
Chapter 573 - The Earth God

Chapter 573 - The Earth God

\'Who are you?\' Elysia asked in astonishment. She replied in English because the whisper used that universal language.

Elena could hear it too, but she decided to just listen first.

\'About who I am is unimportant, but please don\'t break the seal of the world on your body. You can create an energy imbalance on Earth!\' The mysterious whisper replied almost instantly.

\'What if I refuse? You can\'t install that seal on me now, can you?\' Elysia tried to find out who was talking to her.

She looked around with her sacred eyes and advanced perception, but she couldn\'t find anyone no matter how far she looked.

She accidentally noticed a thread of energy trying to break into her absolute barrier, but it failed.

\'Hmm? So, you\'re underground, I guess? What are you doing there?\' Elysia tried to trace where the energy thread came from, but it only led to the underground. She could find a lot of things down there with her sacred eyes, except for someone who spoke to her.

\'Underground? Well, you may be literally right. Uuh, I can\'t get past your defenses. Can\'t you just hear me out, and let me seal your power while you are on Earth? You will cause energy imbalance and catastrophe in this world just because you are here!\' The mysterious whisper sounded angry.

\'...\' Elysia didn\'t know what to say. So, her existence would bring danger to Earth? The one who spoke to her might be a mysterious God or perhaps the protector of the world.

\'Uhm, please don\'t be angry. I don\'t mean any harm or have any malicious intent. I might let you seal my powers, but on one condition. Do you want to hear it?\' Elysia tried to take advantage of this situation for the common good.

\'You are not in the place to confer and bargain with me. But, I am peace-loving. So, what is your condition?\' The mysterious God was persuaded easily.

\'Uhm, you may be a God of this world, or perhaps a very powerful expert, right? I have only one condition, I want you to answer some of my questions honestly until I feel that is enough.\' Elysia smiled faintly. She could see Elena giving two thumbs up for it.

\'It\'s not just one condition, right? You are quite greedy in asking apparently.\' The mysterious God sounded a little annoyed.

\'Uhm, come on, let\'s make peace. Everything will have a happy ending then. These are all just easy questions that don\'t concern anything crucial on your side. You can also refuse to answer if I cross the allowed boundary.\' Elysia tried to persuade the mysterious God in a half pleading tone.

\'Very well, say what you want to know. Make it quick.\' The mysterious God sounded indifferent in reply.

\'Uhm, since I can sense your energy thread leading underground, I\'ll call you Earth God for convenience, okay? My first question is, was it just me who was thrown to Earth? Does anyone else have the same fate as me? You know something about this, right? Please tell me.\' Elysia raised her index finger for emphasis.

She just assumed the one she was talking to right now was a male God even though she didn\'t know the other party\'s real gender just by this neutral voice.

\'Hum, there\'s only one other phenomenon actually. Two in total if you count. But, here you are the only one who really overwhelmed me. Are you by a chance, a Goddess?\' The Earth God turned around to ask somewhat doubtfully.

\'You can put it like that. You can see for yourself, my energy aura is golden.\' Elysia showed her golden aura to prove her words. \'Uhm, may I know what other phenomenon you\'re referring to? Are you sure there are only two in total?\'

\'Yeah, the two otherworlders over there aren\'t putting up the same amount of resistance as you. So, they are completely harmless. You guys are really making a fuss by tearing up the dimensions in the sky. But, why do you say that as if there should be more than two? Then, why do you say you were thrown into this world badly injured? You didn\'t come here of your own volition?\' The Earth God asked back in astonishment. If it was already like this, he needed to know the ins and outs now.

\'Uhm, yes, I assume there should be one or two similar phenomena. One is an Evil God and the other is the more terrible than the Evil God, namely the Ruvoid God.\' Elysia felt a little happy to hear that answer. She presumed the other phenomenon was about Sylvia and Vanessa.

\'Very well... So, you just got into a fight with the Evil God and the Ruvoid God? It would be terrible if they entered Earth too. But, I can\'t detect them anywhere. Could it be that they used a different method to sneak into this world?\' The Earth God muttered as if he was deep in thought.

