
Chapter 793 Thunder God Gang (2)

*Bam* *Bang*

Thor opened fire as an opening attack. There was no referee or jury, just a winner and a loser. Whoever strikes first will gain the upper hand. That was what he believed.


Evelyn dodged the bullet fired at her and ran toward her opponent. She threw her dagger at her opponent’s weapon.


The dagger pierced the gun’s muzzle. Evelyn immediately pulled the dagger’s chain and circled behind her opponent.


“!!!” Thor gasped because he felt electrocuted, and his gun was snatched from his hand. He turned around to parry his opponent’s attack.

“Hee, you’re pretty decent for a woman. Hey, how about you join my gang? I’ll guarantee you a lifetime of prosperity.” Thor tries to convert enemies into friends.

“…” Evelyn didn’t want to answer. She kicked her opponent and slashed with her dual dagger.

“Whoops, the matter of speed and combat power is my expertise.” Thor dodged the attack. He started to get serious as he assessed his opponent’s capabilities.

“Yo, boss, defeat that assassin and tear her robes.”

“Reveal her body to the world of shame!”

“Kill her!”

The gang members cheered enthusiastically as they could already see their boss winning. The challengers never end well because their gang was superior from the start.

Evelyn’s concentration was slightly disturbed by the noise, but her opponent smirked as she noticed her change in movement.

“Anyway, are you going slower? Isn’t this what you want? Close combat. Look, I’m only armed with a knife.” Thor backed away and casually fiddled with his knife.

“Hmph.” Evelyn just snorted and rushed to attack her opponent again. However, this time with lightning magic.

*Slash* *Crackle*

Every slash that Evelyn made produced a bolt of electricity that electrocuted her opponent on every contact. She tried to determine whether or not her opponent had significant resistance to electricity.

“You apparently have lightning abilities too, huh… I’m getting tired of this, let’s end this right now. If you really want to pit your lowly electric spark against my mighty lightning, then watch my greatness and bow down!” Thor felt a little annoyed at being constantly attacked with low-level electricity.

Therefore, he immediately activated his Thunder God Fury mode. He was instantly enveloped in fierce blue lightning armor.


Lightning flashed several times around Thor, and Evelyn retreated a few meters because she had expected this to happen. She would use another ultimate technique to end this match immediately.

“Whoa, our boss has gone berserk!”

“That assassin will lose in an instant.”

“We must retreat to the lightning-proof stands!”

The gang members immediately retreated to the upper stands because they didn’t want to be struck by lightning.

“Thou shall receive my wrath! Thunder Strike!” Thor swung his arms downwards, creating dozens of lightning bolts.

“Lightning and wind, combination magic. Swift Lightning Gale Movement.” Evelyn muttered under her breath and activated her combination magic. Her body was wrapped by a flash of lightning and a gale as her movement booster.

His opponent’s thunderbolts accidentally grabbed her, but her blessing made her immune to electric attacks. So, her victory was guaranteed if she could subvert her opponent’s defense.

“Lightning Speed.” Thor narrowed his eyes and entered into a high-speed attack.

*Clang* *Clang* *Slash* *Boom!*

Dozens to hundreds of lightning clashes thundered throughout the arena. The exchange entered into a high-level battle where not everyone could follow the movements of the two fighting people.

Unfortunately, it only took Evelyn one minute to defeat her opponent. Her anti-lightning blessing boosted her defense to an impenetrable level. Her opponent received dozens of painful slashes all over his body and fell to the ground.

“Guh!” Thor fell to the ground with wounds and blood. He widened his eyes as if he couldn’t believe he had been defeated when he had already used his Thunder God Fury Mode.

“Impossible…” Thor muttered as he groaned in pain. He still couldn’t move because the last lightning bolt made his body spasm.

“You lose.” Evelyn muttered and landed on the ground elegantly. She was still neat and clean, as if she had never been involved in any battle before.

“Do you think so?” Thor grinned and gave a signal to his men.

*Snap* *Crack*

Simultaneously a similar noise was heard from the surrounding stands. The gang members were loaded with their pistols and rifles, ready to fire.

“Do you think you can make it out alive today? Our boss said so, didn’t he?” A black man with a dragon tattoo pointed his rifle at the nun and his gun at the assassin.

