
Chapter 203

Walking through the hallway, Skye had one of Tidas’ guards in front, and one walking behind her. She felt more like a prisoner in the palace, than a princess. If she wasn’t in her room, she had to be escorted everywhere. It didn’t bother her at first, but as the months built, so did her level of annoyance. If it wasn’t for Klaus and Ronnie being her main guards, Skye would’ve already snapped about never having time to herself.

They didn’t treat her as stringently as the other guards. Most only knew Skye as Tidas’ wife, and a princess. They knew she was Lord Moonstone’s daughter, so even though she was technically common-born; those that didn’t know her treated Skye like her title demanded. The only reason Klaus and Ronnie treated her differently was because they knew her before she came to the palace. If they hadn’t, they’d probably be just as stoic as the others.

Before turning down her hallway, Skye greeted the guards posted outside her hall. She then thanked the guards that had escorted her, and entered her room. She found it odd that they didn’t walk away until after she was shutting the door,even with other guards present. Assuming that Tidas had most likely insisted upon it, she brushed it off. Marco’s recent plots had put her husband on edge, and Skye didn’t blame him. She didn’t like being cooped up in her room just to have a wee bit of personal time.. But if situations were reversed, she would be just as overprotective of Tidas as he was of her.

When Skye actually walked into the room to see who was still in, the scene before her reflected her own dower frustration. Tidas, Maevis, and Peggy were all gathered around the corner table with one of Roland Snare’s journals out and open. Confused, she greeted everyone, then asked what was wrong.

Before anyone could speak; Skye was falling forward. Zazzy had been sleeping on the bed, and bolted for Skye upon hearing her voice. Still being half-asleep, the baby dragon hadn’t realized that Skye wasn’t facing her. She slammed into her mother’s backside, sending her tumbling forward into her husband’s arms.

“I think it’s time we started training her not to do that, or she’s going to take you out.. Are you alright?”

Skye chuckled as she looked up into her husband’s face; “Aye, I agree. But I don’t think we need to train her, just explain it to her. She’s a dragon; she’s much smarter than any cat or dog.”

Understanding some of what they were saying, Zazzy slowly walked over to Skye, and rubbed against her leg. She hadn’t meant to knock over her mother, she was just really happy to see her. While she loved Tidas, Skye was the one she’d bonded with. The world was better with her mother around, and Zazzy was beginning to search for her whenever Peggy took her out into the palace with her.


Aside from a few nobles, everyone loved Zazzy. The servants and guests alike would stop and greet, or usually pet her in the halls. She trilled and cooed at people as she passed them, which freaked out everyone at first. Peggy had to explain the high intelligence dragons possessed many times before it’d finally sunk in for most.

Zazzy was quickly becoming the unofficial mascot for the palace servants. She tried to be helpful whenever she could, even though it usually led to a mess. She was rather good at balancing stacks of folded laundry on her back, and helping the servants with cleaning the floors.

All they had to do was strap a couple dusting cloths to her front, and she happily slid across the floors on her own. Some of the younger servants had even started having races with her; to see who could clean the fastest. Of course Zazzy hadn’t lost once yet, and actually seemed a bit cocky about it after she’d win. It was peculiar to see an animal with such a human personality, but it just endeared her to them more.

Zazzy liked the other humans, but she loved Skye the most. She wanted to spend more time with her, but had no way to tell her that. It was a very frustrating situation, and Zazzy knew she needed to communicate with her mother. They could sense each other’s emotions, but their connection wasn’t whole yet. There was something that needed to happen first, but Zazzy didn’t know what yet. The information still locked away until she grew older. Until she came of age, the baby dragon would just have to do her best with what she had..

Skye knew that Zazzy was apologizing by rubbing against her legs. It was a sweet gesture that showed she knew that she’d done something wrong. Zazzy had gotten yelled at by Peggy enough to understand that an apology was required after making a mistake. If not, then the subsequent lecture would be twice as long..

Tidas was still holding his wife by the waist as she bent to pet Zazzy. He seemed a bit off to her, but couldn’t put her finger on why. ‘Maybe they talked about something that bothered him? Or with how today’s been goin’, tis probably more bad news..’

She still wanted to thank him properly for saving her from Marco at the library, but now wasn’t the time. Looking at his current expression, Skye saw a flurry of emotions. Either something bad had happened, or more questions were being added to their ever-growing list in her absence.. That took precedence over her libido.

Skye bounced her line of sight between her husband, Peggy, and Maevis as she asked; “What’s wrong? How bad is it?”

