
Chapter 26

The whole compound vibrated from the vibration caused by the battle, numerous weird-shaped creatures were attacking the compound situated atop a mountainous peak.

Flames, water air and earth were scattered around chaotically causing devastating attacks changing the landscape but the attacks made by the benders seemed to be not effective, their attacks only knocked the creatures back but they kept on coming attacking in a frenzy, their unabashed malice filled the air making the air congested increasing the difficulty in bending.

The defenders were already getting fatigued and some serious injuries had already occurred among their members.

Soon the sound of breathing seemed to resound through the area unconsciously the humans were affected by such a harmonious rhythm and stopped the attacks, the attacking creatures took this opportunity to descend into the yard their expression devoid of any kindness, malice and craziness are shown in their expressions.

The few strong-willed benders who had earlier gotten rid of the rhythm influence seeing this scene froze with fear, but soon with a rumble the ground cracked and dragons shaped flames leapt out the cracks, burning the nearest vile creatures to ashes.

The frenzied creatures quickly evacuated looking with vigilance and killing intent at the figure who had appeared in front of the crack in the middle of the yard. It was an old man breathing lightly in that peculiar rhythm with white hair and a long flowing white beard and was dressed in a blue garb with a white lotus embroidered on it, a realistic eastern dragon made of flames twisted around him twisting the air with its enormous heat showing a ferocious expression to the enemies in the sky, its scales shone bright red showing the movement of its breathing exactly the way a normal creature would.


The old man looked at the creatures in the sky with a terrifying gaze, his eyes were glowing a terrifying blue light that seemed to deify him, his mere presence causing the crazed creatures enough fear to cause them to hesitate in continued attacks giving the injured benders behind him time to retreat into the house.

The old man also did not attack, it seemed he was waiting for something, after a few seconds of the stalemate, he seemed to have achieved his goal and the blue light in his eyes shone brighter filling his eye sockets with nothing but light, he then swung his arm forward causing another crack in the floor that seemed to lead to the core of the earth and more dragon-shaped flew out restarting the halted battle, roars of dragon and shriek of the spirit creatures echoed through the night.

“why do I have to leave I can help with the fight; I don’t want to be labelled a coward for the rest of my life” a disgruntled teenager mumbled dissatisfied while packing his belonging in a travel sack.

“Besides there are other places that need more help why do I have to go to the new republic, the place is arguably the safest place in the continent right now” the boy continued with increasing dissatisfaction a frown sprawled on his handsome features.


A short chuckle resounded in the young man’s bedroom, it was a middle-aged man in an orange monk’s robe smiling while looking at the still mumbling teenager who had just finished jamming his necessary belonging into his travel bag.

“let me tell you a story Zahir,” the monk said in his calm infective voice

“I don’t suppose I can say no uncle; I can’t wait to hear your fables of wisdom,” Zahir said rolling his eyes as they both left the room that was already shaking due to the battle outside.

“In the water tribe a long time ago there was once two talented young men, they were the pride of the whole tribe, suddenly a war occurred no one knew why but all the tribes and nation knew what was at stake which was utter annihilation”

“yea yea, I know you have told me a hundred times one of the talented benders for some reason did not go to the war with the rest but travelled around keeping records of present civilization rescuing survivor’s yada yada yada” the teenager interrupted the monk as he got into the airship that was about to take off.

“his decision saved the world as we know it and he single handedly rebuilt the world from its ruins, ensuring the continuation of our race after the war was over as miraculously as it started ” the monk continued still smiling not in the least annoyed by the rude interruption.

“part of the survivors came together and created the order of the white lotus to continue in his ways and safeguard the world from the shadows, yea I know the myth.” Zahir still frowned looking at the battlefield in the distance

“yes you do, but what you don’t know is that the last battlefield took place in the present-day new republic.”

“Wow, really,” Zahir said sarcastically apparently not interested in the rare piece of information.

Looking into the distance that seemed to have gone quiet he suddenly saw countless dragons roaming the sky, their majestic bright figure being displayed magnificently in the night sky.

“I did not think the old man was that powerful” Zahir said with awe laced in his voice.

“There is a lot you don’t know but don’t worry you will learn as he did when we get to the new republic, you are his heir after all.”

“Really, who is going to teach me,” Zahir said excitedly apparently interested in the topic concerning becoming stronger.

“The same man who thought your master 50 years ago, monk Giatsu”. The monk said with a hint of joy in his tone, the look in the calm monk’s eyes was that of a child about to return home.

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