
Chapter 131 129: Shadows In The Past - Part 2

One second it was all calm, the next second a small gunshot sounded. The guard that had come with the opposition hit the ground as he intercepted the shot being made by a council member. Chaos broke out as soon as the body hit the ground.

"We came here in peace and this is what we get? We want retribution for this or the peace talk is over for real" the young leader of the opposition fumed externally but his inside was filled with glee. No one knew who had made the shot but the trajectory clearly put it as the royal fraction\'s fault.

Everyone looked panicked but the king had taken to kneeling in front of the hurt soldier and seemed to be pressing against the wound in the shoulder. The bleeding was bad but the soldier could still be saved.

"Someone, get a doctor in here. He\'s not dead" the king cried but his voice went unheard amongst the crowd of other shouts and fights. He had to strain his voice and things did not look to be going in his favor.

"D-Don\'t b-bother. I-It\'s all part of the p-plan. Y-You were b-b-betrayed b-by-" the guard was barely able to get the tour before his body gave away and he died. The king felt his heart drop at those words but he had expected it to happen anyway.

Court politics was a dirty thing and you could trust no one, not even yourself. Maybe it was a good thing this all happened during his rule and not his daughter\'s. He could protect her from this cruel world and also take the blame.

"Everyone, quiet down. What had happened cannot be undone, it can only be atoned for. The fault was from our side so I\'m willing to take the blame for it. I\'ll step down as the king and hand over the future to the people of this country." The elder leader of the opposition looked like he was about to protest but he was not able to get a word in.

Instead, it was the younger leader that exploded in rage and just anger. That rage did not bode well for a leader, much less for someone who had people\'s hopes and dreams riding on his back.

"Stepping down is not enough. We need to make sure this never happens again. We need someone to die as an example. A life for a life" no one breathed a word, too taken aback. The king was the only one who looked to be not surprised at the demand.

After all, he had sensed the killing intent a mile away from the young leader. And he had a feeling about this happening from the very beginning.

"Mathew Rosewell, you\'re getting out of the line. Don\'t forget that he\'s still the king of this country" the elder leader yelled in a constipated voice. Even he had been taken aback by the demand that had been made right in front of him.

The young leader might have said \'someone\' but everyone knew he meant the \'king\'. The young leader was out for blood and no one would be able to stand in his way. He was like a wild animal with blood, going as far as he could to get it.

"No, he\'s right. This happened because of my negligence so I need to take responsibility as well. But please, leave the innocent alone" the young leader gritted his teeth at the stubbornness of this one man but he also calmed down.

It didn\'t matter that the king would die saying these kinds of words. He could always make it so that no one else heard them outside of here. After all, unfortunate accidents can always happen when you least expect them to.

The execution and the reasoning behind it were announced the very next day. It left everyone in shock but also hopeful for a better future. And the twisted rumors of the happenings in the council room had already begun circulating.

The queen averted her eyes as the king was laid to rest. Her arms clutched her precious daughter closer to her chest with the seal displayed right on her back. The shadow stood beside the pair with a blank expression, having no idea how to behave in such a situation. She was still new and had nothing but her orders to follow.


"-A few years later, the queen was executed for the crime of leading a royal restoration. Of course, it never happened, but the fake evidence spoke for itself. That man, Mathew is the current president of this sham of independence so it was easy for him to plant it all" the shadow, Kagemori spoke and Maria felt a yawn escape her.

Not that the story was boring or anything but Maria was tired of having heard a lot. Her body was tired and the corset she had been wearing to fit into her dress was also being a pain.

"So, how did you get to know behind the scene news? A power of yours? And what did it have to do with her condition?" Maria asked as she pointed to Trisha. The story had given Marai enough of an image but still not enough information to be able to know exactly what was happening.

"Ah yes, that. It\'s because she overused the weapon the key turned into. She had no idea it could suck life force and now she\'s almost out. I don\'t know what to do about it" Kagemori sounded worried and Maria felt pity for the poor girl.

It sounded as if the weapon that had caused this condition in her and Maria\'s chains had a similar overall effect. And Maria knew how painful it was from experience if not taken care of. For someone to try and fight against it must be incredible.

"I might have a solution or two about this situation but you must promise not to hurt me. In fact, leave us alone for a few hours and I promise you that princess Trisha would be alright" was it too bold of Maria to propose this kind of thing to someone who was not even awake?

Maybe. But it was not like Maria was asking to have sex with the other. She still had Lady Karin\'s essence so she could use it to help Trisha. She was just not sure if Kagemori would appreciate it or not.

"I should not trust you but I\'ll give you the benefit of the doubt. I don\'t particularly like that witch but she does care for Trisha. But I will kill you if you harmed her" the demoness replied as she walked out and Maria felt her breath getting caught up in her throat.

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