
Chapter 105

Magnus was surrounded by magic users; all types. Shamans were common, so it hadn’t bothered him to learn of it. What did raise his ire some was that she was a Shepherd, and that her second trait was Elemental. He’d heard conflicting rumors of whether it was an Earth or wWater trait. Some even said she had both, which he wrote off as ridiculous escalation of the rumors.

Standing up from his throne, Magnus clapped his hands loudly once, and yelled; “We have much to discuss! Come! We’ll speak in my parlor. Olsen! Bring drinks and food for my son and his group.. What’s with the trunk?”

Tidas and Skye shared a knowing look before Tidas replied; “A very special surprise for you, father. But you’re right, we have much to speak on..”

Magnus knew Tidas well. He’d caught how his son didn’t imply that the surprise would wait until after they talked. Which most likely meant that the contents of the trunk pertained to something he wanted to talk about.

The king had taught all of his sons to ‘Never waste a word’. Everyone listened when royalty spoke. One word could be construed in a hundred different ways. The absence of words can be taken a thousand different ways. It was always best to say as little as possible, but imperative to be articulate. To understand the difference between angry and furious. To know what words to say at the right times, and how to understand the words of others.

Many of the courtiers grumbled and fussed over missing their conversations. The gossip was already swirling about the prince’s whereabouts of the past two years. Most knew he’d been in the Highlands, and that Lord Bibalow’s daughter had made claims about the prince. But she’d lost her credibility when her supposed pregnancy turned out to be false.

There was already a rumor that the prince was forced to marry Skye due to an illegitimate child, but it’d been squashed quickly by Lucas’ neighbor and friend; Lord Reinbolt. He’d seen the marriage contract years ago, and defended Skye’s good character. He’d known her since she could walk, and thought of her like a dear niece. He’d even smacked a random young lord with his cane for making a derogative comment about her birth status.

Magnus, Tidas, Skye, Zas, Ronnie, Klaus, and the two guards carrying the two Fae, walked down multiple long hallways towards the far end of the palace. Peggy broke away right as they had entered the throne room earlier. She wanted to make sure that the couple’s things had made it to their room. Plus, Skye had given her instructions to bring Zazzy to her shortly, to show the king.


Entering the King’s Quarters, the walls of the hallways were a hunter green color with the same golden trim that had been in the throne room. Paintings of the MacArthur ancestors were about every six feet or so.

They all had the same jawline and foreheads; which made Skye smile as she imagined what their children would look like one day.However, the last two paintings looked almost nothing like MacAuthurs.

One man and one woman on opposite walls looked closer to Skye than MacArthur. When she’d stopped and asked about it, Tidas had told her he’d explain later, and rushed her along after his father.

Magnus had heard Skye’s questions, but was too interested in their impending conversations to care to answer. It was a little complicated, and would take a while to explain the history of Alcon. It did make him smile to see a resemblance, and wondered which specific line she came from..

After walking into the king’s overgrown parlor, he immediately turned around, and hugged Skye while chuckling. He was very happy to see her, despite being slightly annoyed with her. As they broke the hug, Magnus asked his daughter-in-law; “What has happened to your hair, lass?! Your red was so beautiful!”

Skye sighed sadly before replying; “It’s a wee bit of a story, and is also involved with yer surprise, somewhat.. The story behind it all anyway.”

The guards had set the trunk down on a large table that was immediately to the right upon entering the room. They checked if their prince needed anything else, and left. The next wall held a bar area with stools lining it all the way down. The wall across from the main door had two doors at either end that branched into other parts of the king’s quarters.

The final wall held three target games on it. Two, Skye recognized, but the one closest to her had an intriguing board design. She’d noticed it right before Magnus gave her a bear hug.

After proper introductions amongst the group, Tidas and Skye had the king sit down before explaining everything to him. He’d already known of Tidas and Lucas’ plot to take down the Fowlers. They were one of the last few slavers in the kingdom, and the two had the king’s full support in taking them down; so long as they had proof.

Lord Fowler had many friends within the king’s aristocrats, and Magnus couldn’t give them a reason to rebel. His nobles were already fighting him tooth and nail, whenever he gave serious credence to his son’s ideas. Marco was the voice of reason to the nobles who adored him, and to Magnus.

