
Chapter 8 I Was Married And Divorced

Li Caiyi couldn\'t sit still. Whenever she remembered what might happen between her and Shen Qiang, a blush crept up on her face.

"I can\'t stay like this. I guess I can look around for a bit."

Li Caiyi stood up and walked around the apartment. However, her initial impression remained the same. There was barely anything interesting to look at in this apartment.

Feeling disappointed, she grabbed the remote control and was about to turn the TV on when she glimpsed upon a sheet of paper peeking from under the couch.

"What is this?" Li Caiyi reached out to pick it up. When her hand almost touched it, she heard the sound of the door being unlocked.

Li Caiyi was nervous and hastily stood up to greet Shen Qiang. When she saw Shen Qiang\'s figure, she moved closer gingerly.

"Welcome home," Li Caiyi greeted almost automatically. She always did this to Meng Renshu whenever he came home, so it became a habit.

Shen Qiang raised his head, and he smiled at her tenderly. "I\'m home. Did you wait long?"

"N-no. I don\'t wait for that long," Li Caiyi stuttered when she realized how intimate their conversation was, then looked down in embarrassment.

She hurriedly took the plastic bag away from Shen Qiang\'s hand to dispel her awkwardness. "It must be cold outside. Come in first."

Li Caiyi turned away and hurried to the kitchen. What she didn\'t know was that Shen Qiang had long realized that she was being self-conscious around him.

Shen Qiang looked at her back and her reddened ears from behind, and he couldn\'t help but smile in amusement. She was like a rabbit trying to run away from him.

While Shen Qiang was distracted, Li Caiyi had unpacked the groceries on top of the kitchen counter. "Almost everything on the list is here. Thank goodness. Hm? What\'s this?"

She noticed a small box among the groceries. Since she didn\'t include this on her list, she flipped the box to see what it was, and her face was burning in shame. "T-this..?"

Shen Qiang approached her with a playful smirk. "I brought it for us. We\'ll need that later."

"Y-you rogue!" Li Caiyi threw the box to him, but he caught it quickly. That teasing smirk and meaningful gaze made her even more embarrassed. Flustered and confused, she couldn\'t help but yell in panic.

"J-just sit on the couch while I prepare the snack. Don\'t you dare set your foot in the kitchen before it\'s ready!"

Shen Qiang only smiled and took his leave without arguing. He only wanted to tease her a bit, so he wouldn\'t bother her anymore. He could still hear her grumbling and huffing from where he stood. Her pout was so cute, and he found her more endearing than ever.

He sat on the couch in front of the TV and turned it on. He repeatedly changed the channel absentmindedly while waiting for Li Caiyi to finish.

Shen Qiang wasn\'t that interested in watching TV in the first place, but the news channel that appeared next caught his attention.

It was news about Meng Corporation and how their recent endeavor had successfully brought them to the new height of the pharmaceutical world, with their newly released batch of medicine. The news was focused on the current Chairman of Meng Corporation, Meng Yaoshu, and his talented son, who brought this success to Meng\'s family name, the young and talented CEO, Meng Renshu.

Shen Qiang didn\'t know much about medicine, but this news caught his attention since he finally saw someone he hadn\'t seen for a long time. His eyes focused on Meng Renshu\'s refined and gentlemanly face as he gave an inspiring speech during a press conference.

He turned his head slightly to check on Li Caiyi, but she seemed too busy to pay attention. The news passed quickly, and the bored Shen Qiang soon lost his interest, so he turned off the TV.

As he reclined on the couch, his feet touched something. He looked down and saw a sheet of paper peeking out from under the sofa. Shen Qiang picked it up, and his fingers held it so tightly he caused a wrinkle. He felt like an enormous burden weighing down on him when he looked at the paper.

This was the proof of his weakness, and he would bring this deep regret and anguish to his death.

"Shen Qiang! The food is ready. Come here and eat."

