
Chapter 15

Archie trembled as he heard the voice and his whole body was tingling because of it as if he wasn’t the only one who was scared of that being, but the parasite inside him was also fear the being.

“Do not be afraid…” As the being glared at him and Archie glared at the ground while he nervously caught his breath. “Come forth…” The sound of the rings rotating, the unfamiliar sounds were ringing in Archie’s ears.

Archie slowly walked toward the being that he didn’t know but he knew that it didn’t intend to harm him.

Archie slowly lifted his head after he gathered his courage, he looked at the being and he immediately had a chill from his toes up to his hair. The being was glaring down at him, a being that was so big yet seemed so small from the distance.

“Y-you were the one wh-who wanted to see me?” Archie nervously stuttered because every word he said was enough to take him out of breath. The rings spun really fast that his eyes couldn’t catch them.

“You who did not know of our existence, we have waited.” The being replied with its flames fiercely expanding around the rings.

Archie had no idea if the being was furious at him because he didn’t come sooner or if it was just the way that being showed its expression.

“Wh-who, are you?” Archie kept stuttering no matter how many times he tried not to.

“We, Throne, Holder of Knowledge of the God!” The rings spun again and this time they tilted toward Archie as if it was trying to make it clear. “Humans used to call us as a part of the angels.” Throne spun its rings but this time it was spinning slowly.

“Th-throne?! Angels?! You were sent by God?” Archie’s eyes were wide open while he gulped with disbelief because a being that he didn’t know exist was standing right in front of him.

Archie wasn’t a believer nor did the people that lived in the Sky Station or everyone in general because there wasn’t that much information about religions since they had lost all the records about god, angels, and anything related to them.

“We are.” As the angel kept glaring down at Archie. Archie gulped,

“Is there a reason why you wanted to see me, angel?” Archie just stared at it still in disbelief as Throne was slowly ascending, then the whole surrounding area was being sucked into the rings and everything was black.

Slowly the flames around Throne were expanding and created images around Archie.

“We have seen and we have been watching the earth from the beginning of time,” Throne said as it aligned the rings horizontally.

The images turned into a vast sea and they both slowly descended into the sea and went deeper. Archie saw so many weird creatures swimming in the sea, they looked like insects that live under the sea.

“This was the first life that the He created, the first ones that roamed the earth.” Throne’s eyes were staring at everything around it.

The event turned by the temperatures plummeting and huge glaciers forming, which caused sea levels to drop dramatically. This was followed by a period of rapid warming and many of those creatures died out.

“This was the first extinction that lead into a new life” Throne glared at Archie with the rings kept spinning.

The sea level turned back to normal and Archie could see creatures that looked like fish swimming in the sea.

“This was the second life that He created, the life that will lead to another.” Throne was staring at the creatures as if it was amazed by God’s work.

Before Archie could admire everything, the sea level changed again, it was different from the last time, the sea level changed rapidly as if it was trying to adjust itself. Many of those fishes died because of that, and he watched millions of fishes float.

Everything went back to normal again but this time Throne showed Archie a creature that looked like a salamander that walked out from the sea. It breed and changed into a creature that he knew, Triassic. Archie smiled the entire time as he was amazed at how he could see the events with his own eyes that he could tell it wasn’t an illusion, but he was going back in time with the power of Throne.

As Archie watched those creatures roam the earth, the event changed into a catastrophe where the volcano burst its lava up into the sky and covered the sky with smoke. The eruption killed almost everything on earth, Archie was shocked by the event and saw one of the creatures try to survive but ended up dying because of the acid. It broke his heart because everything always comes to an end, he almost cried when he watched all the lives that Throne had shown him.

“Do not be afraid.” Throne glared down at Archie who was saddened by the event.

“I’m not afraid, I’m sad because of the event…” Archie slightly smiled while he shook his head.

“You are afraid, you who know our existence. You are afraid that the humans will have the same fate as those living beings,” Throne kept glaring at him.

Archie just nodded while he frowned because it was what he truly felt at that moment.

While Archie mourned the earth went back to normal and those creatures that survived started to roam the earth again and evolved into Triassic. Archie immediately wiped his eyes and watched the life of the Triassic that he admired his whole life. He knew every name of the creatures that he saw and he had already forgotten about the past events that he witnessed. It ended up getting wiped out again because of the eruption, he knew about the end of the Triassic era so it didn’t affect him that much, but it still made him sad to see it in the person of the event.

The Triassic evolved and became the cretaceous era, where dinosaurs that everyone knew about their existence. He watched them roam the earth with excitement and he could see how massive those creatures were and how magnificent every single one of them was. Unfortunately, the asteroid came into the earth and hit it really hard which wiped out the whole dinosaurs. Archie just stood there with goosebumps all over his body, he couldn’t bear to see how brutal they were all killed by the explosion and the result of the asteroid hitting the earth.

The images were being sucked into the ring again and now they both were in the void. In a blink of an eye, Archie went back to where he was, in the middle of vast land in the middle of the forest. He looked around and he was still so confused and overwhelmed by everything that just happened.

“You have seen the five extinction events that killed millions of lives. The earth is currently on its way to extinction, the human will be replaced by new life, a new life that will roam the earth for the seventh time.” Throne spun its rings while glaring at Archie.

Archie looked at Throne and he could tell that it could read his mind without having him have to say anything.

“So, the humans will extinct?” Archie looked at the eyes on the rings which confused him on which eye he had to stare at.

“Yes, that is His will,” Throne answered without hesitation and it made Archie so uncomfortable.

It was just silence and Archie was still trying to process everything, he might know the answers to all the questions in his head.

“But every extinction event that you showed me, there’s always that survive, right? So that means not every human will perish from this event, right?” Archie tried to convince himself that humankind will continue while hoping Throne to agree with his question.

“Do you know a story about Adam and Eve, you who know of our existence?” Throne tilted the rings while he glared at Archie.

Archie knew little about Adam and Eve, so he nodded. “I do. They were the first human that roamed the earth based on what I heard.”

Throne was glaring at him for quite a while then it tilted down toward Archie. “Adam and Eve were the first beings that are called a human. A being with a soul that sent down to earth and to live in it.”

Archie seemed to be confused with what Throne said but his confusion couldn’t be expressed or asked because of the answer he couldn’t comprehend.

“What about them? Why are you asking me about Adam and Eve?” Archie looked a bit nervous because he might not be ready for the answer he was asking.

Throne rotated the rings rapidly then it stopped entirely. “Because you the one who knows of our existence will be the next Adam on earth.”

Archie’s eyes were wide open while he took a few steps back, “What?!”

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