His oldest son was far more calculating than his youngest, most of the time. Marco focused on variables, and those who controlled the numbers. Whereas Tidas always followed his morality head-first. He was quite proud of his youngest son for all that he had accomplished, but he was able to do those things because he was not the king, nor was he going to be.. Sometimes Magnus felt like Tidas had the right idea, the right amount of give and take for the whole of the kingdom to prosper..

But Marco would always swoop in with his statistics; showing how the nobles can’t bare the extra taxation. Magnus wasn’t stupid, he knew it was due to their own extravagant lifestyles and choices. It shouldn’t be the people’s problem, but Marco explained; “Their lives won’t be any better when the lords ‘cut expenses’, to maintain their own lifestyles..”

It was a complicated issue; one most kingdoms faced. Restricting the lords would cause them to leave, or rebel against the crown. The homes and families of the soldiers were on the lands of the lords. If it came down to it; the king wasn’t sure his army would stand their ground, and he couldn’t blame them.

Family was the most important thing to Magnus, even if his sons didn’t always get along. He loved each equally, but tailored to their individualities. Marco was far less emotional than his brothers, but his intelligence was off the charts. Since he’s the Crown Prince, Magnus found a little detachment would save his oldest son’s sanity in the long run. Although, to be frank: the king himself didn’t comprehend the depths of Marco’s apathy..

While the young couple explained, they didn’t hold back on too many details pertaining to Warrick Forest. Except the ones pertaining to their love life. As they spoke of the fairies, Magnus’ eyes widened in excitement. A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as Skye spoke their names. Memories of his grandfather’s stories came to mind, but he kept himself in check as they began to speak about Celestia and her mother, Titania.

Tidas explained the deals that he and Lucas had set up. The prospect of Alcon becoming the exclusive proprietor of Fae goods was an enticing proposition. He wasn’t surprised at all that Lucas had jumped at the deal. He was torn about him signing over Warrick Forest to the Fae, but understood why he’d done it.

Magnus had offered to buy the Warrick property several times over the years. Lucas had always refused due to it being Sorcha’s family’s land. The Fae probably wouldn’t alter or build much; leaving the forest intact.

Sorcha would tell anyone who would listen to her about the magical forest that surrounded her home. However, she’d never mentioned any actual fairies to him, or specific names like Skye and Tidas.

Magnus was lost in his thoughts momentarily when he’d heard Skye speaking about the Cu Sith. General Zas and the two young trainees collaborated the story, giving more credit to Skye and Tidas’ requests.

They wanted the Northern Fae Settlement, and the small forest outside of Dragonhorn to be officially declared protected Sanctuaries for Fae.

The Fae would pay the appropriate land taxes each year, as well as the taxes for their goods. But past that, they wanted no meddling from humans in their own affairs.

Magnus’ tone was slightly elevated in irritation as he spoke; “So they want to have their own royalty, be part of my kingdom, but not have the courtier responsibilities that comes with it? Why didn’t this, Queen Celestia, send an envoy or ambassador to speak on their behalf? How do I know this isn’t some elaborate prank?”

Skye and Tidas smiled at each other before she walked over to the trunk. Lifting the latch, the princess declared; “Your Majesty, may I present Maevis and Nicolas: the Representatives of the Northern Fae Sanctuary.”

Magnus shot up out of his chair, and quickly walked towards the trunk. Maevis and Nicolas fluttered out gracefully before coming to stand on the table. Nic bowed while Maevis curtsied. Magnus stopped in his tracks as his jaw dropped at the sight of them. They looked exactly like the stories and painting.

The king slowly approached them with his eyes still bugged out; “Maevis and Nicolas... The same?”

“The very same. We were saddened by your grandfather’s passing.. He was a good lad, and a good king..” Maevis trailed off with a sad smile.

Magnus’ eyes shimmered with unshed tears. He knew the stories his grandfather had told him were true! The painting was nearly spot on, say for Nicolas’ engorged belly. He couldn’t believe that he was meeting The actual fairies, and couldn’t hold back his mirth any longer. He laughed boisterously instead of crying his joy, which he came very close to doing anyways.

“By the gods! You’re real! My grandsire told me so many stories of you two and his father! I can’t believe you’re here! You’re real! Hahahahaha!”

Magnus knew Fae folk were real; Zas and Shasta were walking, talking proof of it. But they were categorized as beast men. With Maevis and Nicolas stepping into the spotlight, Alcon was about to become the center of the world as Fate’s thread began to spin and untwine...

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