
Chapter 69 - Kan-Dari!

At that, many who walked away tried to return, but to their dismay, they found their way blocked. Aleyria had erected a barrier after they had left.

"Down payment for your services." Aleyria said very simply. She waved her hand, and the gold began to split into equal sizes and made their way into the hands of all forty thousand people.

Screams of joy and shouts of glee began to sound as the people received their unexpected windfall.

After all forty thousand had received their gold, a glow appeared within the barrier, and all forty thousand realized that they had been marked.

"This mark will tell me that you were the first responders, and will tell the paymaster exactly how much he will have to pay you each month." Aleyria smiled.

"Work hard. Those who show great zeal and make great contributions will receive even greater rewards. Do not doubt my words nor the Kingdom\'s generosity. What you have received is merely a very small tip of the iceberg that is the wealth of Rin-Turah."

That was yesterday. Earlier that morning, a full hundred thousand men and women had signed up. All of them were given their down payment, and all of them began to work extremely hard at their assigned post.

She also had a few thousand working feverishly within the Palace, drafting up plans and listing names that would fill the job vacancies which would soon appear.

Aleyria smiled in satisfaction as she looked at the speed in which the buildings were being built. Everyone was working really hard.

Alexander would have his military economy and army soon. Thinking of that made her happy.


"This should be enough, right?" Kan-Dari said nervously to Shira.

They were standing upon a hill somewhere in the open grasslands of Zan. Before them, over thirty thousand Wyverns were gathered. Strangely, these Wyverns had defied their natural instincts and were  arranged in neat lines. Although they were roaring unhappily and snapping at each other very irritably, they remained in their positions.

"I think so… I can\'t believe that there are actually so many Wyverns!" Shira said. "Didn\'t King Biruz estimate their numbers at slightly above ten thousand? There are at least thirty thousand gathered here! AND a large number of them are actually fourth generation Wyverns!"

"Yes, yes that\'s right. Too many Wyverns! The atmosphere is suffocating! They are all so loud and… snappy." Kan-Dari whispered as she witnessed an especially large Wyvern snap at the Wyvern next to him.

"You should get used to it." Shira chuckled. "We\'re entering a new era now, where most of us will be fighting in the air instead of on the ground. In fact, I am pretty sure that Mistress will ask you to pick your own Wyvern when the time comes. You might as well pick now before the rest of the mages come and take the best ones away. Look over there, there\'s a gorgeous brown Wyvern with ridiculously long horns. Do you want it?" Shira pointed at the large Wyvern that Kan-Dari had been staring at.

"No thanks! It\'s got a really bad temper." Kan-Dari whispered.

"Not as bad as Liz\'An\'s, apparently!" Shira said with a laugh. "Look at her! She\'s actually roaring at that red giant for biting another Wyvern! I never expected her to be so ferocious!"

Kan-Dari smiled. It was true, both of them were surprised at Liz\'An\'s ferocity. After Dubaza left with Vernie and a few hundred Wyverns, the highest ranking Wyvern left was the 3rd Generation Wywy. And she had bullied her way around the entire Forest of Elgar, forcing all the Wyverns to leave their homes and gather in the grasslands.

Shira and Kan-Dari had followed her around to provide backup should problems arise. But they were totally unnecessary.

Bloodline suppression combined with Liz\'An\'s vicious and hard-handed punishments had made sure that every single Wyvern followed orders. Shira and Kan-Dari had watched with open-mouthed surprise as Liz\'An sent disobedient Wyvern after disobedient Wyvern smashing to the ground and got Wywy to physically trample on them to teach them that her orders were meant to be followed, not ignored.

And her methods worked beautifully.

"Thirty thousand Wyverns. King Alox-errr Alexander will be pleased." Shira said.

"Yes, We can put aside the breeding program for now while we train and create our Wyvern Regiments. It\'ll be so…" Kan-Dari didn\'t get to finish her grousing.

"Exciting." Shira interrupted firmly. "It\'ll be exciting! Come on, Dari. It\'ll be fun! Pick your Wyvern! I\'ve got my eye on the Wyvern that Liz\'An is currently roaring at. She\'s a fiery one."

"Yeah. You go ahead and pick her. I\'ll go and look for a cute little one that isn\'t too snappy." Kan-Dari said glumly. "One that\'s cute, and mild tempered, and maybe pink in co… OH LOOK OVER THERE! THERE\'S A CUTE YELLOW ONE!!" Kan-Dari squealed happily while pointing to a little Wyvern that\'s barely half in size of the red giant that Shira was eyeing.

