
Chapter 399

Skye and Tidas couldn’t really do much for their first year anniversary, and her parent’s throwing them a small party was very sweet. She assumed that they were celebrating because Lucas and Lidia wouldn’t be around when their true date came, which was partly right. Lucas had been in the Capital when Genie and Magnus had decided to send Skye and Tidas as Diplomats to Sai.

Magnus had requested both his, and Lord Reinbolt’s presences to discuss sending troops north. When he’d reached the palace, one of the servants told him of their plan to send them to Sai. Lucas had snapped on Genie for it, and had nearly punched him.

Skye had made it clear to most that she and Tidas wanted to go to their castle once they returned from the Highlands. Lucas thought that she had even gotten permission from Magnus, but couldn’t quite recall.. ‘Guess tis a sign that Ima gettin’ on in me years..’

Genie had told Lucas that if Alcon wanted the treaty with Sai, that she had to prove that Zazzy was well cared for..

“You know how my people view dragons. The fact that one is alive, and bonded to a human connects to three prophecies in Sai. The elders just want to make sure that Zazzy and Skye don’t connect to a particular one..”

Lucas narrowed his eyes on his old friend; “And what’ll happen if she does fit yer general description fer it?! What’s it about?!”

Genie sighed, hesitant to mention; “Well, the Catalyst legend is found in Sai, which she’s a perfect match for. But there’s two sides to the prophecy: a light and a dark. I know Skye will pass their tests without fail, but she’ll still need to take them if Alcon and Sai are to ally, which both of our higher-ups want.”

“Why is the Sai Senate so interested in Zazzy? Is she really that dangerous?” Lucas asked honestly, but still with a certain level of hostility in his voice.


“Because Skye’s decisions will determine the fate of our world. Zazzy choosing her is a good sign to them, and they believe that she will most likely make the right choices when the time comes. But they have to make sure..”

Lucas could tell that Genie was holding something back. He could fool most people, but Lucas Moonstone was a rare breed of a man. The unnaturally high instincts the man had made him one of a handful of people that could tell when he was being untruthful.

Realizing what he was avoiding, Lucas asked in a hard voice; “What will they try ta do if she fits the bad prophecy?”

“...They will try and fail to kill her. I won’t let anything happen to Skye.”

Lucas was ready to tear his head off when Lidia had come into the room; “I can hear you two from three rooms down! Calm yourselves! I know of the prophecy that Genie speaks of, and we have nothing to worry about. Skye is a good lass, and there is no one I would trust more to take care of any being in the world.”

“I agree. Skye will go before the Senate with Zazzy, demonstrate their connection, then go to see Mei in time for tea,” Genie added, grateful to Lidia for the save.

A small smile crept onto Lucas’ face; “How’s the sweet lass? How’s her bairn?”

Genie beamed; “They are both in good health, although one of the opposing Senators has threatened her and her father. Mei’s husband is a soldier, and is currently assigned as a trainer, so they hardly see each other..”

Genie had flashed an odd expression, but Lucas never got the chance to ask him about it. A servant had showed up shortly after to escort them to the Summer Games, and they had returned to Moonshire with Peggy shortly after.

Lucas had asked Maevis and Nicolas to keep an eye on him, which turned out to be quite easy since he was constantly with someone. They had lost track of him a couple of times, but Genie had been honest when Maevis had confronted him about it..

“I was trying to check in with my people, but I haven’t heard from them. I feel like there’s something wrong.. However, there’s nothing I can do until Skye and Tidas return...”


Tidas and Skye were enjoying themselves immensely. The only guests there were the Highlanders and RMC members, but that was more than enough to have a good time. The food, drinks, and entertainment were all provided, giving the RMC members a small taste of home.

The summer ale was sweet and citrusy, and the food was hot and fresh. Skye nearly cried as she wolfed down Peggy’s signature salad, then ate a three ham, cheese, and apple butter sandwiches. She also had a plate of squash that had been baked in brown sugar and butter, half of a quiche, and two loaves of bread that she had simply dipped in a small bowl of gravy.

For dessert, Skye ate an oversized piece of cake while Tidas got the whole pumpkin pie to himself. He had liked the pie that Skye had gotten him for his birthday the previous year better, but pumpkin was one of his all-time favorite pies. As the two happily munched, Petrie came up to chat for a bit with them.

