
Chapter 72 (LXXII) Mimic

He reached up, touching the handle, pushing on it. The lock clicked open, revealing an empty room as Khione bolted into it, followed quickly by Umbra.

Jackson stared at the two dumbfounded before he shrugged, stepping inside. As soon as he did, the torches on the wall flickered on, illuminating the chamber. Jackson blinked, squinting as he looked around, confused. There was nothing in the room.

Jackson shook his head, turning around to leave as the door slammed shut behind him.

"What?" Jackson shouted and reached up, shaking the handle, but it wouldn\'t budge.

"Kyu!!!!" Khione meowed loudly, scratching at the locked steel door. Umbra cautiously walked toward the center of the room, unphased by the locked door.

Jackson sighed, turning around as he slid down the door. He patted the still trying to escape kitten and looked around for Umbra before noticing the wyvern walking toward a chest in the middle of the room.

\'Huh..?\' Jackson shot to his feet, glaring at the chest, \'That wasn\'t there a moment ago...\'

Umbra continued approaching the chest, his eyes reflecting the greed in the young wyvern\'s heart.

"Umbra, no!" Jackson shouted, running forward as the small Spirit raised on both hindlegs, spreading his wings, flapping them rapidly before jumping into the air and landing on top of the chest.

"Nooooooo!!" Jackson cried as he jumped into the air, grabbing Umbra as the chest started bouncing around violently. Eight holes burst open at the bottom of the chest as it rose into the air, as eight golden metallic legs appeared.

Two more holes appeared in the front as two long red rubbery tentacles appeared. A dozen small beady red eyes opened on the chest\'s lid and opened, revealing two rows of razor-sharp white fangs and a long slimy red tongue.

Jackson landed hard, falling to the floor and rolling to a stop, panting heavily as he looked down at the wyvern before looking at the Mimic and back to his pet, scolding him, "Stay close and don\'t get too cocky!"

He put him down after he screeched his confirmation, standing up and charging toward the spider-like chest monster with both Twin Moons, shouting, "Khione!! Umbra!!"

The mimic shrieked, opening its mouth wide as it lunged forward, slamming into Jackson with all of its limbs. The force knocked Jackson backward several meters into the wall, where he slid to the ground with a thud.

The creature leaped again, this time aiming directly for Khione, who was watching from afar with her ears flat against her head. She growled low in her throat when she realized what was happening and dashed forward, stopping in place as it reared up on its many legs and struck at her with its claws.

She rolled to avoid being hit, springing back up and spinning around to face it. The beast charged forward again, striking with its foreclaws and biting with its mandibles.

Khione snarled, growling angrily as Umbra screeched loudly and glided through the air and landed on the mimic\'s head, digging his claws into the wooden body.

The mimic screamed in pain as the wyvern scratched at the wood. Khione ran forward and bit at the metallic band around the sides of the box.

The mimic swung wildly at Umbra, knocking him off, before it spun around, swinging its tentacles in a wide arc at the cub, who dodged the attack easily. Jackson rushed in, twirling his two scimitars as he sliced one of the arms cleanly.

The mimic roared, raising its remaining arm to strike at the boy. He sidestepped, avoiding the blow and hacking his weapons against the wooden body of the monster. Khione bit down harder, tearing the metal bands apart as Umbra climbed back onto the creature\'s head, clawing at the eyes.

The mimic squealed, dropping to the ground as it fell backward, hitting the ground and sliding along the stone until it stopped. Jackson looked at the severed chest lying motionless on the ground; long, rubber, slimy tendons stretched from the body of the chest to the lid as a line of jagged teeth lined the opening.

"Well done, but let\'s not trigger any traps next time!" He said, looking back to his companions, nodding approvingly as Khione and Umbra excitedly bounced around his feet. Jackson knelt next to the mimic and began dismantling the monster, taking its teeth and shell.

Defeating the mimic had opened the door and turned to the sound and squinted his eyes, "Was I misled..?" Jackson muttered, surprised that Umbra\'s trait had led him into a trap. He quickly shook off the feeling as he once again closed out the world, shutting his eyes as he steadied his breath and reached out once again.

Jackson felt the pull behind him once again as he turned and stared at the back wall with interest. He walked slowly towards the back wall, reaching up and touching the smooth surface. He quickly began sliding his hands across the entire wall but found nothing. He looked at Khione, then Umbra, before looking down at the wall.

"I guess we\'re going to have to break through." Jackson mumbled to himself as he took a step back, drawing his arm back as he prepared himself. He took another deep breath before he stepped forward; red wind began spiraling around his arm as he punched through the wall, shattering it into hundreds of small pieces.

He pushed forward, breaking away chunks of the wall as he moved further into the cavernous space beyond, as the two creatures hopped over the rubble, following after him.

Jackson stopped suddenly, staring at the floating pure white feather in the center of a decorated marble stone chamber. He glanced back to the others, seeing they were right behind him before he looked back to the feather.

He smiled, moving closer as Khione and Umbra followed closely behind him.

Jackson picked up the feather, holding it between his thumb and index finger, admiring how soft and delicate the material was. It glowed brightly, lighting up the room like a star.

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