
Chapter 341 - 339: The Game She Wanted To Play

Eunji looked at the door of the room with glint of killing intent shown in her eyes upon knowing that Frederick had harassed Angelina.

Eunji knew that Angelina was very sensitive when it comes to this topic because of what Karina have had experienced.

And what made her even angrier was that she had already told him a verbal warning once in Paris during that breakfast incident that he should respect her people.

Because they\'re her bottom line. If she could not protect her people, then who would?

However, she knew that she had to calm herself so she won\'t lash at him the moment she walked inside that room.

On the other hand, Nathan didn\'t show much of a reaction when he heard what he had done to Angelina.

He knew that he was this kind of trash. No, even worse than this!

Oblivious to the upcoming trouble that he had stirred towards himself, Frederick was laughing while looking at the door of the meeting room after what he had done to Angelina.

He was really proud because of what he had done. In fact he even felt that Angelina should thank him for that little attention.

When the door opened revealing the person he had been waiting for, he immediately stood up to welcome Eunji who was surrounded with a heavy aura inside her.

He ignored the people following behind Eunji (Nathan and Angelina) and went straight to her.

Though she really didn\'t want to be in the same room with him, Angelina had changed her mind and wanted to witness how Eunji would teach the man a lesson.

"Finally! Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be here!" He enthusiastically said with a smile.

Frederick then reached out for a handshake but Eunji just looked at his hand which was awkwardly hanging in the air.

After what had happened to Angelina, she had no intention to be friendly at all. She had already thrown the idea of "faking to be friendly" with him.

"Let\'s go to business shall we? Unlike CEO Heart, I\'m a very BUSY person." She emphasized the word busy while still managing to say it in a much calmer way.

Frederick frowned yet he still responded Eunji\'s words with his bright smile.

"Oh, sure! My bad." He awkwardly said.

"Um, so?" With Eunji\'s imposing aura, he had forgotten what he was about to do next.

"Are you trying to ask me what you\'re going to do next?" Eunji said.

She then sat down and waited for the other party for their next move. Nathan and Angelina were also given their seats behind her.

"No! I\'m just mesmerized by your beauty." Eunji loved hearing such kind of compliment from other people, especially from Nathan. But hearing that from his mouth, Eunji wanted to puke.

Eunji could feel Nathan\'s subtle gesture behind her.

It was clear that Nathan was starting to get annoyed.

So to calm him, she threw a finger heart behind her for Nathan to see.

For Nathan, he was not jealous of Frederick at all. Why? Because he knew that he didn\'t have the qualities to make Eunji leave him.

The fact that Eunji had been keeping him on check proved that she deeply cared for Nathan\'s feelings.

And that deeply touched Nathan\'s heart.

He was just upset that a filthy man like him dared to flirt with Eunji.

"Do you still have the plan to present CEO Heart? Because I really feel like you\'re only wasting my time." Eunji urged Frederick after she appeased Nathan.

"Of course! So..." he then called for his assistant to prepare the laptop.

Eunji was very disappointed with their incompetence as a team. However, she would rather save everything she wanted to say for later.

\'You\'re lucky that I want something from you.\' She said in her thought.

It took them five minutes to finish setting up everything.

"So? Let\'s start!" Frederick enthusiastically said.

However Eunji and her team (which consisted of Nathan and Angelina) only gave him a flat response.

"I guess you have already read the proposal but let me discuss everything in detail."

Eunji just gave a quick nod as her permission to continue.

The proposal was about wanting to have this joint partnership between his company and Eunji\'s subsidiary company named Diamonds and Jewels Co. which she had acquired last year.

Eunji had planned to launch their second collection this December and she wanted to look for new precious stone suppliers because she had fired out the old one with a heavy reason of course.

To achieve this, she let their team to announce about it so the companies who wanted to participate could submit their proposals.

The selection process had started last month and it was well-managed by the team she had formed.

Today, since it was Frederick Heart and his company\'s turn to present, then she had to do it personally.

This had also boosted Frederick\'s confidence that he would leave the building with a close deal.

The proposal was well-made. Actually, there\'s nothing that she could complain in the proposal.

Everything was very favorable to Eunji\'s company.

She could tell that he really wanted to be selected in this bidding.

Eunji was even surprised that at least she could give a good adjective to describe him as a good presenter with the way how he presented himself and the proposal.

He knew how to work with things.

Still, this single adjective could never overshadow the plenty worse once. And that single compliment didn\'t mean that she liked the man.

Frederick Heart was a good businessman.

It\'s a shame that he had let his success to get inside his head making him to think that he was entitled to have the best of everything and he deserved it.

And this kind of attitude added with his horrible character would really bring him into his downfall in the future.

After Frederick was done discussing the proposal, he then asked for feedbacks and questions from her.

"Um...well, there\'s none. You have explained everything thoroughly." Eunji said as she closed the folder and placed it on the table in front of her.

Frederick was happy when he heard that. He thought he had impressed her really well and he would close this deal with her.

"However, this still didn\'t mean that I\'ll agree and sign the contract." She said.

