
Chapter 547 You Tend To Speak Or Act Similarly To Those Around You, Right?

"What is it? Tell me, and I can get some people there in a matter of minutes." Meng Renshu straightened his back.

"Apparently, she went to a secluded area outside the city. That land was once used for factory areas. A perfect place to hide someone."

Meng Renshu wasted no time and immediately told Mr. Mu to mobilize people to check on the area. "I got it. I will head there immediately. What about you?"

Dai Zhiqiang: "...."

"Hello, are you still there?" Meng Renshu had to check the screen to ensure the line was still connected.

"Senior Meng, please be careful. I\'ll leave Yi Yi to you."

Meng Renshu frowned. "Does this mean you aren\'t going to pick her up?"

"I have somewhere else I need to go. My father\'s life is on the line."

Having to choose between saving his beloved family members or his precious girl must be a tough choice to make. Meng Renshu wasn\'t going to judge him for this, but he still felt unjust for Li Caiyi. The reason why she went missing was because she wanted to help him, after all.

Why would she stay by Dai Zhiqiang\'s side, knowing she would only get hurt? She was a loyal person to a fault. Too bad that loyalty wasn\'t reserved for him.

"I understand. But what will you do if she changes her feelings towards me because of this?" Meng Renshu smirked evilly.

"I still won\'t let her go. No, I can\'t let her go. Even if she hates me, I will ask for forgiveness and make her like me again."

Contrary to his expectation, Dai Zhiqiang\'s answer was direct and firm, like he had never doubted it even once. It irked Meng Renshu to no end.

"Is that so? We\'ll see later."

Meng Renshu hung up the call and suddenly felt dizzy. In the last few days, he had been swamped with studying and meeting important people who helped him a lot in his past life. He wanted to foster a connection with them earlier to build his power faster.

However, being tired didn\'t always equal a good night\'s sleep. He still had difficulty sleeping, although it wasn\'t as bad as before.

Mr. Mu, who watched him from the rearview mirror, was worried.

The reason Young Master suddenly felt motivated to succeed in the family business he had always tried to avoid before was unknown. But he saw how Meng Renshu had worked very hard lately, which must have taken a toll on his body.

"Young Master, we still have some time before we reach the factory area. What about using this chance to take a quick nap?"

"I\'m fine. Just a bit dizzy."

"I didn\'t mean to eavesdrop, but I just heard your phone conversation."

The sound was loud enough for Mr. Mu to hear it. Meng Renshu didn\'t mind since Mr. Mu was one of his most trustworthy subordinates. Even though he technically served his parents, he had never told them anything Meng Renshu didn\'t want them to know, and he patiently cared for him.

"Yeah. I think it\'s better if you hear about it too, so you will better grasp the situation."

"I\'m honored you think so highly of me. But that person you called just now, is he your friend?"

"No. If I have to choose, he is an enemy," Meng Renshu replied curtly. "He has something which originally belonged to me, and I intend to take it back from him.

"My apologies, Young Master. I have said something unnecessary."

"Why? Do we sound close to you?" Meng Renshu scoffed, finding the idea ridiculous. He had no intention of befriending someone who stole his wife from him.

Mr. Mu chose his words carefully before saying, "No. I just had this feeling that the other person seemed similar to you. They said you tend to speak or act similarly to those around you, right?"

"How could he be similar to me?!" Meng Renshu\'s reply came more aggressive than he intended. Mr. Mu was too scared to say anything else and returned his focus to the road.


Li Caiyi woke up feeling like her body had been beaten by many people simultaneously. Her head was weighty, paining her neck when she tilted it.

"Ugh," she groaned as her head throbbed in a dull pain when she tried to sit up.

It was pitch black inside. Li Caiyi had to blink her eyes a few times to ensure she had opened them properly.

The situation couldn\'t be any worse, but she guessed she should be grateful for still having her life. She thought her second life would really end back then.

Li Caiyi carefully examined her head. She could feel a huge bump on the back of her head and a fresh wound on her forehead, but it didn\'t seem serious.

Whoever attacked her probably didn\'t intend to kill her and only wanted to trap her.

Was this what Huang Zhen planned as well?

Li Caiyi trembled when a cold wind from the window ceiling blew past her. It was already autumn, and at night time, the cold could very well cause hypothermia if she stayed here any longer.

Even if she screamed, she doubted anyone would come to save her. This factory was already deserted, and hardly anyone came by. She would refrain from doing something that would put her in a more disadvantageous situation.

Being alone in this dark and scary place made her anxious, so she began to feel the ground, searching for her phone. It slipped from her hand when the attacker hit her. Hopefully, she could call for help using that.

Although that was her intention, Li Caiyi didn\'t expect much since there was no way her attacker left a very convenient item around her. Either they took it with them or had already disposed of it.

Sure enough, after twenty minutes of searching, she still couldn\'t find it anywhere.

"Well, at least now I know that option is no longer available," Li Caiyi tried to comfort herself.

Then, she looked upward toward the small window near the ceiling. If she couldn\'t call for help, she could only find an exit by herself.

The small window seemed to be barely enough for her body to slip through, but how could she reach it? It was around four to five meters higher than her.

Li Caiyi\'s eyes had slowly accustomed to the dark, so she began to search around again. She vaguely recalled that this room had that stack of boxes too. There might be something she could use inside.

If Huang Zhen wanted to make her cry by doing this, then he was sorely mistaken. She wouldn\'t give up just because of this.

Her fingers began to get cold from rummaging through the ground for a long time, but finally, she found the edge of the tarp she had seen before.

"I got it!" She exclaimed in happiness. Then used her sense of touch to find the boxes.

To her disappointment, those boxes were too heavy to lift alone. Her idea to stack these boxes so she could reach the window was crushed just like that.

"I wonder what\'s in it?"

She really could use a flashlight or folding ladder at times like this.

The box was tightly sealed with tape. Li Caiyi had an idea and took out the only thing she had brought from her pocket.

It was Meng Renshu\'s birthday present, and she always kept it with her.

At first glance, it looked like some kind of expensive pen. However, it was actually a self-defense tool Meng Renshu prepared especially for her. It was small, light, and highly usable for anybody.

If she took out the cap, there was a tiny cutter. Not big enough to cause fatal injury to someone, but it should be sharp enough to tear the tape.

"Okay, here goes nothing!" Li Caiyi was pumped out to find something useful in the box.

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