\'Uhm, Earth God, can you tell me where the other tearing sky phenomenon occurred?\' Elysia asked again. She wanted to find her friends as soon as possible.

\'The one in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, that\'s you. And, the other one is in the Arctic Region. But, they were just a girl with snow white hair and a pure white cat. Were they an Evil God and a Ruvoid God? They look like mortals, though?\' The Earth God hesitated to believe the statement just now.

\'I see, thank you very much!\' Elysia clenched her hands next to her chest. She almost pranced with joy that she had gotten information so easily.

\'Hey, I still have to seal your power or it won\'t end. And again, are you really a Goddess? God-level beings should have a violet aura here.\' The Earth God immediately interrupted before this wayward Goddess fled.

\'Eh? Is it different from my previous world?\' Elysia felt somewhat surprised. \'Uhm, maybe the colors are different, but the laws seem to be similar. The era of magic in this world ended tens or hundreds of thousands of years ago, right?\' Elysia put her finger to her chin as she tried to recall a book she had read in the past.

\'How did you know about that? You came to this World tens of thousands of years ago?\' The Earth God asked in astonishment.

\'Well, it\'s just a minor issue that shouldn\'t be a problem. However, I\'m more concerned with whether you\'ve seen everything about us since our arrival on Earth? Our transformation and a few other things. You\'re an all-seeing Earth God, right? How far can you see, Pervy God?\' Elena joined the conversation because she was worried. If Ely couldn\'t use magic, then this Earth God could peek at them at will just like what he did to everyone in the world.

\'This voice... Are you perhaps a different entity? There are two personalities in your body? What do you mean by Pervt God? I didn\'t commit the grave sins like what the mortals did. I am the great and noble divine one.\' The Earth God was offended by that remark.

\'Uhm, well... Sorry if that offended you. But, I won\'t forgive you if you try to peek deep into our bodies for whatever reason.\' Elena didn\'t want to get into trouble and just apologized.

\'Hum, so that\'s your concern. Women are still women, sometimes they just don\'t make sense. You don\'t have to worry then.\' The Earth God heaved a subtle sigh.

He then realized something very crucial. \'Wait, if you get seriously injured because of the Heretic God and the Ruvoid God... Are those two Gods stronger than you? I presume you are on the good side because of your attitude. However, It\'s extremely dangerous then. The evil triumph over the good?\'

\'Well, I\'ll try to deal with those two Gods. If possible, can you help me too? I can\'t say for sure right now, but they are both high-level Gods.\' Elysia felt a little unsure about the fate of the two Gods after she helped Rhea tear the dimension.

\'That\'s for sure if you are on the good side. But, if those two Evil Gods are as strong as you say, then it seems we need the Ancient One\'s help.\' The Earth God muttered in a whisper-like voice.

\'...\' Elysia realized a misunderstanding about her grave wounds and the two Gods mentioned. However, she decided not to clear up the misunderstanding until she could confirm some things.

\'Hmph! We don\'t even really know who we\'re talking to right now. He doesn\'t seem trustworthy because he looks suspicious like this.\' Elena snorted softly on Elysia and her private channel.

\'Well, but I believe he is a God. Let\'s take advantage of this situation to get help from local God. I used to be a Hindu, and I was taught that there are many gods in this world.\' Elysia sighed to remember the past... The past?

\'Yeah, they live in their heavenly realm. Let\'s not talk about it now.\' Elena rolled her eyes as she was dissatisfied with the fate affairs arranged by the Gods when Ely was still Ali. She just didn\'t want to bring it up again because Elysia had already moved on.

\'What happened to me in this world, huh... I really want to know about it.\' Elysia muttered under her breath, full of presuppositions and possibilities. She wanted to know what happened after she left this world. What happened to her parents and niece after that?

\'Well then, now, allow me to seal your power for the common good. If any Evil God appears, I will let you know and you may unleash your power..\' The Earth God concluded the end of this discussion.

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