
Chapter 121 - Planning

Jian and Meng Shu had discussed and agreed that Jian would meet her after three days after planning everything about the exploration. So he has left the sect Hall and went back to the recruitment office. 

Yu Yang and his team are also planning so he had decided to help them before he leaves for the exploration. He didn\'t need to plan anything because he had the system so to help Yu Yang and his team he had asked for three days to prepare. 

It didn\'t take much of his time to be back at the recruitment office. As he went inside he was greeted by Yu Yang and his team. He saw that they have surrounded a map which looks like it is of the city and were planning. 

Jian also moved towards the map and asked

" what are you doing?"

"Master we are trying to plan our escape route and mark the area on which the sects are situated. This will help us guide."


Jian nodded, he also understood that they need to have a safe route, which they can follow without any hindrance. So checked the routes they have decided and let them choose which is suitable for them. 

Because it was more important for them to be comfortable with the route and understand it properly. Otherwise, a wrong turn can be very harmful. 

Jian checked the map and after he was done he moved towards a chair and sat on it. "So did you explain to them your mission"

" Yes Master I have explained the mission in detail and also cleared any doubts they had about the mission"

 Jian asked Yu Yang because it was important for everyone to be on the same page so everyone should understand the mission.

After hearing that everything was done Jian nodded and moved towards the next question " so did you form any rough plan on how you are going to start your mission."

Yu Yang nodded " Yes Master we have formed a rough plan. First, we are going to mark the sect which we are going to investigate then we will work in their disciples and find out about the sect. 

The information we gain from the disciples of the sect will be useful and then we will personally find more about the sects and confirm it with the information we get from the disciples. "

Jian then thought about their plan. He understood why Yu Yang formed this simple plan. But Jian didn\'t like this plan. So he decided to tell them the new plan.

"Yang\'er although your plan is good there are many uncertainties. So you should forget about this and I will tell you the new plan and then you can make changes to it according to you."

Yu Yang nodded, he was very happy because the pressure of making the plan was huge and even though he had formed a plan he was not confident about it.

"Since your mission is divided into three parts you should start with the very easiest one so of three which one is the easiest to complete"

Jian started to explain his plan and as he was explaining he would question Yu Yang. Yu Yang would also think about it while his team was only listening to them discuss. 

"Master I can\'t determine the easiest one."

Jian had expected this so he was not angry instead he was happy. "Good at least you didn\'t think that one of them is easiest. But still, if you compare all three of them, then the recruitment of the disciples should be easiest. 

Because if someone comes knocking then you can say that you are recruiting disciples. You should not forget that although gathering information is important but recruiting disciples is also important. 

So first you should start with recruiting the disciples. Because while doing this you will be able to know about the other sects cause every disciple should have at least tried to get accepted in other sects so you should be able to collect information. 

While recruiting you can search for disciples who are kicked out of the sects or left the sects. You can try to recruit them and while doing that you can collect information. Even if it is not important information you can check it later. 

The reason for choosing the recruitment as the first is that it is less risky. Whenever a problem arises you can say that you are only recruiting disciples nothing else."

Yu Yang and his team looked at each other and thought about Jian\'s plan. After thinking for a while their eyes lit up because they also came to the same conclusion as Jian. 

Yu Yang also came to the same conclusion but he looked at Jian with a questioning look because he wanted to ask him a question but he was hesitant. 

Jian saw Yu Yang looking at him and hesitating. He immediately knew what Yu Yang was thinking. 

"I know you are thinking about buying the destroyed techniques. But did you think about it? If you went around the city buying these types of techniques then you will attract attention from the whole city specifically Appraisal Tower and Cultivation Masters Tower. 

So you don\'t want that to happen. So you should only buy few techniques and every time you buy you should change your appearance. Because only an idiot will buy those incomplete techniques and even though it will not attract any attention in the amount we buying will attract attention. 

So you should think of this as a sub Mission. Whenever you get the time you can go and search for the techniques. You can buy them from anyone. Even if only the front page is remaining you have to buy it. And if some techniques cannot be bought then you should ask for a copy."

Yu Yang and others finally understood the importance of planning each step of the plan. They finally understood that Jian had thought every bit of the scenario.

"In summary, you have to prepare for recruitment and while doing that you can search for techniques and information about the sects but let me tell you that any disciple will not be accepted. 

There will be two conditions, first, will the cultivation should be above Qi Condensation Realm and the second will be that the person\'s age should be below twenty-five. 

You don\'t need to worry about checking the information personally. I will give you an orb and it will shine in two colours. If it shines green then the person will be accepted and if red then you can\'t recruit them. "

Yu Yang and his team nodded, while Jian took out an orb and demonstrated it to them. The orb had other conditions also but he didn\'t explain them.

" So in three days, I will be going on a mission from Sect Tower so you have three days to prepare everything because before I go I need to see the mission get started."

Yu Yang was the one who was shocked because the mission from the Sect Tower signifies a huge thing. He didn\'t expect Jian to be going on the mission given by the sect tower. 

After a while, he calmed down and thanked Jian along with everyone for the plan and left with his team for preparation. He knew he only had three days. 

In the next three days, Jian spent his time in discussion with the system about the map of the tomb which was given by Meng Shu. Although he had already decided that he will not follow the map but still he wanted to discuss it and clear some of his doubts. 

While Jian was busy discussing. Yu Yang and his team had started to spread the news about the recruitment. They have especially spread their news around the other one-star sects. 

Some were spreading news and some were preparing for the recruitment. In between Jian had told them to drop the name of the Soaring Cloud Pavilion. 

Even though he didn\'t tell them about the deals between them but still the association with them was more than enough. As the news spread, the information about Jian also started to circulate. 

For the first time, his and his sect\'s name have spread throughout the city. It is a good thing that the address of the sect is not disclosed otherwise there will huge problems. 

In these three days, much information about Jian and his sect started to spread. Even Yu Yang and his team had not expected this to happen. Many people are started to ask about the address of the recruitment office. 

After three days passed on the fourth day. Jian and everyone was standing outside the recruitment office. Today was the day Jian was leaving for the mission and the recruitment of the disciples will be started. 

So before going for the mission Jian gathered everyone and gave them their final instructions. After that, he directly went towards the sect tower. 

While Jian was moving towards Sect Tower. Yu Yang had given orders to his team to spread the address of the recruitment office. 

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