
Chapter 75 - 75: New Friend?

Kim Eunji took a quick shower to freshen up.

Wearing her silk robe, she grabbed her pouch where she packed her essentials and applied an ample amount of lotion on her body.

She also applied skin care on her face to keep them hydrated.

Tiger came in with two bags in her hand. One contained her dress while the other one contained her shoes.

But Kim Eunji had decided to stick to her original dress. The dress that J prepared was so sexy for her to wear.

Tiger helped her with her make up and afterwards helped her in wearing her dress.

"Mistress. It\'s done." Tiger said and proudly looked at Kim Eunji\'s reflection in the mirror.

Kim Eunji then turned around and looked at herself.

She looked breathtaking.

Tiger tied her hair in a messy bun and her eye make up fascinated her the most. She was wearing a smoky eye make up which emphasized her feline-shaped eyes and their respective colors even more.

Since her lips were naturally rosy red, she only needed to apply some lip balm on it. And for her cheeks, Tiger only put face powder as she didn\'t have to hide any pores on her face as there\'s none.

There\'s no need to do some contour as her slightly plum cheeks had completed her elegant look.

"Beautiful." Kim Eunji praised the woman she was looking at the mirror.

"Yes you are Mistress." Tiger complimented.

Kim Eunji then wore back her rings which she had removed earlier when she showered.

Tiger also looked at the rings and she was not ignorant to not know what were those.

Kim Eunji wore the shoes that J had prepared for her.

It was already five in the afternoon when J and Kim Eunji decided to leave the house.

They rode a limousine going to the Jin Family Ancestral House where the party was being held.

It took them fifteen minutes to arrive on the place.

Though the Jin Family were not as powerful as they were in the past, their influence in the circle remained solid. They were related to one of China\'s late Emperor back then that\'s why they had so much pride in them and thought of themselves as untouchable despite facing a financial crises a couple of years back.

The guests were slowly arriving and their cars started to crowd the open parking lot.

The limo stopped at the entrance of the house where the servants in uniform lined up to welcome them.

The chauffeur opened the door of the limo and J got out first.

The daughters of the rich businessmen who were in partnership with the Jins screamed the moment they saw J\'s handsome figure.

J was oozing with sex appeal and could break a woman\'s heart in one glance. He had been ranked first on the Most Eligible Bachelor of the Country list for six consecutive years and had just outranked by Nathan recently.

However, their scream faded when they saw a beautiful woman coming out of the limo.

J offered his hand out and Kim Eunji gladly took it.

"Thank you." Kim Eunji uttered.

They did not mind the gossips coming from the guests present in the area and entered the house.

The servants saw them coming therefore they immediately bowed down their heads to welcome their arrival. "Good afternoon Master Jin!" they then paused and said, "Lady Kim!"

Some of the servants knew who Kim Eunji was but some didn\'t. After all, mentioning her name was like a taboo in this family. She was seen as a threat.

That\'s why they were shocked to see her arrival. And they were speechless of her beauty and could only secretly followed Kim Eunji with their gazes.


There were already many guests crowding the main hall which looked like being divided into two sides. On the left side, fathers together with their sons were holding at least a glass of champagne in their hands as they bragged about their achievements and current business endeavors.

Their female counterparts were gathered on the other side of the hall together with their daughters.

They were talking about how well their daughters were doing at school and how many suitors they\'ve had. The wives were also bragging about their husband\'s achievements.

Eunji didn\'t like the atmosphere inside the hall. She could tell that they were all fancy people. And she\'s allergic to these kinds of people.

As soon as they entered, all eyes were on them making Kim Eunji to be anxious however she had managed to remain calm on the outside.

"Are you okay?" J asked as he was worried that the environment might be unfriendly for Kim Eunji.

"I\'m fine. I just need to breathe...outside." She honestly said.

"Do you want me to come with you?" J was worried.

"No. You go ahead. I\'ll be fine on my own." Kim Eunji declined his offer as she saw two figures approaching their way.

"Son, what are you doing here? You should be inside joining your father entertaining the male guests and not here at the entrance."

But J ignored the woman as he was checking on Kim Eunji.

"J, your mother\'s talking to you." Kim Eunji reminded him to be sensible enough.

"Brother, don\'t ignore Mom. A lot of people are looking at us now." Jin Li Rong, J\'s sister said but looked at Kim Eunji with disdain.

"I really don\'t know why grandpa invited this shameless woman over." She whispered to her mother.

She\'s hated Eunji as she thought that she\'s the reason why J was in a bad relationship with their parents.

She did not recognize Eunji as a part of the Jin as well as first, she\'s not foreign and second, her name was not Jin but Kim.

Third, she did not believe her claim of being the direct descendant of the real heir of the Jin Family.

Kim Eunji\'s proof of identity was the jade pendant that her mother had given her. She was told that it belonged to her maternal grandmother.

As the next heir, J was given the access to the Jin Family Archives and he had seen that pendant being displayed in one of the shelves there that\'s why he recognized Eunji as family immediately.

Only the daughters of the Jin had the right to own one Jade pendant as it was like one in a million for a Jin couple to bore a daughter.

That\'s why a daughter born from the Jin family was treated preciously like the most important treasure in the world other than gold and precious stones like diamonds… and the male members in the family would do their best to protect her. And that Jade pendant held their status in the family.

People thought that the line of the Jin Family had already ended the moment her Kim Eunji\'s grandmother was abducted by the bandits.

Kim Eunji\'s great grandmother was not able to bear a child anymore as she got terminally ill and later on died.

