
Chapter 442

She’d want nothing more than to wake up with no worries in her mind and no fear, but for now, that seemed like a far-fetched dream, as her mind was always in a tousle.

Right this moment, all she was thinking about was her parents she had met yesterday and how her sudden appearance would affect their lives. They must be as shocked as she had been when she discovered the parents she had known all her life weren’t her parents.

Would they be happy to have found a child they once thought dead? Or would they be stuck in a dilemma of not knowing what to do?

Eun-sun didn’t know why she was thinking all these thoughts, but she couldn’t help it.

She sighed when she felt a sudden warmth wrap around her, and a weight dropped on her shoulder. A smile lit her lips as she accepted his warmth and embrace.

“Are you done?” She asked, and she felt his head bob against her shoulder.


“Yes.” Dan-Han kissed the nape of her neck as his arms tightened around her waist.

Eun-sun had left him to attend a virtual meeting, as well as give necessary instructions to his secretary, who she was beginning to admire more than she already did – but she dared not tell Dan-Han that, else she wanted the man out of his job before dusk.

Chang-wok was doubtlessly loyal to Dan-Han and diligent, and she admired him for that.

To her, he was even more active that the vice president of the company, who she had only encountered twice since she started working in the company.

Dan-Han leaned closer to her ears, where his breath tickled her, and gently bit her earlobe. “What were you thinking about?” He asked. He had earlier noticed how lost in thoughts she had been.

Eun-sun shrugged. “Nothing much. I was wondering if it’s really okay for us to stay here this long. There’s so much for you to do back home.”

“There’s nothing much for me to do back home.” He countered. “And there’s nothing more important than spending time with you and seducing you to marry me this weekend.” He softly bit the tip of her ear before teasing her with his tongue, making Eun-sun giggle as she shook her head to get him off.

“This weekend, huh?” She chuckled.

“Mmm.” He nodded. “You just have to say yes, and everything will be ready. All you have to do is appear at the altar like the brightest star in the universe while you watch me cry.”

Dan-Han loosened his hold around her as she turned around to face him. Her eyes held his gaze.

“What?” He asked with a boyish smile when she silently stared at his face without saying a word.

Eun-sun shook her head and tightly hugged him, placing her face on his chest, where she listened to his heartbeat steadily. ‘He was her brightest star. Even more brighter than her.’

Dan-Han wrapped his hand around her and kissed the top of her head. At this very moment, he felt content. Nothing else mattered.

Every other thing could get lost; power struggle, family, everything. All he wanted was more of this moment with the woman he loved.

“You’re becoming clingy these days, babe. Do you want me to buy some chain so you can keep me closer?” He teased. He moved his chin from her head when she raised her head to look at him.

She raised a brow at him. “Will you buy it?” She asked, and Dan-Han readily nodded.

“If that’s what you want, then I will. But I’d prefer you wait till we’re married. That way, I won’t get off your bed. There’ll be long days and nights of endless lovemaking.” He said with a mischievous smile that traveled to his eyes.

“Shut up!” Eun-sun smacked his arm before burying her flushed cheeks on his chest, and her arms tightened around him.

“You’re so perverted.” She mumbled against his chest while Dan-Han chuckled at her cute reaction. She was always so easy to tease.

“And you’re cute.”

They both remained in each other’s embrace, with Eun-sun listening to his rhythmic heartbeat.

“Dan-Han, what about the general meeting? What are you going to do about that?” She suddenly asked after a few minutes of silence elapsed.

The meeting scheduled for the deliberation of his dismissal was just around the corner.

“You don’t have to worry about that. I’m going to attend. Hopefully, we’ll be done from here by then. And no one is dismissing me. My father only wants to teach me a lesson. He knows kicking me out of the company will cause him many problems he can’t handle, so relax.”

“Are you sure?” She asked, sounding unconvinced as she raised her head to assess his face. It wasn’t her fault that she doubted Dan-Han at a moment like this. He always kept all the troubles to himself simply because he was addicted to overly protecting her.

Dan-Han gave her a reassuring kiss on the top of her head, “I promise,” he said, and Eun-sun slightly felt relieved. She believed everything was going to be just fine. She desperately wanted everything to be.

“I want to show you something.” Dan-Han suddenly announced, making Eun-sun questioningly look at him.

But before asking what it was, Dan-Han was already leading her into the suite.

Eun-sun quietly followed him to the make-shift working desk he had made for himself upon their arrival. He sat on the chair and pulled her to sit on his lap.

Eun-sun patiently watched as he opened an app on his laptop and logged in with her email address and the password which she used for her email account as well as every other thing.

Her brows furrowed as she wondered how he had known her password.

“Dan-Han, how did you know my password?” She suspiciously asked, but Dan-Han ignored her as he continued with what he was doing.

“Dan-Han,” She called with a tone while he hissed.

“You call that a password? Eun-sun 123? Even a toddler wouldn’t do that.” He stink-eyed her.

Eun-sun didn’t know if she should feel embarrassed by what he had just said, but she refused to and rather glared at him, “Still, this is a violation. You stole my password.” She told him matter-of-factly.

Dan-Han snorted, “Whatever you say, madam.” He rolled his eyes.

“Look here.” He said, gesturing his chin to the laptop. Eun-sun briefly sent him a stink eye before focusing her gaze on what he was showing her.

Her brows furrowed, and a frown framed her face when she saw a weird display on the laptop.

She silently peered at it for a moment, but her brows furrowed deeper when she didn’t understand what it was. She could see some strange words and ridiculous amounts of money written in front of them.

“What’s this?” She curiously inquired, her eyes not leaving the screen.

