
Chapter 315 - 314: Where's Appa, Eomma?

The triplets happily played inside Sophie\'s playroom while little Eve got stuck with Layla as she wanted to get to know her other adorable grand daughter.

The adults were gathered in the living room except for Eunji who excused herself for a while to visit Angelina and Lee Yunha who became her proxy in cooking their dinner for the night.

"Hey!" She greeted them.

"What are you doing here?! Go back and be with them!" Angelina said as she playfully pushed Eunji out of the kitchen.

"Oh! So I am evicted from my own kitchen? The audacity!" She said acting hurt.

"You\'re welcome!" Angelina yelled as she busied herself in cooking.

"Are you really sure you don\'t need me here?" She asked.

"Your kitchen is too small for three people, so go! Sho!"

This was actually not true. Five chefs could use it at the same time and there\'d be no traffic at all!

"Fine! I\'ll go prepare some tea for them." She said in retreat as she knew what Angelina was exactly doing.

She didn\'t mind letting Angelina do the cooking. She\'s good at it.

"You looked happy." Angelina commented while stirring the sauce.

"Yeah. Very happy!" Eunji admitted wholeheartedly.

"I\'m glad that you are! All those sacrifices and breakdown nights are worth it, yeah?"


"Well, I hope to not witness any of those ugly tears again. I hope with your family in tact, I\'ll only see a beautiful smile painted in your face." She said making Eunji to be grateful towards Angelina.

"I hope to see you smile, too." Eunji commented while placing the water into the kettle.

"Oh my! And when did the topic shifted to me?" Angelina asked exaspheratedly.

"Just now?" Eunji teased innocently.

"I am happy! I have Karina with me and you as a good friend/the best boss at the same time and that\'s what matters." Angelina replied.

"Ha! Sure! But all these years that you\'re around by my side, I know you. Maybe finding a man would help. Or perhaps Jin Jie will do?" Eunji said.

"Geez! Men are trouble. Your cousin, I don\'t think he likes me." \'Where is he anyways?\' Angelina continued inside her head.

"And not because your marriage life is blooming, doesn\'t mean all of the single people around you should have one, too."

"Sure! Nice excuse. Even Lee Yunha now have a love life." Eunji commented making her poor body guard to accidentally cut her finger and blood gushed out from the cut.

"Hiss!" Lee Yunha hissed.

"Oh my! Devie! Look what you have done to our poor Yunha here. You scared her." Angelina said as she came in and helped Lee Yunha with the cut.

"No, don\'t blame Chairman. I was careless to cut my own finger. Don\'t worry about it, Miss A. It\'s not deep and I\'m fine." Lee Yunha said and she even apologized to Eunji.

"Yunha-shi, you\'re cute." Eunji said with her charm making Lee Yunha to blush because of how Eunji called her. That was the first time she was called that way.

"Geez! Aren\'t you done? You\'re scaring her." Angelina playfully bashed Eunji.

After they wash the wound with water, Lee Yunha left to put bandage on it.

"Nope." Eunji said with a popping \'P\' sound.

"Don\'t be overdramatic. The kid was even smiling. It\'s clear that she\'s in love." Eunji commented.

"Is she?"

"Obviously!" Eunji stated the obvious.

"With whom? I haven\'t seen her interacting with someone. It\'s absolutely not Baek Dae-jung, right?" Angelina asked as she continued what she was doing.

"Nope. He\'s not here with us." Eunji smiled knowingly.

"Okay! Let\'s get back to the topic." Eunji said.

"About what?"

"About you." Eunji said as she finished what Lee Yunha was doing while the latter was away.

"Stop playing as cupid will you? It doesn\'t suit you." Angelina bashed.

"Silly. I didn\'t mean about your love life. But if you don\'t mind, we can go back to that." Eunji teased.

Angelina had remained silent and only the sizzling of the dishes and Eunji\'s chopping could be heard.

"Well, if I could get revenge on what happened with my daughter before, I\'ll be happier than now." She sadly said.

With Eunji\'s help, she had been training herself so hard so she would be finally strong enough to take her revenge on her own.

But she knew she was still far from realizing her revenge from her ex-husband.

"Well, that...your wish is about to come true, soon." Eunji said.

"Nah! I know them, they\'ll try to bounce back." Angelina shook her head as she was a little pessimistic about it.

But seeing Eunji\'s serious face, she knew she meant what she said.

"Well, not if someone very capable would push them into a death trap." Eunji commented.

"Are you trying to tell me that you are the mastermind of why they\'re currently in trouble?" She asked.

"I just did?" She admitted.

"Well, I know I have said that I\'ll wait when you\'re ready but they had gotten involved themselves towards the people who owe me big time. And they\'re plotting against my husband. I won\'t just sit still and do nothing." She said which made a lot of sense for Angelina.

