
Chapter 302

She had wrapped large, wide strips of treated leather around them to make it easier to move the carts in the piling snow. Since it had been lightly falling for the past day, the outer edge of heavier part of the snowstorm had finally reached them. The small clumps from before were now masses, and had already covered the ground as the wind began to pick up.

“How exactly are we supposed to have a party if everyone has to stay in their tents?!” Skye yelled as the wind whipped her in the face.

“I told ya! Party tents! This ain’t the first time we’ve played in the snow, lassie! Just wait until Yuletide!” Murdoc yelled in between chuckles.

Tidas was still having a hard time believing what was happening.. ‘Generations of wars with the north, and no one ever knew. How is that even possible?! Some of those rooms could find the entire damn palace in!’

As they neared their destination, several RMC members were gathered along the outskirts of the camp. They were worried about Skye and Tidas riding into a trap, but exhaled in relief as they saw their figures approaching.

When they saw the covered carts, they all shared curious expressions between themselves. As the group dismounted, Murdoc looked at the gathered RMC members like idiots.

“Are ye gonna help unload, or ye just gonna stand there like a buncha dobbers?”

The mages glared at him until Tidas called out; “You heard the giant! Get your asses in gear! I want Lou’s team to handle the food, and Dave! Get back here and help set up the tents! I want everything squared away within the hour! If you wanna party, you gotta earn it!”


In an instant; both Alconians and Highlanders were scrambling to grab the supplies, and set up for the night. The sun had set already, and the cold air burned their lungs as they ran back and forth. Murdoc and Tidas shared a smug look between themselves as they watched their soldiers happily clamoring to set up the party.

Tidas reached into his saddlebag, and pulled out the whiskey that Murdoc had given him. Popping the cork, he took a swig straight from the bottle..

Even though he’d been drinking for a long time already, Tidas hadn’t coughed from alcohol since he was a lad. When he handed Murdoc the bottle, he’d nearly choked on his first breath. The icy air hitting his freshly moistened throat sent him into a fit.

Murdoc laughed boisterously as Tidas’ face turned beet-red, and his eyes watered. Skye tried to hide her mirth, but it was a pointless endeavor on her part. Tidas had heard her.

“Shouldn’t you be asking if I’m okay?” Tidas bellowed in between coughs.

Skye chuckled; “Oh, yer fine! Just gettin’ a taste of me Da’s super-secret stash..”

Murdoc laughed again; “And what would a wee lassie such as yer self know of fine whiskey?”

Without saying a word; Skye walked up to Murdoc, took the bottle out of his hand, then chugged three shots worth in one go. His eyes bulged as she handed it back to him like it was a bottle of water. She grinned broadly, then went and grabbed a box off of a cart.

As she disappeared in the crowd, Murdoc looked at Tidas and said; “I think Ima fallin’ for yer wife..”

“Haha! It’ll never happen, man. She loves me,” Tidas replied as he flashed the cockiest smile ever.

“...Shut up,” was all the Highlander King replied as he took a swig from the bottle, then pulled a face.

It took about thirty minutes to set up the party tents, then another fifteen to set up the food and booze. All those that had been injured were well enough to enjoy the festivities, thanks to Skye. After she finishec helping unload the crates, she went to the few Highlanders and RMC mages that were unable to move around easily.

The six oversized tents were connected by a material that Skye had only seen remnants of in the R&D department. One side was fuzzy, while the other side had tiny teeth-like ridges that grasped the fuzzies. Murdoc called it ‘Velcro’, then explained that they use it for everything.

After their talk, everything was ready to go. Murdoc, Tidas, and Skye all stood in front of the doorway, and held the flaps back. Murdoc took a deep breath, then yelled out over the gathered soldiers; “Time to celebrate peace with a wee bit of whiskey!”

Alconians and Highlanders alike cheered as they began to funnel into the tents. They had arranged the tents in a long line that stretched through the campsite’s center. Most fit, but a few groups still kept to themselves in other tents.. Not wanting to interact with the other side.

Both Tidas and Murdoc understood that generations of animosity couldn’t be fixed with one night of good times, but it was a start..

Some of the soldiers from both sides had brought small instruments with them. Flutes, lyres, and make-shift drums filled their party space with upbeat, folk-style music. Some of the Highlanders were talking about how it ‘wasn’t their usual music’, but good in a pinch.

As she walked through the throngs of people, Skye heard Murdoc and some of the Highlanders talking about her father. He was going off about how Skye was like him when it came to ‘good taste’. As she went to walk away, one of the men asked what Lucas would always say whenever someone told he he drank too much..