Shen Qiang heard Li Caiyi\'s melodious voice calling him, and his body suddenly felt lighter. He put the paper inside the drawer beneath the TV. The word \'Death Certificate\' with Shen Qiang\'s name on it was the last thing he saw before he closed the drawer.


Li Caiyi observed Shen Qiang intently as he took a bite of her ham with melted cheese sandwiches. It didn\'t take long to make, and if she chopped it into a bite-size and then baked it in the microwave, it would be a delicious late-night snack. She often made this for herself when she was alone at home.

"How is it?"

Shen Qiang nodded approvingly with a satisfied expression. "It\'s the best I ever eat."

Li Caiyi breathed a sigh of relief before picking one for her and putting it in her mouth. "Yum, it\'s delicious. This is my favorite snack, so I was worried whether or not you would like it."

"I\'d like anything made by you."

She snorted. "You sure are natural in seducing a woman. Guys like you are the true heart-breaker for women."

He chuckled. "So you just admitted that my seduction is working on you?"

Li Caiyi\'s hand froze midair, and her smile was stiff. "Even if it is, I have no intention of turning this temporary feeling into something." She said while looking at Shen Qiang cautiously, expecting his reaction. If Shen Qiang was interested in her even for a bit, then he was bound to show some reaction when she drew a clear line between them like this.

However, there was no ripple on Shen Qiang\'s face. "I agree with you."

Li Caiyi waited for him to elaborate, but nothing.

That was it?

Didn\'t he have any other opinion about this?

Since Shen Qiang was very considerate and gentle with her, Li Caiyi initially thought he was interested in her, but it didn\'t seem like that. She couldn\'t tell if she felt relieved or disappointed.

"Shen Qiang, I\'m very grateful for everything you\'ve done for me today. You\'ve made me happier than my three years of marriage."

This time, Shen Qiang revealed a reaction. His hand stopped moving, and he looked at her thoughtfully. She inhaled a deep breath before she continued, "I thought I should\'ve at least let you know before we…." Li Caiyi\'s face blushed a little, "....go further. Ahem. I was a married woman until yesterday. My ex-husband and I got divorced today, so don\'t worry because you won\'t be a home-wrecker. I just don\'t want you to regret it when you find out later."

"I see." Shen Qiang looked at Li Caiyi with a complicated look. "I thought you would bring that fact to your death."

Li Caiyi\'s eyes widened when she caught something from his response. "Wait, you already knew?!"

Shen Qiang only smiled while pointing at the ring mark on her left ring finger. Li Caiyi laughed drily. "I guess the mark gave it out, huh? I\'m amazed you noticed that." She rubbed the mark gloomily. During the three years of her marriage, she never took off the ring, even when bathing or washing the dishes, so it wasn\'t surprising for the ring to leave a mark on her.

"It\'s a habit I acquired through my line of work."

"What kind of work did you do? Are you a police, a detective, or something?"

"Sort of, but not quite."

Li Caiyi wasn\'t satisfied with his answer, but being vague about it meant he probably didn\'t want her to know, so she let the matter go. "What about you? I\'d told you about my relationship status, so tell me yours too. I absolutely refused to become a third party even if I\'m going to die tomorrow, so you\'d better not lie to me."

"I\'m single and alone. I never had a wife or girlfriend, so you\'ll be my first and last woman. For everything."

Li Caiyi choked on her food when he put a great emphasis on the word \'everything\'. She couldn\'t believe a rare gem like him was still pure like a jade.

Shen Qiang could tell what was on her mind by her doubtful face, so he laughed with glee. "It\'s true. I have no reason to lie to you." He leaned in closer and whispered to her. "So please teach me what I should do later, okay?"

Li Caiyi harrumphed before she looked down to hide how flustered she was. She was annoyed by how he kept teasing her, but her heart swelled with affection whenever he did that; she couldn\'t get angry at him even if she wanted to!

\'Li Caiyi, you are so done now.\' She thought to herself.

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