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll leave Luo Mian in your care when the time is right. It\'s up to you if you would want to put him behind bars or kill him. But Luo Tian, he\'s mine!" Eunji added.

Eunji knew that Angelina had been preparing for this face off. She had been itching to punish her ex-husband for all the physical abuse and pain he had inflicted on her during the duration of their marriage.

And for trying to kill her and for almost ruining the life of her daughter. There\'s no way she would let him be punished behind bars.

"Well, I think you have already made up your mind."

Angelina didn\'t answer but she continued what she was doing.

Then Eunji finished preparing everything that she would be bringing for the tea including the freshly baked cookies that Angelina had just taken out from the ovens for the children and the adults to eat while waiting for dinner to be served.

Lee Yunha had also returned after wrapping her cut with the band-aid.

"Are you both sure that I\'m not really needed here?" She asked once again.

"Go! You\'re dragging our preparations." Angelina said as she sent Eunji into the hallway out of the kitchen.

"Oh, tell Karina when she arrives that I\'m in the kitchen." She said.

"I will!" Eunji said as she carried the tray out of the kitchen and back into the living room.

"Tea everyone?" She offered and placed the health-friendly tray of cookies on the coffee table.

She then poured each one of them a cup of tea before she went to give the kids they cookie share.

"Thank you." They all expressed their thanks for the tea she served.

"So? What did I miss?" She asked while she took her seat beside Layla after she came back from the playroom.

As soon as Evelien saw her mother was finally free, the former immediately clung onto the latter for a cuddle.

"Oh! We are only trying to catch up after the years of not seeing each other. And also, we\'re trying to get to know the amazing woman who gave birth to you." Mei said as she reached out for Eunji\'s hand and held it.

"Stop it in-law!" She playfully bashed making Eunji to heave a sigh of relief because their relationship turned out to be good.

"I didn\'t do anything. Aside from the good looks, I barely didn\'t contribute anything. My Evelina, our dear Eunji had been an amazing daughter ever since day one."

Layla could not find any bad adjective to describe Eunji.

Eunji\'s emotion stirred a little when she heard about that.

If her mother knew that she didn\'t came from her -- that she\'s just a clone, will she still show the same affection to her? Or would she treat her differently?

She didn\'t know if she could bring herself to tell the truth.

"Thank you, Eomma." She said as she tried to hold back her emotion.

For now, every words of appreciation coming from Layla was very important for Eunji.

"Anything else?" Eunji asked as she tried to divert the topic.

"Well, we tried to ask Master Liu on how you and Sophie had survived death but he said that we should ask you instead." Mei answered her.

"And I also want to know how this little princess came about." Layla added.

Though Mei and Sana had a little idea about this they really wanted to know the truth, too. But they could not bear to ask Nathan before because he was grieving.

Relief came upon them when they learned that Nathan accepted the baby and didn\'t abandon her like his first plan.

So they decided to not pursue the topic anymore since it had become irrilevant.

Eunji had no problem sharing how Sophie happened.

At first, Eunji told them the little issue that Nathan and her had prior to her accident. To be precise, Nathan didn\'t got the chance to explain himself because sh*t happened.

She also narrated of her recollection on how the accident happened.

And how Master Liu stepped in to save her in the operating room.

"Because my life is in danger that time, Master Liu decided to make me dead to save all of you from the people coming after me."

She then gave the honor of explaining how Sophia was saved to Master Liu since he\'s the right person to do so.

Gratitude was evident in their eyes while listening to Master Liu\'s narration.

No words could express how thankful they were to him. He had done so much favor to their family.

First, he helped Grandma Sana from her illness and now reviving their granddaughter.

"It\'s fine. Eve is like a daughter to me. And I\'ll do anything to make her happy." He said.

"Thank you, Master Liu." Layla also thanked him.

Eunji then looked at the well-behaved baby on her lap and smiled back when she saw her smiling.

"As for little Eve... how Evelien came had caused that misunderstanding." Eunji continued.

She then explained how Evelien happened by IVF and surrogacy.

Eunji could feel Layla flinch a little when she heard about that procedure.

Eunji held her hand but didn\'t look at her.

Thanks to her father\'s journal, she knew that her mother had also undergone the same procedure.

"It was really a misunderstanding. Someone had plotted everything and he succeded. Who would have thought that the egg I had left behind in a fertility clinic would be fertilized with Nathan\'s sperm and be implanted to that woman?" She continued.

"Oh my!" Layla felt sad for her daughter and grandchildren as it happened without her daughter\'s side for support.

"Well, the truth definitely came out when she was born. Good thing An Qi had a sharp eye. And Nathan had not committed the biggest mistake a parent could have ever done." Eunji said in relief.

