
Chapter 101

He didn’t pose the question as there was a lot that was being communicated through the mind link. The hunters that got emotional about the result of the entire fight went on a rampage and killed the rogues that had been captured. Surrender didn’t necessarily mean the rogue would be spared. As much as they were rogues, they also deserved a second chance. Jackeline was the first to lose it. Frost found her armed with everything that her vest had to offer.

Frost had to step in to slow down the woman on her rampage. Anthony approached the restrained female after all was done. No one had ever seen her losing her cool before, “You know that’s not how we do things, Jackeline.”

“Nothing you can say will calm my rage, Anthony,” she spat at him, “Not when Katie was downed by a hunter...”

“We all share in your rage, but that doesn’t allow you to kill rogues that have surrendered. What tells you there wasn’t one amongst them that was in Ash’s position,” he argued.

“Are you already forgetting everything that the rogues stand for? Destruction of the entire human race, werewolves and humans alike. If I hadn’t gotten there in time, Katie would be dead. Only Prometheus knows if she’ll even make it. What do you want me to do, Anthony? The murderers are right in front of me,” at this point, Frost held the woman around her neck, restricting the flow of air into her lungs until she went unconscious.

“I’m sorry that you had to see that...”

“No, it’s not your fault. I’m afraid there aren’t enough words that can describe how angry I am at this result. I would have the rogues killed without batting an eyelash,” he said, “But alas, rogues that have surrendered when there is at least one Royal present are subject to Prometheus’ judgement.”

They looked on to the line of rogues that sat in a line, awaiting the seal of the Sirius family. Drake Sirius moved from one to another, dressed in basketball shorts, placing his palm on their foreheads to place the seal on them. “Where is your father?” Frost asked.


“He ran off to the Hunter’s Agency to make sure little sister makes it. I wish I could go with them, but Cole is her mate and Lina already ran off with her father. I’m stuck tending to these ones... I honestly don’t even know if I want them to survive the Prometheus ordeal,” he said, placing his hand on yet another one of the rogues. The next one shifted in its position in an attempt to make a break for it.

The whistling sound of a steel arrow, followed by whimpers of the wolf confirmed the kill when it was barely two metres from the others that waited in line. “Those of you who don’t want to go through the Prometheus evaluation is bound to die either way. Get out of the line and you die. Stay in line and you die. There is no way you will survive this no matter what you try. I would advise you to give in and go for the evaluation. After all, every one of you who opted for it had the hopes that it would be your only way out...” Anthony spoke up, erasing the hopes of the rest that waited in line with their heads on the ground in submission.

Caden walked through the rogues surveying them with a look of nostalgia on his face, “Hey, are you okay?” Drake asked him.

“Yes, I am fine. I’ve always been,” he said, “You should give up on these rogues. They are all going to fail the test.”

“What makes you so sure of that?” Drake asked him.

“Well, look at all of them. They are shaking. I can smell the fear on them. Evaluation tests aren’t passed by rogues who are hoping for their lives to be spared. They are passed by rogues who’d rather die than remain rogues,” he said. One of the rogues on the ground stopped shaking and got up calmly, eyeing him curiously. The hunters that were around tensed, the hands flying to their weapons. Caden eyed the dirty grey wolf, looking for a glint of the emotion he had seen in Ashley’s eyes.

“Oi, Caden, are you trying to save these mutts from their deaths or what? We don’t want tainted rogues to survive the Prometheus tests,” Anthony yelled at the boy.

“I am not tainting them. Most of the rogues that pass the Prometheus tests are never seeking to pass them. That’s because they realise the life that they are in is wrong and there is no way they can escape it. A hunter would rather just kill a rogue on sight, so there is not much that they can do about it. The last rogue that passed a Prometheus test that I met was a decent person with a heart unlike any other that I’ve met. She strove to be better and didn’t want to be a burden to anyone...

I’m not saying that rogues can be trusted, but I am saying that there are countless rogues out there that were unfortunate to be born into that life. You don’t get to choose your parents. That’s the cruelty of this world in which rogues are to die the moment they are spotted. So without knowing that, we continue to kill them relentlessly,” he said.

“Stop that, Caden. Stop seeking a replacement for Ash. There was nothing you could do to save her. You can’t continue to punish yourself for that. The rogues before you are getting their chance to pass the Prometheus test. If Prometheus deems them unworthy of being purified, that’s final. Telling them what they must do to pass the test doesn’t change a thing. The gods can peer into the soul of anyone that they want to. They’ll still fail the test either way...” Anthony said to him.

The wolf before Caden seemed determined to hear more of what Caden had to say, but after what had been said, it seemed as though the alpha wasn’t going to add more to the situation. The rogue reverted to its human form, coiling to cover his naked body, “So, she didn’t make it?” he asked.

“Who are you talking about?” Caden asked.

“The very same person that seems to have clouded your mind, Ashley,” he said, raising his amber eyes to meet the alpha’s searing red.

“Who was she to you?” he asked.

“Someone delusional... There is no place in this world for rogues. I tried to tell her that. I helped her keep her secret, but she wasn’t taking any of my advice,” he said.

“So you were there with her when she went through hell. Why do you not believe in a way out of the life of a rogue? She was born into that life. A life she never deserved,” he argued.

“So she managed to get her sneaky paws around you. Who would have known she would end up with an alpha of all people? Not to mention an alpha that has influence with the royal family. She has got to have the largest stroke of luck in the universe,” he began laughing humourlessly.

Drake skipped the rogues that were left to reach him and placed his palm on him, silencing him for the moment. The man landed on the ground in an awkward position. The man continued talking even after he was suspended in a trancelike state. The evaluation was usually done in wolf form, but this was the first that it was being done to a human and he could still talk in that mode.

“Did he bother you?” Drake asked Caden, but the man remained silent, his eye trained on the man that had just been suspended in a trance. It was the first time either of them was seeing a rogue taking the evaluation in human form.

“This test is a joke... Asking me if I’m worthy of redemption. I have been alive long enough to know there is no such thing as redemption for someone like me. No matter how many words a filthy god like you feeds me, you’re just the same as all of them. There is nothing that you can...” the man’s words were cut in half as he immediately started to convulse violently until he went completely still. His face was still and his eyes stared off into space, “All humans must die...” were his last words before he allowed the constraints of death to get him.

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