
Chapter 62 (LXII) Goodbye

Sera stared at Jackson\'s hand in confusion before staring into his eyes, "What do you mean? You\'ve always been here."

Jackson shook his head slowly, unable to believe his ears, and repeated, "You\'ve always been here?"


"But…how? You can\'t enter God\'s Tower until you\'re nineteen!" Jackson asked incredulously.

"God\'s Tower..?" Sera asked, tilting her head and tapping her lower lip with her index finger as she thought, "Never heard of it!"

"That\'s impossible. Have you been living under a rock?" Jackson furrowed his brow, throwing his palms out.

"No, I\'ve been living here!" She replied, raising her brow and tilting her head again.

"..." Jackson\'s brain short-circuited as his arms hung and smoke rose from his head. Sera reached forward to tap his shoulder when she shuddered and started looking around.

Lightning began sparking around Jackson as she backed away, looking around erratically. She struggled against herself whether to say anything before turning, throwing her arm out as a portal appeared and disappeared into it.


The lightning tore through the air as Almunaas and Elissa appeared in front of Jackson, looking around and finding nothing.

"As you can see, now that we\'re here nothing to be seen!" She replied, shaking her head and placing her hands on her hips.

Almunaas casually strolled to the cliff\'s edge, looking around and nodding, "I see..."

He approached Jackson and walked around him, continuing as his deep blue eyes glowed brightly, "So this is the Climber..."

Elissa nodded sheepishly, fidgeting with the hem of her dress, "Yes."

"He is a good one." Almunaas replied, snapping his fingers and disappearing in a torrential bolt of lightning.

She sighed heavily as she walked around Jackson, "You better stay out of trouble..." She said, walking past him as a portal appeared, and she disappeared into it.

The young man repeatedly blinked, looking around, cupping his hands around his mouth, and calling, "Sera???"

He checked his minimap and noticed nothing around him, scrunching the corner of his mouth and squinting his eyes, muttering, "Where did she go..?"

Jackson wracked his brain as he took his time returning to the campsite, unable to comprehend how she had vanished right in front of him.

He kindled the campfire, his thoughts locked on Sera\'s words, \'It is you who stunts their growth!\'

He thought for a long time before he called Khione and Umbra from his body as both materialized in front of him. He smiled softly, reaching his hands out as he stared at both small, winged creatures, "How can I help you both grow stronger..?"

"Kyu?" Khione tilted her head, her large eyes sparkling as she stared at him. Umbra cooed, rising on his back legs, and flapped his wings in response.

"Go on and play! Have some fun!" Jackson smiled as he patted both of their heads. Khione\'s tail immediately perked up as she gave Umbra the once over and trotted off.

Umbra looked at the departing kitten and back to his master, who smiled at him, nodding as he released a soft roar and chased after Khione, jumping around her after catching up.

Jackson stood up and smiled softly at the two as he turned to the campfire and began preparing another pot of stew. As it was brewing, he tried to train his skills, but he wasn\'t in the right mindset and quickly gave up.

Jackson huffed as he plopped down into the sand, feeling conflicted, he wanted to train the both of them immediately and increase their strength to add to his own, but he also didn\'t want to be the reason for their growth being stunted.

He stared at the two playing off in the distance as he sat in the sand, the sun starting to set as the pot\'s aroma began filling the air. He stood, removing the lid as he stirred the stew, leaning forward and tasting it with a smile.

The two came running over and started twisting around his legs, Khione rubbing against him as Umbra tried to climb up his pants.

"Okay, okay! I\'ll get you guys some!" Jackson chuckled, turning to the tent as Umbra landed on Khione, causing a minor tussle to break out.

When he emerged from the tent with three bowls, he rushed over, falling to his knees, breaking the fight up.

"Sheesh! I can\'t turn my back on you two for one second without all hell breaking loose!" He scolded them both as he served them their bowls, "Ah! I can\'t stay mad at you guys!" Sitting next to the small creatures, he chuckled and began eating his dinner.

The two finished before him and began encroaching on him, trying to climb his forearms to get into his bowl as he repeatedly shrugged them off, "Hey! Hey! Hey! You guys had yours!! This is mine!!"

The rest of the evening passed as he spent time with them both. He had nothing but time, and Sera\'s words lingered in the back of his mind. He had steeled his resolve, determined to provide the absolute best for both of them.

He may not have forced them into Synchronizing with him, but that doesn\'t excuse him from not supporting his linked partners to the furthest extent.

Jackson sat on the beach cross-legged, leaning back on his arms while Khione slept, curled into a ball on his lap, and Umbra was curled against his shins, half buried in the sand.

"I\'m sorry, you guys..." He said, both of the Spirits raising their heads and staring at him as he continued, "For the time being... at least until I can return to Duskgate and get more information on how to better raise you both, you won\'t be able to exit my body..."

Jackson\'s heartstrings strained as he sighed heavily and leaned forward, closing his eyes and hanging his head.

Khione and Umbra\'s expressions changed as they sulked and cautiously leaned toward their master, making soft noises.

Jackson\'s lip quivered as he forced a smile, placing his hands carefully on both of their heads, rubbing them softly as he recalled them. Both cooed softly as they disappeared, a tear falling from his cheek into the sand as he balled his hand into a fist and punched the sand violently.

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