
Chapter 402

Her eyes ran over the title and content of the document which has been issued and stamped by the court, but no matter the number of times she looked it over, her heart almost slowed to a stop with tightly clenching pain surging through it.

Her hand holding the phone quivered and she let it slip off her hand onto the seat, and Dan-Han picked it up.

Hot tears pooled in her eyes as she raised her gaze to Dan-Han with a silent plea burning in them for him to tell her the document wasn’t real – that it wasn’t meant for her.

She shook her head in denial as her quavering hand reached to wipe the tears that fell from her eyes while she took another look at the phone now in Dan-Han’s hand.

W-What the hell was going on?

“Why...how...” She incoherently stuttered. “I didn’t get a notice. I...I was suppose to get a notice right?” She stutteringly asked him, but she was sure that was supposed to be the procedure. So why the hell was she going to adopt her own child? Why was she going through so much simply because of one mistake she made? Why did she have to go through any of this?!


People made the mistake of being with the wrong person at one point or another in their lives, but why was she paying such a price for the same mistake a great population of the world always made? Why was she....

“Why have I lost my right to my child?!” She demanded, wondering what sort of foul play was going on.

Dan-Han wearily sighed when he saw her cry so bitterly.

“I don’t think you should be reading so much into this.” He told her. “I know it’s unfortunate and not what you ever wanted, but the fact that there’s a possibility for you to get your child back should at this point give you some comfort. You haven’t lost her completely, so, be happy you’re going to get her back.” He told her, his tone naturally as bland as it has always been, but it was void of anger, and if she listened carefully, she’d know his words were meant to comfort her.

A-Yeong fixed her glistening eyes on him as she tried to see the silver lining he was pointing out to her, but her emotions were a mess at the moment, she didn’t think she could see it.

“Can’t we revoke this? Can’t I do something about this?” She desperately asked, pointing at the phone.

The last thing she wanted was for her own child to see her as her a foster parent. The girl had seen her a few times, but the moments they had shared were so few and she feared none of them were tangible enough for the girl to remember her as her mother.

The last time she had seen two years ago, it had been from a distance. She had come to visit on her birthday, but Ji-Tae- that son of the devil!! She cussed.

‘Curse you Ji-Tae!’ She roared in her heart as her eyes burned with eternal hatred for him.

The man was a monster!

Dan-Han deeply sighed when he saw her disposition. He wasn’t pleased seeing her this way. She wasn’t close to him, but knowing she was in this situation because of the fool in his family, he felt guilty and responsible.

He placed a hand on her fidgeting hand as he fully turned to her, while A-Yeong also looked at him despite the misty haze in her eyes.

“Revoking this wouldn’t be much of an issue, but being discreet about it will be. Our focus should be concealing every of our move from my cousin, at least till you have your child.” And till he also knows what Ji-Tae was really up to and who was helping him.

“It is better to have an hitch-free plan than try to avert obstacles, Ms Su. So, I’d advice we do this my way for now. When I have everything sorted out, I’ll help you. And if your daughter recognizing you is your issue of concern, then I’ll tell you not to be worried. Two years isn’t that much for a child to forget her mother. Children are smart, and they hold on to precious memories, and a Lee child would never forget her roots.” He confidently told her.

A-Yeong silently stared at him not sure of what to say. He clearly didn’t understand the situation surrounding each of their meets, but she wanted to believe what he said was true. That her daughter wouldn’t have forgotten her. She had called her mummy a time or two after she had introduced herself to her, but after that Ji-Tae had ensured she spent so little or no time with the girl.

She silently nodded and Dan-Han patted the back of her hand.

“Leave everything to me. You’ll have her when everything is sorted out, but I’ll create an opportunity for you to do so today.” He assured her, and A-Yeong tightly gripped his hand.

“Thank you.” She sobbed out as she fought back the tears that threatened to roll off her eyes. She would be eternally grateful if she got the opportunity to see her child.

“Make sure, you stay in the car till I tell you otherwise.” He told her and she obediently nodded. She watched Dan-Han as he alighted the car and walked towards the small group of people who were waiting for him with grins and smiles.

A few children were among the group of people and they gave him a big bouquet and a card.

She could clearly see from inside the car, but no one could see her because of the tinted glasses.

Two hours later, Dan-Han strolled into a small circus tent stationed in one of the largest parks in City-A with a wiry man tailing behind him. He had reserved the whole park for the purpose of today’s meeting.