Tidas tightened his grip on her; “It’s.. Complicated. We were trying to figure out the first part of the legend when I realized something: Roland Snare was the last person to see the spear before my uncle, right? He called the place he’d stashed it, ‘their greatest shame’. But it didn’t make sense to me because the current capital wasn’t fully built yet.”

“I went and grabbed his personal journal to see if he’d written any other information on it’s whereabouts..”

Tidas trailed off as he looked at Maevis, prompting Skye to ask; “So what or where was their ‘greatest shame’?”

Maevis spoke, but didn’t lift her head; “The Old Capital.. That is where it all started..”

“What do ye mean? What started?” Skye asked with a slightly raised tone.

Maevis sighed heavily; “The beginning of the divide among humans.. Most of the royal families in power right now gained their power by betraying the first king’s bloodline; when the entire Star continent was called Alconia.”

A ominous chill ran up Skye’s back at the mention of the first king’s bloodline. Any history books that the kingdoms of the Star continent printed stated that the first king’s descendent turned into a ruthless dictator, and that’s why he was overthrown. It was one of the few consistent historical reference points that all kingdoms shared.

Skye wanted to mention the discussion she and Magnus just had, but decided to ask; “How do ye know that, Mae? Yer not that old.”

Maevis smiled at her friend’s attempt to lighten up her mood, but it wasn’t going to work. She just told Tidas and Peggy about her past, and now Skye was here. She needed to know what she’d just explained, but it involved one of the most painful subjects for Maevis to speak on: Tiberius.

“I’m not that old, but the Empress nearly is. She knows the truth of how and why the humans tore their flourishing kingdom apart.. She told me a few decades ago after too much honey mead.”

Tidas finally released his wife before saying; “I’m going down to the kitchens to get some food. Do you three want anything?”

The prince was hungry, but it wasn’t the main reason for his leaving. Throughout Maevis’ story, he’d felt like she was holding back. He had no doubts there were certain parts that she wasn’t telling him due to who he was. Some because he was Tiberius’ great, great grandson. Some, was because he was royalty..

When she’d read the section of Roland’s journal pertaining to their betrayal by that-time’s royalty, she’d scoffed bitterly. Forgetting Tidas was in fact royalty himself, Maevis had commented; “I see the rot doesn’t fall far from the tree..”

She wouldn’t speak on it when Tidas asked, so he knew it to be a sore subject. ‘Something more must’ve happened between Maevis and my ancestors. She wouldn’t hold a grudge over nothing, at least I don’t think. I can guess what it was, even though she won’t directly say it.. My mere existence is proof that things didn’t work out.. Fate is cruel.’

As Tidas’ thoughts started to become hectic, he shook himself his haze and said; “I’ll leave you ladies to it then.. I’ll be back in about an hour, so take your time, Mae.”

Feeling bad about being so obvious, Maevis thanked Tidas as he headed out the door. She understood that it had nothing to do with the prince, but he was still related to Her.. ‘If she would’ve just listened to me, Tiberius never would’ve died so young..’

The thought sent a fresh wave of pain through her heart. Truth be told: Maevis loved Tiberius with every fiber of her being, and still did. She had never loved anyone before, or after him either. Of course she’d had her fair share of fun throughout the centuries, but never had she ever loved another; not even close. The closest anyone came to it was her plutonic love for Nicolas.

Shifting in her seat, Maevis sighed heavily; “Poor lad, I owe him an apology later.. Seems I’m not as detached as I claim to be.”

Peggy stood with her arms crossed over her chest; “Tis obvious to any who hear the story, Mae. If ye have ever talked about him before, I bet Skye already knows of yer feelings for him.”

“Who? Tiberius? Ye love him, don’t ye?” Skye asked like it wasn’t a big deal.

Maevis huffed with a strained smile; “Am I really that obvious about it?”

“Aye.. But, Ima confused. What do you and Tiberius have to do with the Ethereal Spear?”

Maevis sighed again; “It’s our fault Tidas’ uncle got his hands on it... Tiberius and I were the ones who took it from the Old Capital. It’s also what killed him..”

Skye’s eyes went wide at the new information. The history books all said that Tiberius died winning the last war between the kingdoms. They said he died taking down the Sync king, who was the leader of the opposing side. When Skye asked why there was such a difference in the history books, Maevis’ expression turned dark.

Her eyes narrowed like she was glaring at some distant enemy as she replied; “You can’t control a kingdom if everyone knows that you killed your husband..”

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