
Chapter 58 (LVIII) Umbra

Jackson was practicing on the beach, sparring with the pair of swords as he worked through the different forms of his fighting style. He was slowly working his way through the Mastery.

He was becoming more proficient with the weapons he was learning, and he was beginning to understand the logic of the movements and their applications.

He was starting to feel comfortable with the transition of the twin blades from one form to the next, and he was no longer worried about maiming himself when swapping styles.

He was a little frustrated that he could not test out the new moves he\'d just learned since he promised Amelia, he wouldn\'t use the Twin Moons until his Mastery was higher, but he was determined to make that happen as soon as possible.

He was in the middle of a complicated sequence, where he was required to perform a series of slashes and thrusts that combined the two forms when Khione meowed loudly, catching his attention.

He paused and looked over, noticing her running through the sand toward him, meowing to get his attention.

He stabbed the swords into the sand, walking to her, kneeling to let her rub her body against his legs.

He chuckled as he petted her, feeling her soft fur between his fingers before she ran off toward the campfire stopping as she turned her head back, meowing.

He followed after her as she led him to where Orzas\'s Dragon Egg was nestled in the sand close to the campfire.

He knelt beside the egg, looking it over, Khione sitting next to him, staring curiously between him and the egg.

It was roughly the size of a basketball, and there was a small crack on the top of the egg. It shook slightly and then stopped.

He placed his hands on top of it, pressing his fingers against the shell as he felt its warmth and energy.

He could feel it pulsing, sending waves of heat and power through his palms as he concentrated, pushing his senses into it.

He felt something inside the egg, a strong, tiny beating heart that was struggling to break free from the confines of the shell.

He could hear the heartbeat getting louder, and he felt it growing stronger. He focused his strength, his willpower, pouring his energy into the egg in hopes of helping it break out of its shell.

He felt it shudder and shake violently, and he felt a rush of air blow out of it, like a cannon firing a projectile into the sky.

The cracking sound of breaking bone echoed throughout the beach, and a bright light flashed around the area as a blinding flash of light burst outward from the egg, enveloping the entire coast.

Jackson shielded his eyes from the sudden brightness, turning away as he felt the hot wind blowing across his skin. He looked back at the egg, seeing it had broken open, the contents within glowing brightly.

He peeked through his fingers, looking as the egg cracked and started falling apart, a small Wyvern hatching from his egg, shaking the last remnants of the shell from his wings.

The creature was slightly larger than Khione, and it was black from the beginning of its rounded snout to the tip of its tail fins.

The wyvern\'s body was covered in scales, and they shimmered in the sunlight as though wet. His long neck curved back, ending in an elongated head with white vertical slits for irises and a short, blunt muzzle.

He had four sharp claws on his hindlegs, including a \'Terrible Claw\' on his each, and three on the end of his tail. A row of spiked fins lined the length of his spine.

The baby wyvern\'s front arms were winged, with three thin claws that served as front paws. His forearms ended in thick, muscular shoulders.

His tail had a similar shape, but the tail fin was much smaller and less pronounced.

Jackson stood, watching the young wyvern as it stretched itself out, his tail flicking back and forth as he yawned and looked around.

Khione watched the scene with interest, standing up and stretching herself, before she walked over and sat down in the sand, staring at the new arrival.

Jackson approached, crouching down as he reached out his hand to touch the young wyvern.

He spoke softly, "You\'re going to be okay now."

The wyvern looked up at him, tilting his head as he sniffed Jackson, his nostrils flaring as his tongue darted in and out of his mouth.

Jackson smiled at the cute gesture, and he reached up, touching his nose. He heard him give a low growl from the wyvern before he backed up, snapping his teeth and opening his mouth as a tiny spark of fire struggled to escape.

Jackson chuckled at the small wyvern as the system chimed, and a window appeared in front of him:

[Please submit name:]

Jackson stroked his chin as he thought about what to name him. After thinking for a moment, he snapped his fingers, smirking before he typed, "Umbra," causing the window to disappear and another to pop open:

[He will now be known as Umbra.]

The window disappeared as two more appeared before him:

[Begining the Synchronization Process...]

[Please Wait...]]

Umbra tilted his head, staring up at Jackson, his black eyes with white slits repeatedly blinking as it slowly approached.

Jackson reached his left hand out as the black half of the dragon tattoo on his hand began glowing faintly. The glow grew brighter as Umbra\'s black scales started to do the same. More radiant white threads appeared from his tail, trailing toward his head.

Jackson reached forward, picking him up as the threads flew into his right pectoral, as a tattoo of a fierce black wyvern with white-slitted eyes formed.

Umbra slowly vanished as the bright thread consumed his body and the details of the tattoo filled in. A few seconds later, the lights faded away, and the new tattoo was complete on his chest.

[Synchronization Completion!]

[Umbra is now listed as a Spirit Beast. You may now Call him.]

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