"That scrawny Wyvern?! It\'s probably a fifth generation, maybe even 6th! Don\'t pick it. Hey, we\'ll be entering battle with these Wyverns, it\'ll be bad if you pick a weak 6th Generation one!" Shira frowned as she nagged at Kan-Dari.

But Kan-Dari ignored Shira completely. She was fully enamored by the \'merely\' eight meter tall yellow Wyvern. It was almost invisible in the sea of giant fifteen meter tall Wyverns around her.

"I want it." Kan-Dari announced to Shira.

"No, it\'s too weak." Shira said stubbornly.

"I want it!" Kan-Dari insisted.

"It\'s too weak! You\'ll drag us down in fights!" Shira said hotly.

"I won\'t! Plus its MY Wyvern, I get to choose it, not you!"

"Fine! Then you go ahead by yourself and sign a contract with it. I won\'t go with you!" Shira said with an evil smile.

"Noooooooooo! Shira, you evil meanie! Come with me and help me sign a contract with it!"Kan-Dari looked at Shira in horror.

"Hehehe. I\'ll just stay here and enjoy the show. Go on! Sign a contract with that scrawny Wyvern! If you\'re able to do it by yourself, I promise I\'ll watch out for you in battle!" Shira\'s evil grin grew wider.

Kan-Dari glared at Shira. What an irritating girl! "FINE! I\'ll go and sign a contract with it! If… if I get eaten by those Wyverns, then it\'s your fault! Make sure they write "DIED BECAUSE SHIRA DID NOT GO WITH HER TO SIGN A CONTRACT WITH THE WYVERN." on my tombstone!"

Shira burst out laughing. "Okay! I\'ll carve it myself!"

Kan-Dari glared at Shira a little while longer before stomping off angrily in the direction of the yellow Wyvern.

However, her stomps quickly became meek steps as she neared the first Wyvern.

GROAARR!!!!!! The black Wyvern roared at Kan-Dari who flinched visibly and took a quick step back.

Shira grinned, but her wand was out, and she was ready to rescue her best friend anytime.

Kan-Dari paused for a moment, before finally squaring her shoulders and stepping forward once more.

GROAAAARRR!!!!!!! The black Wyvern roared at Kan-Dari once more. However, this time Kan-Dari didn\'t stop walking forward. A red barrier materialized around her .

SNAP! The Wyvern sent a bite at the red barrier. BAM!

GREAAAAAR!!! The Wyvern wailed as its nose hit the barrier.

"Ouch! That must have hurt! Poor Wyvern!" Shira laughed.

Kan-Dari strode bravely forward.


Wyvern after Wyvern attacked the red barrier, and Wyvern after Wyvern recoiled in pain. Because the Wyverns weren\'t attacking at full force and merely sent irritable bites Kan-Dari\'s way, her barrier remained strong.

Very soon, Kan-Dari reached the yellow Wyvern.

Shira frowned. She actually made it there! She sighed, now she had to make sure she picked the largest and most ferocious one out of the lot to make sure that she is able to protect Kan-Dari in battle. She \'bookmarked\' the red giant and began to look for alternatives.

A black giant, bookmarked.

A grey super giant, bookmarked.

A white giant, preettyyy. Bookmarked.

Another red giant. Excellent. Bookmarked.

A green super giant, ewww but bookmarked.

… …

After five minutes of browsing through the Wyverns, Shira finally came up with a shortlist of 10 giant/supergiant Wyverns. She turned to look at Kan-Dari. But to her shock, Kan-Dari wasn\'t there!

"WHAT!! WHERE IS SHE!?!" Shira shrieked.


A massive explosion sounded as Shira blasted off like a cannonball from her position. Flames billowed out from her hands, propelling her rapidly forward as she shot towards the last place she remembered seeing Kan-Dari.

In the distance, Liz\'An turned around and saw Shira breaking past the speed of sound and creating a sonic boom before landing amid a bunch of Wyverns.

Sensing her mistress\'s growing distress, Wywy immediately roared and shot towards Shira. Wywy\'s anger rolled out in waves and pressed down heavily on the Wyverns, making them silent for a moment. Within seconds, Liz\'An had reached Shira\'s position.

"What\'s happening, Shira?" Liz\'An asked anxiously.

"Kan-Dari\'s gone!!" Shira shrieked in panic.

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