
Chapter 76 - I'm Not Scared

Eun-Sun tailed behind Dan-Han as he led them to the elevator. She tried to be invisible by pressing herself to the side of the elevator. Though he had given some insurance, she still didn\'t want to lower her guards down. She had to put some distance between herself and this boss of hers.

Dan-Han kept stealing glances at her. From the way she pressed herself against the elevator and looked ahead like she has found something fascinating on the wall of silver plated elevator, he knew she still wasn\'t comfortable around him. But he wasn\'t bothered by that. He was going to take his time with her and soon she\'ll be more than comfortable around him, he was going to make sure of that.


Dan-Han took the lead, striding out of the elevator as soon as it chimed on arrival. He didn\'t look back at her, he expected her to follow behind, and she did.

Eun-Sun\'s eyes flew open the moment she followed Dan-Han into the beautiful garden at the top of the hotel. Her eyes wandered around taking in the the beauty and ambience of the gorgeous like place. Not just that, there was a long line of staffs waiting for Dan-Han with their heads bowed, just like subordinates waiting upon their mighty king.

Looking at the setting of the place it was evident that it was a restaurant. But it was currently empty. Just above was the beautiful sky studded with stars and a half cresten moon. The air was fresh and relaxing. The aroma of flowers lingered in the air and the low yet illuminating light gave the place a romantic feeling.

Looking at the man who was already seated at the table, his eyes peering at her, Eun-Sun couldn\'t help but feel like she has come on a romantic date with her evil boss.

Oblivious to her, that was exactly what Dan-Han had in mind. He knew he couldn\'t be straightforward with her, so he has decided to pursue her this way. She wouldn\'t know when she\'ll fall for him.

"Come sit" Dan-Han said cutting through her thoughts.

Eun-Sun nodded and joined him at the table. A male staff hurried over and pulled out a seat for her.

"Thank you" She muttered at the boy who suddenly panicked whether to reply her or not. Suddenly feeling a cold chill slowly engulfing him, he didn\'t need someone to tell him that the demon boss was staring at him and that was a silent order for him to scram!.

A chef arrived at the table with a cart of food. Eun-Sun recognized him as the chef who had served her food at Dan-Han\'s personal cafeteria earlier today. The chef bowed to her and she responded with a bow of her own.

The food was perfectly arranged on the table and the mere sight of it made Eun-Sun salivate. Remembering how delicious the chef\'s food had tasted earlier today, Eun-Sun\'s stomach suddenly rumbled loudly much to her embarrassment. Dan-Han had heard that, but he didn\'t look at her, because he knew it will heighten her level of embarrassment.

Eun-Sun was grateful when she didn\'t feel Dan-Han\'s gaze on her, that could only mean he didn\'t hear her. It would have been so embarrassing if he had done that.

After displaying the array of gorgeously plated meal, the chef was about to introduce the meal when Dan-Han dismissed him. He wondered what it was with chefs and the long boring speech of how each food was cooked.

Dan-Han noticed Eun-Sun\'s lascivious gaze on the food. Her eyes were mostly fixed on the small plate of black bean noodles (Jajangmyeon). There was a variety of meal from western cuisines to Chinese dishes, but she had her eyes fixed only on the black bean noodle.

Dan-Han reached for the bowl, Eun-Sun\'s eyes slowly watching him like a hawk. She knew she had to be more composed, but who gives a fuck about composure right now. This was black bean noodle right here.

Dan-Han almost chuckled out when he noticed the wanton look on Eun-Sun\'s face, as she greedily stared at the plate in his hands, like she was silently warning him not to take a bite out of it.

An idea came through Dan-Han\'s mind. Maybe he should eat this instead, and see what her reaction would be, since it was damn obvious that she had eyes only for that. He quickly adviced himself not to spite this little lady. He didn\'t want to ruin his chance before he makes a move on her.

Eun-Sun was surprised when Dan-Han dished a portion of the noodles on her plate. She looked at him, but his face was revealing no expression as usual.

"Eat" Dan-Han motioned as he dropped the plate in his hands before picking out some other food from the table onto his plate. Eun-Sun picked up a chopstick, she almost shamelessly licked her lip at the sight of the plate, but thankfully

she didn\'t. She still had some sense of consciousness...for the time being.

