!” Elliot said rather proudly.


That was Elise Sands vomiting blood once more, but for completely different reasons!

“What the heck? Clone portals?? That’s… you can make such a broken thing??” Elise Sands shouted with her eyes opened wide like balloons.

She could already think of many, many brilliant applications if she was able to make such things too! In fact, wouldn’t the entire war against the Shadow Realm be easily won?

Why would they even bother doing their mission? Just send their shocktroops through the clone portals and then dump them all into the Shadow Realm endlessly!!

“Uhhh. I haven’t actually tried it. But I believe so? The first Ascendant Rune I mastered, the wood-element based one, contained elements that would theoretically allow for clone portals to be formed, but with diminishing strengths. So the portals will produce a clone that’s 90% of the beings passing through.

In that case, eventually I will have beings with a mere fraction of the original’s strength.

But the second Ascendant Rune was a fire-element based one, and it contained runes that could boost the strength of beings passing through that portal, up to the level that their physical bodies could support. So with enough such runes, I would be able to create not only clones with strength equal to the original, but also clones that are stronger than the original!

Of course the catch would be that all the clones would be fire-based. Against a water element powerhouse, they would be nothing more than irritating distractions.

But against these spirit form banshees… Mwa ha ha ha.” Elliot smiled evilly.

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