Skye popped her head into their little group and said; “I’ll drink less when I find better whiskey!”

The Highlanders cracked up as she disappeared, commenting on how she really was her father’s daughter. Skye grinned warmly.. ‘I think I need ta thank Da next time I see him. He softened up these craggy people for us. I don’t think tonight would’ve been possible without him..’

As the thought passed through her mind, a heavenly smell pulled her to the farthest tent. The majority of the food was still cooking, but it was too tantalizing to stay away from. As the men cooking rushed back and forth, Skye and an older Highlander stood in front of the table salivating together.

Looking at the beautiful lass next to him, the gruff man said; “Ye know where the heart of any good party is, aye lassie?”

“Aye! Life wouldn’t be worth livin’ without food!” Skye exclaimed.

As she stared at the bubbling pots, the old man watched her with bulged eyes. Only one person had ever said that to him..

“What clan do ye hail from?” the man inquired while trying to seem not as interested in her answer as he really was.

“Clan? Oh, aye.. Me Da is Lucas Moonstone, and me mother is-”

“Sorcha Warrick?” the man more stated than asked.

Skye tensed all over as she looked at the Highlander in question; “How do ye know that name?!”

Skye’s outburst had drawn the attention of some of the other Highlanders, who now stood around watching. She didn’t notice or care though, as she kept her attention keenly on the old man before her.

“Everyone from the Highlands knows the name of the original family. To this day, we’re still loyal to the Bloodline. Up her, me princess,” the man got down on his knees, and bowed to Skye; “Ye be our rightful Queen.”

As the man kneeled, several others followed suit until Tidas and Murdoc could clearly see what was happening. Panic rose up in the back of Murdoc’s mind.. ‘Dammit! She wasna supposed to know yet!’

As more and more Highlanders bent their knees to Skye, the Alconians looked at her with confusion. None of them knew why the Highlanders were bowing to Skye, but didn’t care as much as they should’ve. Only a few seemed to understand what was going on, and paid attention..

“What the bloody hell are ye goin’ on about?! Ima no Queen! I barely qualify as a princess!”

The man lifted his head up to speak again, but was stopped by Murdoc grabbing his collar, then lifted him to his feet. The two stared daggers at each other for a few moments before the old man walked off.

“What was that about?! The truth, Murdy!” Skye demanded as the others got up, and rejoined the party.

Murdoc sighed; “Somethin’ that needs to be discussed in private-”

“That conversation had better include me,” Tidas stated as he walked over to them.

Murdoc smirked; “Oh, Aye....Ye will hear all about it, too, just not now. There be a party afoot, and Ima plannin’ on gettin’ shit-faced!”

Skye narrowed her visions at him and said; “Ye can party after ye tell me about me family! I wanna know why random Highlanders just bowed to me!”

Murdoc sighed; “I swear I’ll tell ye everythin’ tomorrow.. The elders will need ta be present for it. Tonight, just have fun.. Oh! How about a drinkin’ game?!”

Tidas was standing behind them, listening to their exchange the whole time. He knew that the Warricks were the original royal family, but only because Skye had told him about it. The fact that the Highlanders not only knew the Warrick name, but were bowing down to the last decedent.. ‘This is not gonna end well if this keeps up.’

“Drinking game?! I’ll kick your ass at it! What are we playing?!” Tidas hollered while flashing the two looks.

Murdoc locked eyes with Skye; “See! Yer husband gets it! Games are fun! And distractin’...”

Skye understood their meaning, but she wanted to push further. Only when she had noticed the looks that she was getting from the surrounding RMC members, did she finally drop it.

The games were simple, but fun. Knives were thrown at a piece of wood taken from their burn pile, a circle was drawn for a sumo-type competition, and groups of soldiers with cards in hand were found every few feet. All sitting on the the icy floors of the tents.

Needing a distraction, Skye asked; “What are these tents made from? I’ve never seen material like this before.”

Murdoc grinned; “Don’t know, all I ken is that the ancients left them behind. We find new bunkers all the time, but this came from a special one..”

Tidas quirked an eyebrow at Murdoc as Arthur walked up with a bottle in hand; “How special?”

Murdoc laughed loudly before replying; “Let’s just say that yer lucky we’re on the same side now..”

Arthur looked at Murdoc with the same expression as Tidas as he asked; “Why?”

Murdoc chuckled with a slightly evil tone; “Because I Really wanna push that big read button...”

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