
Chapter 845 T.D.O.N.B: The City In Webs

He slammed me right in the face, and I turned to smoke, disappearing completely. Why? Well, I\'ll explain later.

Just as he did that I proper from behind the corner of the building on his right, and leaned on the wall with my shoulder, observing the situation briefly. Nobody seemed to register me there.

- Wow, nice punch - I had to announce myself, as they were looking like idiots at the spot I was just in.

This made everybody look my way - even Will who was frowning. He clearly knew that attack was too weak to do anything to me, and yet something out of ordinary happened, so he immediately sniffed some kind of shenanigans.

- Yeah. Nice for a baby - another me popped on the opposite side, avoiding being noticed, and then announced himself by speaking out.

- What the fuck is going on? - Martinez asked, bamboozled by the situation.

He didn\'t even know at which me he should look.

- Can you keep quiet? I\'m trying to watch a fight here! - my head popped slightly above the ground, from the stands of a nearby sandpit where some people were training. - Thank you very much!

And the head disappeared.

- What is this? - Benjamin asked observing the situation from the distance.

- This? - asked the first me who showed up. - This is the difference between your boys and me.

As I said those words another hundred me just walked straight from the void to surround all of them.

- It\'s also a warning - one among the hundred informed them. - So better behave.

Then every single one of me disappeared.

To explain a little bit, when we were leaving the negotiations, I was the last one, so I switched my real self with one of my fake alternatives, and shadow walked outside of the building, then went to sit on the stands of a nearby sandpit, and watched the fight, while keeping an eye on the lovely bunch and my friend.

Why? I wanted to show them at least something. Will was adamant about me not kicking some ass, but I felt like I should do something, so they wouldn\'t have any stupid ideas.

Wolf stepped forward to stand by the side of his lawyer.

- We received the warning - he informed me, then smiled, and was on his way, joined by the rest.

I bet Martinez felt very awkward at that moment, walking with his tail between his legs from the entrance to the building. Will observed them for a while before I joined him coming from the sandpit.

- Can I ask you what the fuck are you doing, again? - he looked at me, by turning only his head so our eyes would meet.

- Sorry, but the fuckers got a bit too full of themselves for my taste - I shrugged my shoulders.

He sighed while shaking his head.

- Can you for a fucking once listen to me? I would really appreciate that - he responded.

- Sorry mom, I\'ll behave.

He shook his head again, this time fighting with a smile. At that very same moment, somebody behind Will\'s back loudly cleared their throat. It made my friend turn and look who that was.

- Finally - he said immediately. This made me get closer to seeing for myself who that mysterious figure was.


- I returned, but you had a meeting, so I patiently waited, but since you are free now, maybe we could talk? - he asked us both.

- Definitely - Will answered, while he started moving.

He clearly wished to go somewhere more private. We ended up in one of the meeting rooms. He didn\'t even take a chair, instead sat straight on the table. Daniel preferred to use a normal seat. I, on the other hand just stood right behind the closed door with my terms crossed on my chest.

- Ok, talk - Will said.

Mister spy started with a loud sigh.

- It was a difficult and long task, you know? - he pointed out. - I started sniffing in Arc. Following some people. I found out about some connections, then contacted my people outside of the city, to check a couple of things, and ended up having to travel to earth. First Canada, then Austria, and finally Japan. You see... We have quite the web of shit wrapped around our lovely city.

- Details, Daniel. Details - Will said.

- Ok. So... The first duel requests came from a bunch of randoms. No real affiliation with any organization. Just rich kids playing around here and thinking they are of importance. All ego games. Unfortunately among them was a couple, that often hanged with similar people who were in some of the newly emerged organizations. Then the shit storm of the duel requests started. The incidents with mainly Leonel, Tihana, and John increased. But it was still actually fine, compared to what it evolved into - he warned us.

- Explain - I said.

- It was a play on John to put pressure on his father. Some people figured that they might get more than others if they pressure mister Wu. After all, he is the one handling our digital infrastructure. But the news traveled even higher. You see there is this \'Wolf warriors\' company that is heavily involved with all of those organizations. It was formed to later provide the wealthy backers with enough crystals to prolong their life, but the main goal is actually to take over this city - he explained.

- I suspected that already - Will informed us.

- That\'s not all - Daniel said. - There is more. This is what I learned by traveling to Canada and Austria, but there was a trace leading to Japan. A steady flow of massive money coming from The Land of the Cherry Blossom. So, obviously, I had to go there... And then I discovered something that literally gave me chills. Do you remember Blue?

My eyes went wide when the name was mentioned.

- He stole the seed and build a city in Japan. It\'s a top secret. Built completely underground. From there he is applying pressure on us. Very, fucking very discreetly.

My jaw just dropped.

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