"Thank you" She told him, before lowering her head to eat. Eun-Sun took a mouth full of the noodles and her eyes flew wide open. Other than her mom\'s black bean noodles, this was the best she has ever eaten. She closed her eyes to savour the divine taste of the noodles. She took another bite and that was when she lost it. Eun-Sun pounced on the meal like her life depended on it, totally throwing all caution to the wind and forgetting the presence of her hellish boss. All she could see was the black bean noodle.

Eun-Sun waffled down the whole plate, much to Dan-Han\'s surprise. He had stopped eating a while ago as he watched her eat. This was more amusing than anything he has seen in his life. If there was a reason why he felt attracted to this lady in the first place then he just another one.

He liked this girl.

Eun-Sun nodded in satisfaction after seeing her beautiful creation of food consumption. She shamelessly used her tongue to lick her lips making Dan-Han\'s lips curl up. Where has this little beast been all his life?

Eun-Sun raised up her head for the first time since she attacked that plate of food. She was stunned when she saw Dan-Han\'s eyes intently focused on her. She cringed when she realized she had just openly embarrassed herself in front of her boss.

"For a small lady you sure do eat alot. But I like it" He said with a small smile etched on his face, a smile Eun-Sun had clearly seen, and was surprisingly taken by it. This was the first time she was seeing a smile on his face, and she must say it sure looked good him. He should try to smile more often and not carry his face around like a fellow with facial paralysis. She had almost believed the rumors going around the office that the boss had suffered some damage to his facial nerve, but after seeing that smile she knew better than to believe in corporate gossip.

Eun-Sun was slightly embarrassed by Dan-Han\'s statement, but she didn\'t want to show it. So she said, "Mister Lee your food is getting cold" He should be focused on eating his own food instead of awkwardly staring at people. Nonsense.

Dan-Han looked down at his plate, he wasn\'t so hungry anymore. Looking at the table he reached for a bottle of wine, he made sure it had low alcohol level. He poured them a glass before placing some deserts on her plate too.

Eun-Sun looked at the wine placed before her, she didn\'t want to drink. She didn\'t think it was wise to drink with her boss must especially when they were in a hotel, which of course belongs to him. Insurance aside, he could drug her and do something to her. Humans are not to be trusted most escpecially the male species.

Author Note: No offense dear male readers. I love you all.

"I\'m sorry mister Lee, but I don\'t drink" Did she really say that? Yes she did. She wasn\'t a heavy drinker but she could do some justice to a bottle of wine...so she thought.

"Miss Eun-Sun, a deal is a deal" He said lifting up the glass to her. "And I\'m not a pervert who\'d take advantage of a small lady like you"

A frown formed on Eun-Sun\'s face. Who was he calling a small lady? As a matter of fact she has noticed he has been calling her that, and she didn\'t like it. Eun-Sun was unyielding. She stared at the glass in his hand but she didn\'t move to receive it.

"You\'re not scared of wine are you?" Dan-Han asked purposely.

"I\'m not scared" She retorted.

"Tsk, I hardly doubt that. So much for your little temper.What a scared cat" He muttered slowly, as he dropped the glass in front of her, silently daring her to pick it up if she could. He picked up his glass and took a long sip.

Who was he calling a scared cat? If he wasn\'t her boss or Mrs Lee\'s son she would have slapped him hard on his face.

"I\'m not scared, neither am I a scared cat" She refuted, trying to sound as polite as possible, even though she was seething.

"Then prove it" Dan-Han dared. He was provoking her intentionally. Knowing the amount of pride amassed inside of her, he knew she\'d take the bait. He had no ulterior motive, he just wanted to spend more time with her and maybe know a thing or two about her.

Eun-Sun glared at him, she was seething with anger. How dare he call her scared. Boss or not she was going to prove him wrong.

And as expected Eun-Sun picked up the glass and gulped it down. Slamming the glass on the table but not to a point of breaking it.

Dan-Han smirked. One thing was sure this girl\'s was probably going to kill her.

"Here, another one"

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