
Chapter 37

The fist penetrated the rock and even the earth below causing winds and pressure to fill the area but the major had already manipulated the earth to move him backwards escaping the attack.

The smoke and dust cleared to reveal a shirtless well-toned muscular red-haired man. His red hair and red eyes seemed to light up in blood-coloured flames which was contrary to the natural indifference he exuded.

The red-haired man ignored the major who had escaped his attack and focused on his companion who was still unconscious and slowly healing on the ground, lifting up the thin chicken haired kin he put him over his shoulders like a bag of potatoes and started walking away aiming at leaving the camp.

The major seeing this did not plan on allowing the bloodsuckers to escape and he fisted out making a giant fist made of rocks to appear and punch towards the red-haired man.

Using his free arm, the red-haired kin fisted out also, his muscled fist turning red and emitting enormous heat as he used his fire bending to ignite his own blood to bless himself with extra damage and give him a boost of speed and strength.



The two fists moving at alarming speeds collided and soon with a crack the fist made of rock became fragmented and collapsed.

The major seeing this grew solemn, although he could allow them to leave but he wasn’t sure if they would head back and attack other important places in the city, after all, he had already seen the huge fireball before and he could hear the chaos and screams of the citizens.

If he let the two bloodsuckers leave now they might become reinforcements for the rest of their kind in the city causing immense damage, although already tired the major with a shout used his earth bending to once again change the terrain and attack the leaving bloodsucker.

“Step, step”

A blind Bald handsome man dressed as a monk with blood-red metal beads on both his wrist’s stepped out of the dark.

The beads were not inlaid to a wire or rope instead they floated around his wrist naturally levitating in the form of a bracelet.

The blind man walked precisely towards the hidden location of the institute, the institute apart from the library was arguably the most important location in the new republic at this time, the institute was filled with countless experimental weapons, new technologies and research concerning spirit creatures and the spirit world, here the results of sleepless nights and patriotic dedication of the smartest scientific minds in the new republic were concentrated.

The blind man is one of the blood kin four grandmasters, a grandmaster of the earth element specializing in metal. Walking towards the entrance he was soon noticed by those on guard, the guard who wanted to subdue him instantly imploded, the blood in the guard’s body squeezed out of their flesh, the blood instead of staining the surroundings quickly congealed and formed some sort of bloody metal fillings that were quickly attracted to the blind intruder’s wrist and melting into the metal balls on his wrist.

Inside the institute, an alarm quickly sounded, and with an experimental device made from some spirit creatures remains that functioned as a camera the members of the institute quickly located the source of the unrest, spotting the blind handsome man with blood-red metal beads on his wrist about to enter the institute the faces of the institute members changed and whispered in horror and fear “bloody monk.”

The bloody monk was a famous killer who was rampant in the past few months, he accepted random jobs from people around regardless of the pay or the individual to be assassinated, he was a particular moody killer he had even assassinated and killed a few members of the red lotus the first assassination organization in the world.

The reason he was given the moniker ‘bloody monk’ was apart from his brutal and bloody way of killing, he always showed up in monk robes and had bloody prayer beads on his wrist which were rumoured to be his assassination tool.

The bloody monk seemed to perceive the sight of the members of the institute watching and turned his head to directly face the hidden camera like instrument and smiled which sent a chill down the spine of everyone watching.

“quick inform the combat personnel who are about to go and reinforce the library, release the semi tamed spirit creatures to block the bloody monk outside and by time for the combat unit to arrive, authorize the use of small scale experimental weapons and start evacuation procedures.” An elderly prestigious scholar quickly stood and sharply commanded stabilizing the other scholars’ frantic emotions.

The others seemed to find their backbone and quickly set off to perform the elder’s instructions.

The elder scholar watched as they all filed out and with a complicated sigh also left walking towards the entrance where the bloody monk was spotted.

The other’s around did not notice as he left as if the old man was invisible.

The elderly scholar is an air bending grandmaster, although he is a grandmaster he was not particularly adept at combat, his speciality was using bending air influencing light and sound to make him achieve invisibility and stealth, he is one of the chief spies kept in the institute by the governing body of the new republic to secretly supervise the institute.

Although with his skill he could stealthily leave and survive the attack but his mission was to ensure no research result of the institute was leaked and he did not believe the series of events that happened tonight was not to steal an item from the institute, after all the library was almost impossible to steal or destroy especially when guarded by a serious grandmaster Lin, and the golden fireball that illuminated the city was proof that the Grandmaster was serious, he did not believe whatever intruder in the library was able to survive that immense attack, that meant the focus of the attack was mostly the institute and the chaos and attacks in other parts of the city were mostly a decoy, it was time for him to perform his duty and buy time for reinforcements from the combat institute that was already on the way.

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