“It’s a crypto exchange wallet.” He replied, and Eun-sun glanced at him with confusion etched on her face.

Seeing her countenance, Dan-Han quickly explained what it was and reminded her about his suggestion to invest the money his mother had willed her in cryptocurrency, stocks and foreign exchange weeks ago.

“Well, this is it. Your crypto account.” He told her, and Eun-sun blinked as she peered at the laptop. She didn’t understand many of the things she saw there, but she understood the money, and they looked huge.

“Are those real money?” She stupidly asked, not minding how silly she sounded. Dan-Han wasn’t one to laugh at or tease her for not knowing something.

“Yes, and they are yours.” He said, making Eun-sun’s eyes widen with shock.

She looked at him like he had just grown another head, but Dan-Han continued. “Fortunately, I bought a good few coins with your money, and they’ve been on the bullish run for weeks. Some has made over a hundred percent increase, some fifty, but there’s this one-” He paused and sighed.

“Well, it didn’t go according to my prediction, but the chart still looks good. I’m sure it’ll yield good profit too.” He informed her, and even though Eun-sun didn’t understand a third of what he had said, she was certain she heard the hundred percent turnover.

She blinked at the screen in stupefaction.

After a while, she turned to Dan-Han with heavy curiosity glistening in her eyes. “So this crypto thing is that profitable?” She inquired, and he nodded, feeling amused by the curiosity in her eyes.

“It is just like stocks and foreign exchange.” He told her.

Eun-sun blinked a few more times as she stared at the screen. She was in awe. She had never imagined seeing this sort of money in her life, and to think it belonged to her, made it all the more unimaginable.

Firstly, the money had been a gift, and she wasn’t even aware of what the exact amount was except for the check she had seen, but seeing this, she was beginning to wonder exactly how much was the entirety of it. And did he say there were stocks as well?

This felt unrealistic, especially in such a short time. It felt like she was in a dream. Sometimes she still couldn’t believe Mrs. Lee had given her such amount of money. It felt too surreal.

Like God suddenly decided to open his book to her chapter and decided to favor her. Was this what supernatural favor was?

“Do you want to buy something for yourself?” Dan-Han suddenly asked, cutting through her stupified state.

Eun-sun looked at him wide-eyed, “Can I?”

Dan-Han smiled as he brushed his hand through her hair like he was assuring a baby. “Of course, that’s why I showed you. We can make a bit of withdrawal from the profit. What do you want to buy?” He asked.

Eun-sun hastily picked up her phone and swiped through her gallery while Dan-Han looked interestedly. “This.” She announced, holding up her phone to him.

Dan-Han stared at the picture on her. He arched a brow. “A wristwatch?” He asked, and Eun-sun vigorously bobbed her head.

Dan-Han slightly frowned. “But that’s not feminine.” He told her, looking at the Audemars Piguet wristwatch she had saved on her phone. Was she buying it for him?

But before he could ask, Eun-sun replied. “It’s not for me. I want to buy it for you.” She told him.

Dan-Han looked at her with surprise before staring back at the phone. His lips widened into a smile.

“Thank you, love.” He kissed her cheek before taking the phone from her. “This is expensive, and I don’t think you can afford to spend that recklessly yet.” He gently told her. He assumed Eun-sun didn’t know how much such wristwatches cost. His finger swiped through the phone, and he saw more saved pictures of suits, ties, shoes and cars.

He stared at her and blinked while Eun-sun turned red with mortification. He had seen her little secret list of things she wanted to get for him when she had money. She had been saving them for a while and had always imagined how Dan-Han would look in every one of them.

Dan-Han incredulously looked at her. “You want to buy all these?”

Eun-sun bit her lips and slowly shook her head before nodding. “But..not now. I was saving them for when I have money. You always get me things. Remember that time you bought so many shoes? And there are clothes too, and all the other things you force me to take. I just kept them as some motivation to work harder and buy you the things you’d like.” She rambled.

Dan-Han couldn’t help as his smile turned into a full-blown grin. “I don’t know if I should love you more or worship you.”

Her little gesture made his heart swell so much that he didn’t know what to do to her at the moment.

He leaned closer and kissed her lips. “You’re amazing, Eun-sun. You really are.”He told her.

“But you can’t buy any of these for now, and by the way, I do have many of these already. So let’s wait till you get more money, then I’ll personally make a request to my sugar mommy with thick thighs.” He winked.

“Better be ready to buy whatever I ask.” He told her, and even though Eun-sun nodded, she still wanted to protest. She was eager to buy him something.

He stopped her before she could say anything else. “I still have that credit card you gave me. You can get me something from that. As far it’s from you, I’ll be happy.” He told her.


Eun-sun silently looked at him and nodded. “Okay.”

Dan-Han pecked her cheek. “Then what about we do it now? Go get dressed, and we’ll go shopping together.” He told her, and Eun-sun immediately hopped off his thigh and hurried to get dressed, making Dan-Han chuckle amusedly.

He was still seated at his desk when he received a mail notification. His lips curved up when he saw who the sender was.

He dialed the number in the mail and called it.

“I must say, I was surprised to receive your mail, Mr. Kim. Is there any problem?” Dan-Han tauntingly asked.

“Let’s have that meeting today. Be at the address by 2 Pm. I don’t like tardiness.”

“But do you like surprises?” Dan-Han asked. He could imagine the man frowning at the other side.

“What do you mean?” Mr. Kim asked with annoyance.

“There’s someone I’d like you to meet. So please make arrangements for two.” He told him.

“Who?” Mr. Kim asked.

Dan-Han’s lips crookedly curved up. “You just have to wait and see.” He said before disconnecting the call.

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