
Chapter 79 Terrible Talent

"My god, just when I think I\'m getting used to the damn thing, it becomes worse." Dustin groggily stated, as he lay on the floor next to the table. On the table itself was a trail covered in meat.

During the last week or so, Dustin had been subjected to more of these meat, and if not because it was good stuff, he would have stopped right from the first day, seriously. The taste seemed to vary, and even as Dustin had never tasted shit before, he could beat his chest and assure whoever that the taste of some of these meat chunks tasted like it!

After the first time he tasted the terrible tasting meat, his stomach couldn\'t handle it, and he had to live in the toilet for most of the time, for a complete week, as he continued eating the same shit regardless. At this point, he had spent two weeks with Eir, and counter to what he thought; time seemed to be nonexistent there, as the thought almost never passed through his head. Surprisingly though, Dustin couldn\'t be more glad that there was a toilet present in this place, if not... As Eir never used the toilet, it quickly grew accustomed to its new partner quickly.

After being subjected to this diet for half a week, Dustin almost gave up, and it wasn\'t until that happened that Eir decided to tell him why he was even eating the meat. According to Eir, the meat was the only way for Dustin to strengthen himself enough to be able to be able to cross through the chaotic spatial environment. Besides, this was just the first step in laying a foundation. The plans Eir had were much deeper than just some body strengthening.

Since the meat was gotten from demonic monsters and beasts, it was packed full with chaotic and dark energy, and eating it was a way for Dustin\'s body to absorb this energy. This energy was the reason behind the demon races incredibly strong and resilient bodies and life force, and Eir was trying to get Dustin to somehow siphon that trait out of the out of the energy. It was a simple process that would help create a sturdy foundation that would be able to withstand future experiences. The process was a slow one, but the results were very rewarding.

Right at that moment however, Eir couldn\'t help but verbally lash Dustin to the point of tears if he wasn\'t used to it already. The process was supposed to be a slow one, but not as slow as it was in Dustin\'s case. Compared to how it was meant to be, Dustin was at least five times slower.

"Seriously, what kind of specie are you? Even a turtle on land would be faster." Eir said, as he watched from his lying position, not even looking at Dustin who was bitterly taking into his stomach chunks of meat, not even chewing some. Of course his said this figuratively, but he couldn\'t be far from reality, as comparing him to a turtle was just due to a lack of a better creature use at that moment.

"Yeah whatever." Dustin shrugged at Eir\'s statement. "Why don\'t you teach me something else like a technique or something? I can\'t be doing this until whenever, wouldn\'t I just gain fat and become lazy at this rate?" Dustin protested. It had only been two weeks at most, but Dustin sure craving for something. Anything such an old existence would give him would prove to be beneficial, even just a little bit.

​ "You are not ready yet, and despite me having some things that you would be able to learn now, it would only be counterproductive. You are already struggling as it is at the current task, so just let your body focus on one thing." Hearing this made Dustin shrug his shoulders as a sigh escaped his mouth, but what could he do. The man was basically his teacher and master at the moment, so it would be kind of unwise to not listen to him at the moment.

Dustin continued this \'training\' for another two months, and after the end of the first month, it was quite clear that Eir was kind of disappointed at the results, and he couldn\'t be faulted. After a whole month, Dustin had only succeeded in progressing toward nothing above seven percent of the entire process if Eir was to put it in percentage. He was still so far behind that if Eir had to calculate the estimated time it would take for Dustin to complete just the first phase of creating a good base, he would be exceeding years. Not like Eir minded though, he was in no hurry to let Dustin go, the youngling was keeping him company after all, it was a nice change from the monsters he had with him. They couldn\'t even talk, so the most they could do was communicate through their feelings and their deep connection.

"Seriously, it would be an understatement to call you untalented." Eir said. "How can you have only gone this far after an entire month? It\'s just unreal."

"Hey, I\'m not happy about it either, so stop plastering it on my face will you?"

"Heh... I have an idea, maybe something with more potency will produce better results." Eir said while sipping tea from his cup. "My tea is running out slowly, life is slow becoming tiring."

"Not like you need it to survive.." Dustin said under his breath. "Does that mean you will be going there soon?" Dustin asked.

"Yes. Hah.. To think I would have to face off against those annoying things because of your terrible constitution." Eir grumbled.

"Can\'t you just use your ability and keep them under control?" Dustin asked.

Because Eir had to use most of his energy and mana to keep the seal over the demons tightly closed, Eir couldn\'t exert as much power as he would have liked. Of course it was possible for one to still use the remainder of their strength while doing a separate task like maintaining a seal, but that was very hard for Eir since his seal needed him as a power plant of the sort to keep it active. If the power plant was to reduce the energy supplied to the seal, even for a bit, then it was only natural for the seal itself to underperform.

"That\'s not possible for me in this condition. Any mistake and I will risk cancelling the seal. I can always do that, as they would just remain stranded in this place either way, but then again, there are some demons with a certain high level of intelligence, and if they stay here long enough, there\'s no way they wouldn\'t find a way back."

After all, there were those that were more talented and adverse in magic, unlike a fighter like Eir, understanding how this place functioned would just be that easy. He couldn\'t even begin to count the number of times they had almost found the weak spot in his sealing technique, and thank god that he could move and alter it a bit. Eir was very sure that someday these creatures would break out, and as for then..

"I\'ll be leaving in a few hours. After all these years, those bastards are still in the thousands. I won\'t even be surprised if they were giving birth to offspring while in that place.. god forsaken creatures." Eir cursed.

"Well, when in such a dire situation, sex is one of the only things that can manage to keep them sane and provide some type of hope." Dustin said.

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