"I agree with you. The days had been so rough for Nathan and the boys after you \'die\'." Mei quoted the last part.

"And his mind must have been clouded. I know it was not his intention to put the blame and hatred into Evelien who was still unborn during that time." She continued.

"But don\'t worry Eunji, Nathan, the boys and us around her, love her so much. Especially when every time we looked at her, she always reminds us of you." Sana also chimed in.

"Yeah! She got your dumpling cheeks and eye color Eve. It\'s just right she was named Eve Jr., right?" Layla commented making everyone giggling in agreement.

"I\'m just a little upset that I have not meet your husband yet." Layla added.

"It\'s okay, Eomma. You\'re going to meet him soon. He has something to do in Beijing but he\'ll be there on the day of the triplet\'s birthday." She explained.

"Then, that\'s awesome! Wait, we have not plan anything for their birthday celebration yet!" Layla exclaimed.

"Eomma, it\'s fine. I have already arranged everything. In fact, we will be going there tomorrow." She said.

"Oh, really?!"

"Where is it dear?" Mei asked.

"In the island where Nathan and I had our honeymoon." She said.

"Is it?!"

"Yup! I\'m sure you\'d also fall in love with the place just like how I did when I first go there." Eunji said.

Little Eve suddenly moved from Eunji\'s lap because she wanted to go to her brothers and sister who were giggling inside the playroom.

"Do you want to go and play with them?" Little Eve nodded and so Eunji let her.

Seems like someone disliked to be the center of attention, too.

The adults watched at how she cutely walked towards the playroom and how the triplets welcomed her there.

Then the elevator sounded and moments later, it opened.

Darren, Eagle and Karina walked out from it.

"Lady Boss! Madam Johnsons!" Darren greeted the people he could recognize inside the room.

"Mistress!" Eagle greeted Eunji with a bow.

"Master Liu! Master Devie!" Karina greeted Master Liu and Eunji with a respectful bow.

Then she paid respect to Layla and the guest.

"Devie?" Mei curiously asked.

"It\'s me." Eunji said.

"Well, how many names do you have now?" Mei teasingly asked.

"Well, plenty but being called Missus Bai will always be my favorite!" Eunji said proudly.

"That\'s my daughter-in-law!" Mei playfully praised and Eunji grinned.

"Your mom\'s in the kitchen while Sophie\'s in the playroom." Eunji shifted her attention to Karina as she recalled what Angelina had told her.

"Whose child is she?" Mei asked curiously.

"Well, legally, she my eldest as I\'m her adoptive mother. But I\'m more of her Master. She\'s Angelina\'s biological daughter." Eunji answered.

"Really?" Mei asked again.

"Then, does that mean I\'m her grandma, too?" Mei asked.

"Well, if you wanted, too. Karina won\'t mind, right?" She then beckoned for Karina to come.

"I won\'t mind." Karina answered.

"Good child! Call me Grandma Mei and she\'s your Great Grandma from now on, okay?" Mei told her and the child smiled.

"Okay Grandma Mei. Great Grandma." Karina politely said.

"What a lovely child!" Mei and Sana praised.

"Indeed!" Layla agreed with them.

Karina then excused herself as she went into the kitchen to greet her mother.

When Karina left, Mei could not help but frown.

"Wait, isn\'t Angelina your university instructor before? I didn\'t know they had a grown child together with Master Luo." Mei asked.

"No Mom. Something happened. I have saved Karina from the hands of a human trafficker. I don\'t know if it was fate but I found out later on that she\'s actually her daughter." She shortly explained without digging in the tragic past that Karina and Angelina had suffered.

"Poor child! That\'s tragic!" Mei said.

"Yes. Very!" Eunji said with a sigh.

"Now, all I wish is for the mother and daughter to be happy under my wing. I owe them both a lot because of my previous work." She continued.

They already got what she meant when they heard that so they didn\'t dare to dig in about that sensitive topic.

"Well, I can see that you have build a good relationship with the mother and daughter. And I could tell that they\'re happy with your company. So don\'t push yourself so hard." Layla said.

Angelina came out of the kitchen with her apron on and told them that dinner\'s ready.

Everyone left the living room and went into the dinning room where all the dishes were beautifully presented on the table.

Mei, Eunji and Layla helped the kids on sitting on their chair.

The adults helped the toddlers on their food while also happily eating their meal.

Well, all of the food served in the table turned to be all of their favorite dishes.

Eunji gave Angelina a two thumbs up for doing a great job.

Sophie however had been looking at the door from time to time as if she was expecting for someone to arrive.

"Are you waiting for someone baby?"

"Eomma, where\'s Appa? I have not seen him since earlier.. Why is he not here?" She asked her mother.

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