When his wife died, Old Master Jin brought a child home. He was an orphan that he had found while he was on his journey home.

That child eventually became the next head of the Jin even though the Elders were greatly against it.

That child back then was now J\'s grandfather. He somehow managed to make the Elders to favor him.

Though J\'s family managed to make the Elders to be in their favor, a selected few were still against the idea of an outsider to run and represent the whole Jin Family.

Imagine the chaos that Kim Eunji had caused to them when she suddenly showed up and declared her identity to them. To make things worse, J was on her side, too.

This caused the dispute between their family. And Jin Li Rong blamed everything to Kim Eunji.

Their family should have been at peace if only she didn\'t show up.

Kim Eunji did prove that she\'s a Jin based on genetic tests conducted to her. Some of the Elders were on her side but she decided to ignore them as she knew they were siding her because they had no other option.

And Kim Eunji hated that.

Kim Eunji knew that the only person who treated her as a part of this family was none other than J.

"Li Rong, behave. Your grandfather invited her therefore we should respect his decision." Jin Zhilan reprimanded her daughter.

"Eunji dear, what are you doing here? You should get inside, too. You\'re a family." Jin Zhilan said. Though she showed that she cared about Kim Eunji, Kim Eunji knew that she was just acting. Who knew what this woman was already thinking about her?

However, Kim Eunji decided to be civil with her since the latter didn\'t mean any harm to her yet.

"It\'s okay Madame Jin. I want to stay out for a while. This place is kind of overwhelming me." Kim Eunji admitted.

"Are you sure you\'re okay?" J asked her one more time.

"I am J. I just need some time alone. Just go please. Tiger\'s with me so I\'ll be fine." Kim Eunji almost pleaded.

"Okay." J reluctantly agreed and watched Kim Eunji\'s departing figure. He inwardly sighed and walked inside but he did not go towards his father\'s direction but instead looked for his grandfather.

Kim Eunji walked towards the back garden to breathe some fresh air.

"Are you okay Mistress?" Tiger worriedly asked her.

"I\'m fine. I just want to be alone right now." Kim Eunji honestly said.

"But Master would be mad if he\'ll found out I left you behind." Tiger said.

"Please." Kim Eunji pleaded. She desperately wanted to be alone to think.

She then looked at her hand and saw her engagement ring. She smiled as she thought of Nathan.

She wondered if he was close. There\'s still one and a half hour left until he arrived.

However her thoughts were cut off when she felt that someone was approaching her.

She immediately doubled her guard up as she felt the stranger\'s presence coming closer.

"Hi." He greeted as if they were close.

But Kim Eunji decided to ignore him.

"Why are you here? You should be inside enjoying the party." He seriously asked her as he tried to start a conversation with her.

He then carefully looked at her side profile and found her a bit familiar.

"Wait, have we met before? I think I saw you before but I could not recall exactly where." He added. He didn\'t mind acting like he was having a monologue.

Just like Kim Eunji he didn\'t like social functions as he knew all the people inside were only good to him to gain benefits. Just for the sake of networking and he hated that.

He went out as he could no longer stand the atmosphere inside. He wanted to talk to someone normal. And seems like he had found that person in her.

But Kim Eunji continued to ignore him. She turned around to avoid him but he was so stubborn and wanted her attention even more.

"May I at least know your name?" He asked him but Kim Eunji found it annoying and at the same time irritating.

"Miss?" He pursued.

"Leave!" Kim Eunji\'s expression turned sour.

However, the young man was not discouraged by this.

"You sure have the attitude you know. Which makes you a real person. So, can I be your friend?" He suddenly asked that caught Kim Eunji off guard.

"Friend? What for?"

"I don\'t know. I just like to hang out with you. Talk to someone real." He honestly said.

"For starters, I think you\'re here because you don\'t like the atmosphere inside, am I right?" He said that gained Kim Eunji\'s interest a bit. But she still decided to ignore him.

"Look Mr. John Doe, maybe you\'re right. I don\'t like the atmosphere inside but that does not mean I\'m willing to befriend someone either."

"Alright, I get it. You don\'t trust me. I\'m still a stranger to you. So I think I should introduce myself to you first. I\'m Ling Bao." He offered his hand for a handshake but Kim Eunji just looked at it.

She didn\'t know if she should accept it or not. She studied his facial expression and found that he had no bad intentions towards her at all. At least for now...

"Call me by the name Kim." Kim Eunji shook his hand.

"Hello Miss Kim. It\'s nice to meet you."

"Nado (Me too in Korean)." Kim Eunji replied.

"Is that Korean?" Ling Bao asked her.

"Kim, doesn\'t it ring a bell?" Kim Eunji

"You\'re biracial?" He asked in surprise.

"Yes." She shortly said.

"That\'s so cool." Ling Bao was amazed.

"Nah it\'s not. Identity crises you know. You\'d always be stuck in between." Kim Eunji sadly expressed.

Kim Eunji then looked up at the sky and saw that it was already dark. If her calculations were right, it\'s already a quarter after six in the evening.

She didn\'t realize she had stayed out longer. She\'s afraid that J would be worried with her therefore she decided to go back.

"Anyways, I have to go back. My cousin might be worried about me." Kim Eunji said.

"Okay Miss Kim. But before you go, are we friends now?" Ling Bao asked.

"Good one Mr. Ling. But not so close." Kim Eunji then turned around and left him on his spot.

He helplessly shook his head as be looked at Kim Eunji\'s departing figure.

Tiger met her by the entrance and gave her an update of what was going on inside while she was away.

"Okay." She said in confirmation.

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