
Chapter 9

The ninth day started just as bad as any other. I woke up in pain, and it took me a while to get up. Leg still hurt, as did my side. Bruises were ugly green with some blue mixed in. I went out and took a stroll around, as always. The area around the device was again almost empty. Those who could, went hunting. I ate an apple for breakfast and sat on a piece of rubble to listen. It did not go as planned. Before I was able to figure out what the closest people were talking about, Aisha approached me.

- Hi. How are you? Looks like not good - She smiled looking at my leg. - They got me to.

She was a bit awkward while showing me the swollen thumb of her right hand.

- It doesn\'t look that terrible, but I can\'t grab anything with that hand - She continued.

- Sorry to hear that. It\'s tough when you can\'t hunt. Points vanish quickly.

- Yeah. Fortunately, I got some yesterday. Should be enough to let me survive for a couple of days, until I can grab again. By the way, did you hear the latest news?

- Probably not. Unless you are talking about Will\'s life story.

- Will?

- So you didn\'t have the pleasure to get to know him yet? Well, lucky you.

She laughed.

- Asshole?

- No, just very chatty.

- I know that type.

- So, what is the news?

- Device can be upgraded. I checked for myself, and it\'s true.

- That\'s… good, I think.

I tried to act surprised. To be honest, I thought somebody would find out sooner. What got me curious was that she didn\'t mention anything about upgrading your own body. I doubted she was hiding that information, and she was too smart to not think about that while knowing you can upgrade the device. Maybe the whole concept was foreign to her? Others had to know about that by now. I just couldn\'t believe somebody wouldn\'t think about that, the very moment the whole information of upgrading that alien thing started circulating around. There was another explanation. Those who knew were hiding it, just as I was.

- Yeah. If only the price wasn\'t that high. Its hundred thousand points - She continued.

- That\'s a thousand goblins.

- So that\'s how you call them?

- Yeah. How about you? Something different?

- Gremlins. I also heard trolls.

I chuckled.

- You clearly didn\'t play many RPG games. They look like goblins. Trolls usually are bigger, and gremlins smaller. Who cares anyway? I guess we won\'t upgrade it for a while…

- Probably. But some people want to assemble hunting groups just for that purpose. Strongest people. There was also the idea of tax for using the device, but that\'s impossible since you can\'t exchange points - She explained.

- Maybe we can, just don\'t know how yet?

- Maybe, but since we don\'t know how, we can\'t do it anyway. Besides some people are barely making it. The tax would kill them.

- You are right. It is tough. I managed to get some crystals before I got hurt, but there are people who didn\'t.

- I would like to help, but…

- You can\'t save others when you can\'t even save yourself.

- Right.

I did notice something. We barely knew each other, but for some reason, it looked to me like she felt safe near me. Maybe that\'s because I wasn\'t giving her much attention, while also being friendly? She was a beautiful girl, which in our situation wasn\'t necessarily a good thing. Some guys probably tried to get uncomfortably close to her by now, so maybe my company for just that reason was comforting to her? I had no idea. I could only speculate.

The previous awkwardness also disappeared as we were talking. I guess those couple encounters made us close in some way?

- I have a question, but you might not answer - She started.

- Then maybe don\'t ask it?

She chuckled.

- I\'m gonna do just the opposite. Why do you disappear all the time?

- I guess I\'m not the most social guy.

- Sure. No, but seriously?

I took my time with the answer, to the point she was about to say something again. Her facial expression showed a bit of anger.

- You probably noticed by now, but there are some people here who don\'t really care about anything other than their own survival.

- I\'m not dumb.

- I know. I actually think you are a smart person. Predators when hunting target the weakest prey. That\'s me. I don\'t wanna be a target.

- So that\'s why you hide?

- Yeah. I guess I\'m a coward.

- Kinda.

I looked her straight in the eyes as she was smiling.

- Do you have any idea who might be responsible for the murders? - She asked after a moment, and as she did, her expression got serious.

- I barely know anyone here. I disappear, did you forget? Like a coward.

- Did I hurt your pride that much?

- Yeah. It hurts more than my leg.

She laughed.

- How about you? You probably know more people.

- I\'m suspicious of a few, but there is no way to know for sure, so I just try to keep my distance.

- Be careful. You are also a target.

- I know how to take care of myself, Peter.

- Maybe you do, but there is no need to verify that.

- Do you worry about me? That\'s cute.

- I think I kinda do.

She clearly wanted to make another joke, but instead, she just nodded.

- I\'m gonna go back to work now. Take care, Peter.

- Work? Are you making something?

- I\'m trying to make a wooden bowl. They seem to be useful. I want to drink something different. I\'m sick of all the oranges, but it\'s hard with just my left hand.

- Bye then.

- Yeah, bye.

As she was moving away from me I was contemplating why I didn\'t tell her about what I found out? Why didn\'t I want to drop my defensive walls for her, when she clearly was dropping hers? I really was a coward.

- Nice girl, you two dating?

Familiar voice. Fucking Will.

- No. We just kinda know each other.

- Did she bring you news?

- What news? About the device?

- Yes.

- Yep, she did.

- What do you think is gonna happen now?

- What do you mean by that?

- Didn\'t she mention to you, that some people want to tax for using the device, and use those points to upgrade it?

- She did, but it\'s impossible to tax points. They can only tax crystals, but nobody is going to give that much.

- You are right, although I think the whole idea is gonna survive. I think they will upgrade it, and then start taxing us for using it, while saying it\'s for the next upgrade or something. We will have our own government very soon. Fucking us, as they used to do on earth.

At that moment I was surprised. To be honest I have never given that much credit to Will. I thought he was a lowlife, simpleton incapable of realizing things around him. I was wrong. I was the one being dumb, because what he said never crossed my mind, and at that moment I could clearly see it becoming reality.

- You… Might be right.

- I know. I wish we could do something about that.

I looked at him. He wasn\'t the man I thought he was. He became a riddle for me. Riddle to whom I didn\'t know the answer.

- We are losers, Will. We have to go with the flow.

He looked at me and smiled.

- Yes, we are.

There was a moment of silence, and it became awkward to me, so I stood up.

- I\'m gonna take a walk.

- With your leg? - He said while looking at me.

At that very moment, I could swear he knew everything about me. Even things I wasn\'t aware of. So I just walked away without a word. At some point, I had this desire to look back, but I didn\'t. Maybe I was afraid, I was gonna confirm my thoughts?

Taking my time I limped back to my hideout. I regretted not eating more than a single apple, but walking back would take a lot of time, so I just decided to starve.

Day ended with 259 points.

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