This really caught him off-guard.

"You know CEO Heart, I\'m really careful in choosing to whom I\'ll work or collaborate with my projects. I\'m very particular with their competencies, work ethic and attitude towards my people." She seriously said.

Frederick frowned but still he decided to let Eunji finish what she wanted to say.

"Sadly, in my eyes, you failed to meet my standards."

"What?! That\'s ridiculous!" Frederick raised his voice as he didn\'t like what Eunji had said.

"Should you prepare everything beforehand and not try to get into my assistant\'s pants, then we won\'t be wasting approximately six minutes of my time. I would have given you the consideration when you arrived on time but you and your team didn\'t. You came an hour early. Am I right?" She commented.

"Oh. Is this unwelcoming air that I have been feeling the moment you walked in because of that? I didn\'t know she would run to you over such a trivial matter." Frederick said with sarcasm while looking at the silent Angelina who was balling her palm into a tight fist.

\'Jerk!\' Angelina cursed him in her mind. She was holding back the anger that she felt towards the man for Eunji\'s sake.

"Ha! Trivial? How dare you! You have done a serious offense. I have warned you to never touch my people before yet you still didn\'t listen to it." Eunji had come to her defense.

"I can\'t help it, I started to get bored while waiting." He commented like Eunji owed him something.

"So it\'s my fault, now? Ha! If you\'re bored, go back to where you come from and help yourself there! Don\'t you know that this room has a CCTV installed? Therefore, my assistant had enough evidence to present in court should she press charges to you. And let me remind you Mr. Heart, I\'ll help her to put you in jail." Eunji didn\'t hold back herself and roasted the man.

"Woah! Calm down. Let\'s not make it a big deal, shall we? Fine. I\'ll give her the compensation just to end this." Frederick said while he was trying to calm the atmosphere.

He didn\'t know that what he did had only fueled the anger that Eunji had against him.

"Are you seriously trying to bribe my assistant just so she won\'t push this. Seriously? In front of me? Her boss?!" Eunji asked in disbelief.

"Why not? She should be thankful that I\'m even doing all this trouble for her sake!" Frederick had also lost his cool.

He looked at Angelina again, pointed his index finger to her and then said, "How much do you want? I\'ll give it to you."

Angelina was about to answer him but Eunji waved her hand behind her to stop.

"Keep that money to yourself. How much you will give to her, I can double, even triple them." Eunji coldly said to silence the man.

"I don\'t need your money, Mr. Heart." Angelina also coldly added.

"My assistant has already spoken. She didn\'t need your money."

"I see. Then what do you want?" Frederick blurted out.

"It\'s not what she want but what is the right thing to do." Eunji answered for Angelina.

"And that is?" This time, she looked at Eunji.

"Not signing the deal with you." She said.

"Ha! Okay! That\'s good. I\'m gla- Wait what?!" Frederick said in disbelief.

"What do you mean?" He wanted to clarify if he heard her right or not.

"I don\'t want to work with people who didn\'t know how to respect my people. My assistant will be handling this project in my behalf should she agree. However, with what you have done to her, I don\'t think she would still want to work with this project should we close the deal today." Eunji said while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Why would you want to trust a very important project with a mere assistant? Aren\'t you afraid that she might messed this up?" He asked putting Angelina\'s skills and capabilities in question.

"She\'s my assistant and I trust her capabilities so don\'t you dare call her just a mere assistant! The problem here is your attitude CEO Heart. You don\'t know how to give respect to my people. You\'re also incompetent and I just couldn\'t trust you, CEO Heart."

Eunji then stood up and looked at Nathan and Nathan rushed beside her without any second words.

"The Chairman have already spoken. You may leave now." Nathan said making Frederick to frown a little.

Though Nathan was using a voice changer, the man\'s body build was very familiar for him.

"No! We\'re not yet done. I won\'t leave unless we close the deal!" He said.

"You can do what you want. However, you\'re not the person who can dictate me on what to do. This is my territory so you better leave now before I let my people to drag you and your team out of the building." She said coldly.

"Ha! I know you wanted this project, too. We\'re the best company who can match your standards!" Frederick didn\'t stop there. He was still confident that he still have the chance.

Yes, they could give Eunji the best quality stones in the market.

So Eunji turned around and looked at him.

She gave it a quick thought and said, "Still no."

"However, if you could give me the best diamonds fifty percent lower than the price you have proposed, I might reconsider my decision. However, I want you out of this. Let your most trusted man to handle everything."

Frederick Heart had become silent. If he would agree, then it would be like he was giving away his diamonds for free to her.

Eunji was robbing them off in broad daylight.

His company would suffer loses.

"See? You can\'t even give it to me." She said.

However, she didn\'t expect that he would actually agree to it.

"Fine. I agree in your terms. This is also my way of taking full responsibility for the offense that I have done." He said.

Eunji was taken aback especially on the last part that he said.

"Good. I want a new draft and then let\'s reschedule this meeting. But since you have agreed, I want another person to be there in the contract signing."


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