After some talking, the topic had turned to when the three had first met..

“Did ye ever think that we’d be where we are now?” Skye asked him as she took another shot.

Petrie glanced around with a small smile on his face. Highlanders and Alconians were all laughing, drinking, and having an amazing time. Murdoc sat with Lucas and Wallace discussing trading and other random things. Amara and Skye’s mother were off to the side giving Kari advice about Connor again..

“Ye coulda given me a thousand years ta guess, and I still wouldna seen all of this comin’.. Well done, crazy woman,” Petrie added as he turned to look at Skye.

Skye put her arms up; “What are ya talkin’ about? I barely did anythin’ except set Richard free.”

Tidas smiled and kissed the side of his wife’s head as before he said; “Is that how you see it? I like that..”

“Remember what the legend said? ‘When chaos claims the kin, and one is saved and one is lost, the Catalyst will awaken’. I think Richard was the saved kin..”

While Petrie nodded in the positive, Tidas quirked an eyebrow; “Then who’s the kin to be lost?”

A heavy silence fell between the three before Petrie clapped his hands together and yelled; “Oi! This is yer party! Canna have the guests of honor down in the dumps!”

As a lull in the various conversations came, Petrie hollered over the crowds of soldiers; “Someone find a violin! Let’s get this party goin’!”

Most cheered in response to Petrie’s declaration since they were all assuming that the instrument was for Skye. The handful of people that had never heard her play were captivated as soon as they heard her. As her fingers glided over the strings in rapid secession, Lucas and Lidia grinned at each other, then continued to watch their sweet lass play..

Skye was the most talented violinist that either of them had ever heard. Which spoke volumes on her talent, considering how well traveled they both were. When Lidia had allowed her to play with her deceased husband’s violin at the age of four, Lidia never expected Skye would turn into a prodigy.

As she twirled and played, Lidia chuckled to herself.. ‘Her playing style hasn’t changed at all since she started playing..’

“What amuses ye so, wife?” Lucas asked with curiosity in his tone.

Lidia beamed; “Remember her first tutor? How angry he got because she wouldn’t sit still for her lessons? Hehe.. And she knocked him into the fountain at the end of her first concert?”

Lucas and Lidia shared a look, then started to laugh boisterously. Amara asked what was so funny, so Lidia told her new friend the story. Amara laughed nearly as hard as they had as Lidia explained the instructor’s reaction in a very animated way.

Lucas told the story to Murdoc and Wallace since they couldn’t hear Lidia over the music, and other conversations going on around them. The two laughed, then told Lucas a few stories about their stay in the Highlands. Then, they told him about Skye’s good deeds..

By the end of the night, Lucas had a new sense of pride and respect for his daughter. He had no idea that she was capable of so much, and she did it all out of love and kindness...Well, most of it, anyways.

Murdoc did tell Lucas about all of the bartering that Skye had done as well. He was made even prouder by her due to the fact that he had only given her a handful of lessons on trading and bartering..

“Her stingy business instincts just goes ta show all that she’s me bairn! Ima so proud of me sweet lass!” Lucas called out just as there was a break in the music.

Everyone could hear the slur in his speech, so Skye zipped over to her father, and healed his drunken state. When he realized that he was nearly sober again, he chuckled and said; “Ooo, that’s amazin’! And dangerous..”

Skye chuckled, then smiled lovingly at her father; “I said almost the same thing when I figured it out, hehe. Funny that ye said it, too. Guess ya are me Da.”

Lucas laughed lightly as he asked in a joking manner; “Was there ever a doubt?! Haha!”

Skye did not laugh.

Lucas stopped in his tracks, and repeated himself with a confused, but serious expression. When Skye acted like someone was calling out to her and tried to run away, Lucas followed after her naming off names of people that could be ‘playing a shitty joke on her’. She didn’t have the heart to tell him that she had thought it herself before she had learned about Sorcha Warrick, her real mother.

Tidas and Petrie chuckled as they watched Lucas trying to keep up with a tipsy Skye. She would zip away using her Tank trait any time he came too close. As she ducked and dodged the guests around her, Skye suddenly found herself trapped in familiar arms..

Looking up, Skye locked eyes with her husband as he asked in a cocky voice; “Since I caught you, do I get a prize?”

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