
Chapter 929

Therefore, he wasn’t too worried when he nodded his head in acceptance of this young man’s request.

The moment Knox gained the approval of the King, he shoved his hand inside his coat’s pocket to fetch what he was asked to bring into the Palace on behalf of someone else.

The carriages that entered the Palace and the presents the nobles brought along needed to be checked upon arrival.

However, the box which Knox Valente had just pulled out of his pocket was never checked as it was not declared as an item brought for the King until now.

The presents prepared by the other nobles were larger in size and hence could not be concealed so easily but the box in Knox’s hands was small enough to fit his pocket.

Hence the guards who did not have the authority to pat down a nobleman’s body had no clue that this young man had concealed an item for the King within his clothing.


When this item was brought forward, the Royal Chamberlain’s brows furrowed in anxiety at what could be inside.

For someone who liked to be aware of what was happening around him, this situation was irksome and his emotions appeared on his face as well.

However, King Ophire, having inquired of his etcher about the safety of this box, wasn’t as worried as his aide.

Since his etcher had assured him that there was nothing that could harm him, the King was no longer suspicious of the box but was now curious to see what was inside it.

“And who might this ‘someone’ be?” He questioned the young man while gesturing to his aide to bring the box over to him.

Regardless of the thoughts within the Chamberlain’s mind, he could only comply with his Master’s wishes as he did as he was told.

As the box was placed in the King’s hand, Knox cleared his throat before disclosing who had asked his assistance for today’s event.

“As Your Majesty already knows that the business named CLOVER functions from our Valente Fief.” He began and saw the King nodding in reply.

The moment this new name was mentioned, the ears of many in the audience perked up at what the young man was trying to imply.

Rutherford and Raylene lowered their gaze towards their child, trying to sense what she was up to but all they could see was an innocent face staring right back at them.

This sight made the parents want to roll their eyes as nothing happened in CLOVER without her knowledge.

Therefore, her pretense of being as ignorant as the rest present here was not something they were willing to believe.

Observing her neutral expressions which were similar to his, for the most part, Rutherford’s mind went back to a certain conversation he had with her a few days ago.

When his Vonna had asked him about the gift he had prepared for the King’s celebration, he had only given her a positive but vague reply.

However, he had received a mysterious and even slightly scheming smile in return which had caused him to be curious but she had never uttered another word about it.

Due to the workload he was buried under, the busy father had forgotten about it but now that he was witnessing this sight, he knew that his child was definitely the mastermind behind what was taking place right now.

Though Rutherford was now curious to know what she was up to, he could not just use the mental link between their etchers to interrogate her intentions as that would expose her secret.

Thus he had to remain as oblivious as the rest and watch what Knox was doing, on the instructions of his secretive daughter.

Yvonne had sensed their gazes as well as the ones which had come from her tutor who was also standing nearby.

She could even see her grandfather and elder cousin Roman doing their best to not turn in her direction as that would gain the suspicion of many.

Even if they had turned towards her, she would have continued her pretense as though none of this was related to her.

Though the truth was the opposite as she indeed was the one who had orchestrated everything that was taking place right now.

Therefore, now the mastermind watched her plan reaching its conclusion right in her presence.


“This was a present that VC, the owner of CLOVER, wished to give Your Majesty on this special occasion.” Knox, on the other hand, seamlessly revealed both his connection to the sender of this present and why he had brought it here.

Though many had their speculations about the mysterious business owner, no one had gained any solid proof to validate their theories.

However, even now many were confident that VC was someone from the Valente family.

Therefore, hearing Knox say that he was here on behalf of VC was making them wonder if he was the owner himself.

‘Heh! All that painter nonsense was just to delude us!’ Earl Blaise was the first to sneer upon hearing CLOVER’s name being mentioned.

His earlier annoyance at failing to get on the King’s good side had risen when he saw the Valente family, who was profiting the most from his rival CLOVER’s success, approaching the King.

Earlier, he was suspicious of the fact that the sly Viscount was willing to support his second son’s vagrant ways of being a painter.

However, the moment he heard that same young man speaking up about CLOVER, the suspicions in his mind disappeared.

‘On someone’s behalf?’ He harrumphed at the ridiculous lie Knox Valente had made up to keep his identity as VC a secret from them.

Though he was both indignant that the young man was looking down on them by pretending in their presence, he was also desperate to know what was inside that little box.

Regardless of who the owner of the business turned out to be, what mattered the most to him was how it failed.

CLOVER had risen too quickly, eager to push him to the brink of ruin, so he hoped to see this budding business fall at the same pace as well.

To witness his wishes coming true, he needed to be vigilant and wary of what his rivals were up to.

Therefore, Earl Blasie, just like the rest, fixed their attention on the box in the King’s hand.

King Ophire had a good opinion about CLOVER and its owner VC ever since this person had offered to lend their support to the people of various fiefs suffering during the plague.

VC’s actions had left a deep mark in the King’s memories and the other members of the Royal family felt the same way.

Though Princess Felicia and Queen Zena weren’t too involved in these matters, they had heard the King speaking highly of this new business which had made them think positively about it.

Whereas, Prince Fritzen had heard about this business from his classmates at the Royal Academy as well as his tutors.

He had also heard about the sons of the St. Claire and the Tanner family using newer products of CLOVER that no one else had seen, invoking the curiosity of many in the academy.

Thus the King’s family too was eagerly waiting for him to reveal what was inside this box sent by VC.

Sensing their gazes, King Ophire did not keep them waiting for too long and hurried to open the little box that was the size of his palm.

The box made of pale wood was carved and polished on the outside.

The moment the box opened with a click, a fresh and slightly musky fragrance wafted into the noses of those close to the King.

Perfumes were a commonly used commodity in noble households but the scent was often too strong when it first entered the nose.

However, the scent they had just come across was mild enough to not cause their noses to scrunch up but at the same time, it lingered long enough to let them enjoy it.

While the other Royal family members were taking in this scent, the King and Prince Fritzen’s blue eyes were fixed on what was inside this wooden box.

They were familiar with what this was yet they were fascinated as they gazed at it.

A circular piece of white soap with a four-leaf clover indented on the top was what they were looking at right now.

The fragrance they had caught was also coming from this soap, causing their curiosity to heighten as the King raised his head toward the second son of the Valente family.

“VC wished to present the latest product from CLOVER to Your Majesty.” Knox hurried to explain what this was and why it was sent here.

His words sent ripples through the audience as many of the boys who studied with Taylor and Howard had revealed what they had seen once they returned home for their brief vacation.

Therefore, they had all heard about CLOVER creating new products but they did not pay too much attention to it as they thought those items were meant for commoners.

However, presenting something meant for commoners to the King was not what a sensible business owner would do.

This brought a different thought to their mind, leading them to widen their eyes.

“CLOVER has been preparing to launch new products meant for the nobles so VC hoped that the King would be the first to use this product,” Knox added as he bowed his head before the King.

These words, in no time, proved that the assumption the rest had made was true and waited to see the King’s response.

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