“Aren’t you guys so despicable? Ah, I forgot, you guys are lowly humans who deserve to be exterminated. Do I need to kill all of you here, hmm?” Nina considered her decision. Since Thor had lost, she could act as she pleased without any significant threat.

“Dismantle.” A gentle yet soothing echoing voice rang out from above. All the guns belonging to the gangsters were somehow blown to pieces.

A person in a robe identical to the assassin who had just defeated Thor descended from above. That assassin wasn’t alone from the start.

Thor widened his eyes in surprise. He could tell that this assassin was far more dangerous than the one he had just fought. His survival instinct screamed to warn him to run away from here as soon as possible.

“Defendant Thor. You are involved in illegal narcotics, prostitution, murder, slavery, and human trafficking. I presume you have more crimes than we can analyze You have already been defeated on your own. game, and shall be eliminated. The punishment for your sin will await you when the time comes.” Elysia crouched down and immediately took the chess piece from Thor’s chest.

She also robbed this man of his lightning ability by turning it into a lighting orb and releasing it into the air.

“What, what did you just do? Who exactly are you guys!?” Thor gasped and screamed in despair. He felt his strength leave him significantly.

Consciously or not, he became older than before because Elysia took some life energy from this person so that the big villain would not live long to commit other crimes.

‘That’s what he deserves. We have been merciful enough to spare his life when his crimes are unforgivable in the face of laws and consciences.’ Elena snorted softly.

‘He will be taken care of by the police later, but the trial period of his life won’t last long either. What would he do without his longevity and lightning abilities, hmm? I wonder.’ Elysia muttered with a resolute tone.

“You pretend to be ignorant? We could have eliminated you without going through all this. Well then, you still need to face your tribulation soon. Farewell.” Elysia brought Evelyn and Sora away by teleportation. However, they seemed to have disappeared into thin air in the eyes of others.


“Huh!?” Darkness gasped and landed on Nana’s shoulder. “We have to get out of here immediately!”

“!?” Nana widened her eyes and rushed away from the vicinity.

The lightning orb swelled and instantly exploded, creating a shockwave that knocked everyone unconscious.


“Huff, haah… That’s crazy. That person’s ability is insane. Is she a Goddess or something?” Nana kept running away from the basement because she didn’t know what would await her if she stayed there.

The previous battle had shocked him, but the other black-robed lady made him gape in surprise because that person could extract his chess pieces effortlessly!

“I know, right! Those executioners are a group of divine beings, you know. They cooperate with nature spirits at Earth Mother’s request.” Darkness spoke in a whisper-like voice. However, she instantly felt annoyed. “Yet, they left without me! They really are heartless even though we have reached an agreement for cooperation!”

Nana hurriedly left the bar and took refuge in a safe place not far away. Several sirens could be heard approaching. Nana and Darkness peered from the top of the building to see what was going on.

Military police came from all directions and surrounded that secret bar. They raided the place and caught many criminals. However, no gunfights or anything. Everything was peaceful and serene, but the arrested criminals were unconscious with several burns.

“Yay! You did it, Eve. I know you can do it. A month’s worth of training, plus three weeks of intense training, yielded great results.” Elysia grabbed Evelyn’s hands, and they spun around like happy little girls.

“Uhm, thank you, Ely. It’s all thanks to your anti-lightning blessing. Otherwise, I’ll obviously lose in the first clash when he switches to his Thunder God mode.” Evelyn felt a little embarrassed but was happy to get the appreciation. Luckily, she wore a shadow mask, and no one could see her flushed face.

“Mm, that’s not true. It was a fair battle where he received a deity’s blessing and you also got our blessing. He is actually stronger than you too. Your victory is your success. It’s your achievement, and be proud of it.” Elysia took a step back but didn’t let go of Evelyn’s hands.

“Thank you. They are a bunch of bad guys who deserve to be punished and destroyed. Their crimes are immeasurable I presume.” Evelyn smiled in satisfaction and looked down at that bar.

“Their crimes are brought to light now. They’ll be taken care of by the military police. Now it’s time for us to go.” Elysia nodded slightly and turned around.

“Let’s go!” Sora cheered excitedly.

Elysia then took Evelyn and Sora away by teleportation. There are still many things that they need to do. Because of that, Elysia accepted Elena’s suggestion not to get involved with Darkness or outsiders for the time being.

“…” The squad leader looked up. He felt someone was watching this whole event from the top of the building, but that person had already left.

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