
Chapter 107 Character Information

Finals week has left me very busy, so I figured I\'d release this as a sort of filler chapter. Releases should hopefully pick up in size and pace after my last finals this upcoming Wednesday, thanks for your understanding, and I hope you continue to enjoy.



Milo Fenix

Ability: The Plunderer System(allows him to wield numerous abilities)

Race: Caucasian

Age: 17

Height: 6\'3"

Build: Skinny build before the system improved his physique

Hair: Usually Messy Black hair

Eye Color: Blue eyes

Description: A teen whose parents mysteriously vanished inside of a dungeon. Originally from New York, he mysteriously awakened a system while his life was in danger. Before awakening the system he was considered weak and commonly experienced bullying from other people due to his appearance and status as an orphan. Since then he has had the ability to raise his physical stats like a video game and has gained unheard of skills that allow him to copy the abilities of other people. By leveling up and raising his stats, he has become very powerful even if he may be unaware of it sometimes.


Krista Bruinhardt

Ability: Telepath

Race: Caucasian

Age: 17

Height: 5\'5"

Build: Average

Hair: Long Blonde Hair

Eye Color: Light Blue

Description: Milo\'s childhood friend and someone who Milo considers to be family. She lives in the same apartment building as Milo and his cousin and also goes to the Awakened Academy with him. At one point she had a crush on Milo but eventually the two decided being anything more than friends would be too weird, which led to her developing feelings for Zach, a friend they met at the Academy. She is the only person who knows about Milo\'s system and volunteered to be the first person he tested his new powers on.


Chris Newman

Ability: Fire

Race: Caucasian

Age: 17

Height: 5\'6"

Build: Average

Hair: Messy Brown Hair

Eye Color: Blue

Description: Another friend of Milo and Krista\'s as well as Milo\'s roommate at the Academy. The two faced off while Milo was still in the A rated class and Chris was defeated by Milo who was using the Frost ability at the time. Chris is a hot head both literally due to his ability, and mentally, as he gets emotional very easily. Of all of Milo\'s friends, he is the most outspoken and always talks and moves before he thinks.


Mark Renault

Ability: Physical Transmutation

Race: Black

Age: 17

Height: 6\'1"

Build: Athletic

Hair: Normally brown; wears his hair in a mohawk that has bleached ends

Eye Color: Brown

Description: Milo\'s second roommate and another member of his friend group. He is an orphan like Milo and lost his parents when the Fellowship destroyed the city of Toronto where he is originally from. After losing his family, aside from his little brother, he was taken in by his aunt who lives in Portland. He isn\'t very outspoken and instead chooses to keep to himself. Of all the members of the friend group, he is considered to be a voice of reason as he is always able to keep a level head.


Allana Ortiz

Ability: Bone Manipulation

Race: Latina

Age: 17

Height: 5\'6"

Build: Average

Hair: Curly Brown Hair

Eye Color: Brown

Description: Krista\'s roommate and another member of the friend group. Her brother is the guild master of the Incubus guild in New York. She is very outgoing and loves to tease Krista when she becomes flustered. Chris and her commonly butt heads due to how much their personalities clash, the only time they get along is when they can find some drama they can get involved in.


Zach McDonald

Ability: Beast Tamer

Race: Caucasian

Age: 17

Height: 5\'7"

Build: Skinny

Hair: Long(For a guy) Dirty Blonde hair

Eye Color: Blue

Description: Milo\'s best friend that he made since going to the Awakened Academy. Zach was originally unable to use his ability due to its special requirements and no prestigious family to sponsor him what he needed, but thanks to Milo\'s help he was able to find the egg of a thunderhawk. Because of this, up until the in-field experience, he was considered the weakest in the X ranked class and due to this he was teased quite a bit. Recently he began to get close to Krista and feelings have begun to develop between the two.



Species: Greater Thunderbird

Owner: Zach McDonald

Age: Infant

Height: 6"

Appearance: Black feathers with golden specks spread throughout, he has a yellow v shape on his tail and yellow rings around his eyes

Description: A Greater Thunderhawk that was tamed by Zach using his ability. Milo was the one who discovered the egg he hatched from while on an in-field experience. He is a gluttonous little bird and will do anything to get food. He has grown to become a sort of a mascot for the group, and is much more intelligent than other birds.


Maria Van Orten

Ability: Lightning

Race: Caucasian

Age: 17

Height: 5\'4"

Build: Athletic

Hair: Long Wavy Black hair

Eye Color: Blue

Description: The newest member of Milo\'s group of friends. She was placed on Milo\'s team for the in-field experience against his will and at the time was very stuck up. While in the gate, Milo saved her life which made her begin to have an interest in Milo. After getting to know her more, Milo learned that she was considered the disgrace of the Van Orten family who are known to be a powerful family of lightning ability users. When learning more about Milo, Maria also began to treat Milo and his friends with more respect, eventually joining the group for the end of year festival held by the academy. She is very bold, and has been very forward about her feelings for Milo.


Avery Becket

Ability: Reinforce

Race: Mixed

Age: 17

Height: 5\'1"

Build: Athletic

Hair: Curly Black Hair

Eye Color: Blue

Description: The smith who designed Milo\'s chest piece and chain whip sword. Milo discovered her skills with a forge due to an entry she put into the equipment show for the festival held at the end of the school year. Milo didn\'t know she was a girl until after receiving his chest piece. She formed a partnership with Milo instead of charging him a commission fee, becoming his personal smith, after seeing the potential in Milo\'s future and hoping to ride along on his path to success. She has a very straightforward personality and doesn\'t sugarcoat her words when speaking.