The staff of the orphanage were guarding the children and ensuring their safety as they went around the park having the time of their lives. Dan-Han couldn’t believe he was doing all this because of a little brat he could swiftly put an end to without breaking a sweat.

“Keep an eye out.” He told the man following him and the man stopped and nodded. He stood behind the thick red drapes at the entrance of the where he couldn’t be easily spotted from the outside just incase someone tries tailing them.

Dan-Han strolled towards the base of the make-shift stage where he saw a middle-aged woman waiting for him.

“President Lee,” She pleasantly smiled when she saw him.

“Mrs Lin.” He greeted back and received the hand she stretched out to him for a handshake.

“President Lee, thank you for doing this for the kids. From their smiles you can tell they’re having a swell time here in the park. Thank you. We truly appreciate.” She sincerely appreciated him as she smiled even more brightly.

“I’m only continuing my mother’s legacy.” He told her and she knowingly nodded even as the smile on her face fell and her countenance slightly turned solemn.

“She was a great woman. I’m sorry for you loss.” She sympathized with him.

“It’s okay.” Dan-Han tersely nodded. He was tired of people telling him how sorry they were for his mother’s death, because it only reminded him how sorry he also felt. His gaze travelled around the empty tent before settling on her.

“Did you tell anyone about our meeting?” He asked, and she hurriedly shook her head.

“You asked me not to, so I was careful.” She informed him. Her easy and pleasantly looking face suddenly turning distort with concern. She had been worried as to why Dan-Han had asked her to meet here without informing anyone about it. She must say some of his request over the phone were a bit unusual.

“And the girl?” He asked.

“She’s over there.” She replied pointing to the small figure squatting on the high stage, her silhouette perfectly hidden away behind the props on the stage.

Dan-Han looked at the girl who poked her head out as if aware she was the one they were talking about. She stared at him with her big bright eyes, and one look at her Dan-Han could see the uncanny resemblance she had with her grandmother.

“She’s a bit shy, but she’s a very sweet girl. She was supposed to give the presentation at your arrival, but she was too shy.” She explained with a fond smile and the girl quickly hid away again when Dan-Han kept staring at her.

“And the person who normally visits?” He asked as he kept looking at the spot the little girl was hiding.

“Mr Alain Smith?” She happily echoed making Dan-Han return his gaze to her. “Like I told you over the phone, he’s one of our beneficiaries in the last seven years. And oh, he’s very fond of her and he visits whenever he can.” She told him.

“Mmm.” Dan-Han nodded.

“Is there any problem President Lee?” She asked when Dan-Han turned towards the girl with an unusual look.

“No.” He replied. “How fast can her adoption be processed?” He asked, surprising the woman who suddenly looked at him with widened eyes.

“You want to adopt her?” She asked in shocked surprise.

“Someone.” He told her.

“Oh, okay.” She nodded, even though she wondered why he was making enquires for someone other than himself. “Well, the adoption process isn’t something one can predict. These kids are special to us and thus we’re careful and intentional about who we give them to. And how fast it can go depends on if the intending parents meets the requirements and are suitable for her or any of the kids.” She explained.

“Meeting the requirements or being suitable shouldn’t be a problem. I can assure you of that.”

The woman cocked a brow at him. “How?”

Dan-Han looked over the stage to the back door entrance at the base of the stairs and gave a single nod. The curtains moved and and a tall silhouette pushed through the curtains as if they had been waiting for his signal.

Mrs Lin looked at him and followed his gaze. She was surprised when a dainty feminine figure walked through the back stage entrance. She shuffled her gaze between Dan-Han and the strange woman whose face was halfly hidden with a nose-mask. She was staring at the little girl on the stage.

“Who’s that?” Mrs Lin asked Dan-Han, but she had her answer when the lady took off her mask, revealing a familiar face she hasn’t seen in a while.

“Ms. Su?” She called in shock surprise, but the young lady had her gaze fixed on the little girl who was equally staring back at her.

The girl who had been squatting down slowly rose to her feet as she kept staring at A-Yeong in a way that made A-Yeong’s heart race. This was the first time in a while she was being so close to the girl.

She watched as the girl’s big round eyes blinked a few times and her lips moved. “Mummy?” Her small voice whispered out, but it audibly to A-Yeong’s hearing and heavy tears rolled down her cheeks.

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