
Chapter 73 - I'm Sorry

Eun-Sun\'s Office

Eun-Sun was in a dilemma as she sat down limply on her work desk. She didn\'t know if she should obey that man\'s command or if she should just defy his orders and go home. Her colleagues were clocking off work and here she was wallowing in confusion.


Who does he think he is?

Ordering her, imposing on her like she was his slave! Eun-Sun didn\'t like this at all.

How did she even get here? Just one time she had indebted herself and now her life was in a complete mess. How dare he treat her in such manner?

If it hadn\'t been for that stupid boss of her\'s at the restaurant who couldn\'t stand for the right thing and that nasty spoilt brat who had caused trouble for her at work, then maybe all this wouldn\'t have happened. She wouldn\'t have trailed off the sidewalk into the road to get hit by the devil\'s car. She hissed.

And maybe when she might have worked here, there wouldn\'t have been any of all these awkward feelings.

She knew there was no for throwing blames, all these were passed and now all she had to do was focus on her work so she could pay back that psycho.

Eun-Sun looked at the time it was an hour past closing time. She was getting agitated just by waiting there. Her mates were already home enjoying their dinner. Speaking about food her mind wandered back to the delicious meal she had been coerced to eat during lunch. She must admit she hasn\'t had such a meal all her life, but no one has to know that. Though she was vexed when she started eating because Dan-Han had threatened her to and also he had instructed his chef to keep watch over her which she found to be very annoying. But along the line she began to enjoy her sumptuous lunch. It was delicious. She hated that she like it!

At a point she had almost given the chef a good review, but the fact that he was one of Dan-Han\'s people made her refrain herself from doing such.

Eun-Sun looked at her time again it has been two hours and Dan-Han was yet to show up. Two hours of sitting here waiting for the devil to come give the assignment he mentioned earlier.

What kind of job was he going to assign her?

She have had enough of this waiting. Eun-Sun picked up her bag and made her way to the door. She peeped her head out through the door and looked sideways at the empty hall way, there was no one in view. She was sure she was the only one left in the whole building and looking from the Windows it was getting dark outside. Jade headed for the elevator, her heart started thumping against her chest as she slowly became nervous. Afraid of bumping into that demonizied president who she loathed so much.

Eun-Sun\'s breath was in her mouth when the elevator hit the ground floor and it chimed on arrival. For some very unknown reason Eun-Sun\'s heart picked up pace as the door opened. She was feeling pretty nervous at the moment. She thought about the probability of meeting him outside the company doors and that scared her heart.

Eun-Sun took a deep breath to calm herself. There was nothing to be scared about. He should be the one feeling nervous and apologectic. Though she was just a mere staff who stupidly was currently indebted to him, it didn\'t mean he could treat her like she didn\'t matter and instead of feeling nervous she should be angry at him. As a matter of fact he should apologize for keeping her waiting, but a certain part of telling her to keep dreaming.

Does that cold man look like someone who would apologize to anyone? Absolutely not!

Her mind was telling to simply ignore him if she accidentally bumps into him, but she was sure she couldn\'t do that. That man was her boss, and he was the most formidable business man in the whole country, so how was she going to avoid such a person?

Eun-Sun only took a step out of the elevator when her eyes caught hold of the man standing several feets away from her. From his posture and the lights illuminating his face he looked like a handsome greek god, and the stoic look on his face made him unapproachable.

The expressionless look on his face, and the way he stood at the lobby with one of his hands buried in his pocket made Eun-Sun felt the anger in her rise.

So he has been standing here all this while why she kept waiting in the office? Eun-Sun clenched her hand into a fist, her brows furrowed and her eyes narrowed at him, she began to take thudding steps towards him.

That\'s enough of his wicked treatment towards her. Eun was about to open her mouth to say the words that were forming in her head, when Dan-Han spoke up, "Let\'s go".

He turned around and headed towards the exit. The Securities on night duty quickly bowed to him as he strolled out of the company, without apologizing.

Eun-Sun stood fixated, her anger was getting the best of her, she was breathing fire with her eyes targeted at his back. Dan-Han noticed that she wasn\'t behind him, he turned and saw her standing on the same spot glaring dangerously at him.

"Miss Eun-Sun i think you should come out now and let them do their job" He said referring to the security who were to lock up the building.

Eun-Sun intensed her glare on him before darting her gaze to the two security officers who were at the lobby, obviously waiting to look the company doors, while the others did a sweep of the entire building. She bowed apologectically to the them before storming off.

With thudding steps Eun-Sun began to walk of the lobby, with a murderous look on her face. Dan-Han\'s lips curled up slightly when he saw the cute angry look she had on. He wondered why she had such a fiery temper, for such a small size person.

Her huge pride and temper must really cover the entire mass of her body.

Dan-Han walked ahead to his car which was parked right in front of the company door. He held the door for her and Eun-Sun paused behind him.

Dan-Han was slightly getting impatient with all her pausing and all. He knew she was dying to yell and scold him again. He could see the frustration on her face as she tried to hold her anger in.

Dan-Han sighed inwardly and glanced at her, "Please get in" he said.

Eun-Sun eyes couldn\'t help but react by widening slightly. Did he just use the word \'Please\'? Was this the cold evil boss?

Eun-Sun gave him one last look, she bit her nether lip before looking at the car. She sighed before getting in.

Dan-Han slipped into the car after her and closed the door.

"Good evening ma, Good evening sir" The chauffeur greeted as soon as they both got in the car. Eun-Sun replied back his greetings but the evil boss was still as indifferent as ever, only muttering out an "Mmm"

"Sir where to?" The chauffeur asked.

"The Oaks" Dan-Han replied. The chauffeur couldn\'t hide the shock and surprise in his face. The young master was going to an hotel with a woman? That was new and strange.

He was also surprised when he saw Dan-Han open the door for the woman to get in. The chauffeur recognized Eun-Sun as the house keeper which he had helped his master trick just a week ago. Now she was working here and sitted in his boss car?

Dan-Han had never allowed a female specie sit in his car since the incident five years ago. Not even a female mosquito could be found in the nearest fifteen mile radius close to his car. He has worked long with the boss to know that he was acting out of character. He had at a point thought that the man had become gay after what happened to him, but if seems they have all been mistaken.

Eun-Sun was uncomfortable sitting in this man\'s car and most especially with him sitting right beside her. And oh, she was till very much angry over the way Dan-Han was controlling her. She didn\'t like it, she has never been ordered around but Dan-Han was doing it constantly.

She was supposed to at home right hiding under her blankets in the comfort of her bed and her she was sitting in his car going to God knows where. Although she has heard the name Dan-Han had told his chauffeur, she was still clueless about where that was. If her phone wasn\'t dead she would have googled it up and maybe knowing might actually set her heart at ease.

Dan-Han noticed how stifc Eun-Sun was sitting. From her countenance he could tell she was uncomfortable and very much still angry at him, and somewhere in him didn\'t like that.

He didn\'t like that she was uncomfortable around him, he noticed how she always try to refrain herself from scolding him and from saying what was on her mind, and he didn\'t like it. Something in him wanted her to be comfortable with him. He wanted her to vent out her seething words at him, he didn\'t mind, because after all that was what had gotten his attention.

Seeing the way she was stiffly seated because she was furious, he sighed audibly.

With his gaze fixed ahead, he said, "I\'m sorry for keeping you waiting"

Keep calm and write something...

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