Corinna Fenix

Ability: None

Race: Caucasian

Age: 27

Height: 5\'8"

Build: Average

Hair: Mid Length Brown Hair

Eye Color: Blue

Description: Milo\'s cousin and the woman who raised him following his parent\'s disappearance. She is only a few years older than Milo making them feel more like siblings than cousins. She would do anything to protect Milo, and even took on multiple jobs to support the two of them while he was still in high school.


Mikael Matthews

Ability: Double Impact

Race: Caucasian

Age: 57

Height: 6\'2"

Build: Average

Hair: Long Black Hair with Gray peppering throughout

Eye Color: Blue

Description: Milo\'s favorite teacher at the Academy, he prefers people to call him by his first name rather than an honorific. He is considered one of the strongest swordsmen in the world despite his age and was among the original gatecrashers to appear. He assisted in claiming Manila back after it fell to the first gatebreak that happened in the world. Since then he has been teaching at the academy and became interested in Milo due to the speed of his growth and his determination to get stronger. He now serves as a mentor to Milo in swordsmanship.


Dr. Francis Zeurich

Ability: Unknown

Race: Caucasian

Age: 64

Height: 5\'10"

Build: Average

Hair: Thinning Gray Hair

Eye Color: Brown

Description: An extremely intelligent scientist that is responsible for all the advancements in magic technology. He discovered the magic energy given off by the gates and was able to find a way to harness the energy that was released into the atmosphere, now known as the magisphere. Some of his inventions include: the Holo, Teleportation technology, the stabilizers that allow the Acropolis to stay afloat and many more.


Richard Brand

Ability: Burst

Race: Caucasian

Age: 53

Height: 5\'9"

Build: Average

Hair: Long messy Brown hair

Eye Color: Brown

Description: The GAA President and someone who is considered to be the strongest man on Earth. He was the leader of the first strike squad sent to retake Manila from the beasts released by the first gate that appeared, and he has a strange obsession with the abilities people have, and how they work. His appearance and personality don\'t fit his high position, and he\'d rather speak comfortably with everyone without being shown immense respect for his position or accomplishments.


Sheldon O\'Neal

Ability: Unknown

Race: Caucasian

Age: 61

Height: 6\'2"

Build: Athletic

Hair: Short Gray Hair

Eye Color: Green

Description: The Headmaster of the Awakened Academy. He is a close friend of the GAA President, Richard Brand, and is usually too busy to make any appearances at the academy.


Mr. Kruz

Ability: Water

Race: Latino

Age: 23

Height: 5\'9"

Build: Athletic

Hair: Long Black Hair he ties in a pony tail

Eye Color: Brown

Description: Milo\'s first homeroom teacher at the academy before he transferred to the X ranked class. He began teaching at the peak of his gatecrashing career due to an accident in a gate that left him missing a leg. He is able to function and use his ability normally due to a high tech prosthetic but the guild he was signed to dropped him due to the injury. Milo\'s strength is something he became intrigued by due to the extreme rate of improvement Milo showed in his first year at the academy.


Ms. Teller

Ability: Unknown

Race: Caucasian

Age: 29

Height: 5\'7"

Build: Skinny

Hair Color: Shoulder length wavy White Hair

Eye Color: Blue

Description: Milo\'s new homeroom teacher when transferring to the X ranked class. She was previously part of one of the big 4 guilds but decided to leave gatecrashing for teaching after witnessing more of the horrors found in higher ranked gates.


Truman Murphy

Ability: None

Race: Caucasian

Age: 17

Height: 6\'00"

Build: Chubby

Hair: Curly Brown hair

Eye Color: Blue

Description: Milo\'s ex friend turned bully. He grew jealous of Milo for getting attention following his parents\' disappearance within a dungeon and took it out on Milo by trying to make him an outcast. He can\'t stand being proven wrong and is desperate for attention. He tried to embarrass Milo again at their class reunion but failed to do so, causing him to storm out in frustration.


Danny Li

Ability: Water

Race: Chinese-American

Age: 17

Height: 6\'5"

Build: Athletic

Hair Color: Short Black Hair

Eye Color: Brown Eyes

Description: Milo\'s biggest bully in highschool. He would torture Milo before he became strong, along with his two goons that would follow him everywhere. He was set to attend the Awakened Academy with Milo and Krista, but died trying to fight a beast in the rift that appeared while he was beating up Milo in an alleyway.


Chloe Park

Ability: Blink

Race: Korean-American

Age: 17

Height: 5\'4"

Build: Average

Hair: Shoulder length black hair that she commonly wears in two buns on her head like bear ears

Eye Color: Brown eyes

Description: One of the members of Milo\'s group for the in-field experience and a member of the X ranked class at the academy. She chooses to fight by using her ability to blink short distances and firing bolts from her crossbow, changing the angles consistently to keep her opponent guessing. She is considered to be one of the most friendly girls in the X ranked class.


Luke Valentine

Ability: Physical Barrier

Race: Caucasian

Age: 17

Height: 5\'10"

Build: Average

Hair Color: Mid Length Brown Hair

Eye Color: Brown Eyes

Description: The last member of Milo\'s team for the in-field experience. He fights, using his barriers as a shield, essentially making him a sword and shield user. He approached Milo to introduce himself following Milo\'s sparring match where he turned a student who attempted to bully him into an ice sculpture.

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