
Chapter 318 Doing Everyone A Favor

The King\'s office had fallen silent with only the sound of Amy\'s typing being heard. Aldo and at least three of his men wandered around the room keeping a lookout for anything.

They were holding A.J as hostage, a very important figure in the digital world. An ally to the United States government, the FBI, many prestigious organizations, and high profile personnels. Anyone of them could easily come to her rescue.

"Ah....", Esmeralda started from the seat behind the desk. She was back to scrolling in her phone. "My men tell me a few people tried to follow after them. Is that the help you hired to protect you? Well, too bad, these guys wouldn\'t be the King\'s men if they cannot throw off any Jill and Jack."

She looked at Amy who was still seated in the same chair she had woken up onto and now held a computer on her lap. Her gaze was focused on the screen. She didn\'t bother to answer the other woman\'s taunts.

"But seriously, what was your plan? Humor me at least", she continued in a taunting tone.

Silence. Esmeralda grew annoyed and looked at Dylan who was hovering around Amy to make sure she was doing her job. "Is she doing her job at all? A.J explain what you\'re doing?"

Amy let out a tired sigh. "I\'m trying to come up with new faces that you can wear."

"Now why did you have to do something so unnecessarily in the first place?" She shook her head at her. "All of this trouble would have been avoided, most of all, there would be no need for you and to cross paths either."

"I like to work in silence", Amy said without looking up. It was hard enough to focus with her chest problem, she did not need unnecessary yapping to irritate her more.

Esmeralda stood up from her seat and walked over, Dylan moved aside and let her have a look. Just as Amy claimed, she was indeed running a program that would come up with new disguises. She looked at Dylan and smirked, "I thought you\'d be all excited to see A.J working in person."

"Meh." He was casual in his demeanor as he stuffed his hands into his trouser pockets.

She giggled, "Why? Didn\'t you go under her wing because she was your idol?"

"But that didn\'t stop him from betraying me because he found a new interesting toy", Amy responded cooly before he could. As much as she wanted silence, she still wanted to taunt them. "Does she know about your little adventures? Going back to Italy", she scoffed. "That will just become a new playground for Dylan."

"Baby, baby, don\'t listen to her", Dylan coaxed the now fuming girl. "That was the old me, I promise. And didn\'t you just say you wanted silence?"

She could feel them both glaring at the back of her head but her response was silence. Esmeralda really could not stand the sight of Amy, if she didn\'t need her now, she would have long put a bullet through her head the moment she was brought, just because. Her gaze fell back to the screen and a thought came to her.

"Did you say you\'re creating new disguises for us?"

"As you can see", Amy deadpanned.

"What about our goods? What are you going to do about that?" Those were as precious as gold to her but she also understood that the authorities would take anyone caught smuggling them.

"I never agreed to any of that", she replied cooly only to feel her hair yanked from the back of her head inciting a pain filled groan from her. "Ah!"

Esmeralda\'s angry face hovered over her as she barked through gritted teeth. "I don\'t have to spell it out for you, now do I?"

"That\'s something out of my control", Amy groaned from the pain and discomfort around her neck.

"You did this! How is it out of your control???!!!"

"Baby", Dylan gently pulled her away from Amy who now felt her temples throb from the pain. He got in between the women and proceeded to question Amy in a less hostile manner. "Why is it out of your control? You\'re working with the FBI."

Amy was growing tired of the situation. She glanced at the monitor before looking back at the duo. "The FBI are aware that locking Gwen away was not the end of it, they know about you and your supposed goods thanks to the little stunt you pulled on Hot Head-"

"You little!" Esmeralda stepped forward with her hand clenched into a fist ready to hit.

"Esmeralda!" Dylan was quick to stop her and restrain her.

"You want to leave, I can do that for you but nothing about the drugs", Amy continued. "And after the damage you did here, the lives lost, getting away with it is not enough, you still want to do more? What is wrong with you?"

"What do you know? What would you know? Huh?" She barked in Dylan\'s arms. "That drug was especially made to get rid of all the impurities in this world! Bastards like you!"

Amy halted in her movements and turned to look at the couple, one looking deadly serious while the other glaring at her and fuming with rage.

"Do you know what damage an existence such as yours does to a family? Do you have any idea? A family goes from a hundred then down to a zero. My mother was broken and father couldn\'t understand that. On top of that he refused to get rid of you. It took her killing herself that he now understood how useless and unnecessary your existence was. I\'m doing everyone a favor!"

Amy did not know how to feel from all that, hurt was evident as well as confusion. "Then why am I still alive? You\'ve been keeping tabs on me."

"He did! He betrayed me! Why else do you think I killed him? You think it was as simple as just him wanting to surrender because hot head was onto him? HE DIDN\'T LEARN!" she screamed and now tears trickled down her cheeks. "AFTER WHAT HE PUT MY MOTHER THROUGH, HE STILL KEPT TABS ON HIS BASTARD DAUGHTER!" she breathed heavily as she glared at Amy. "I let you be because he paid for it with his life and I was glad to live my life without ever crossing paths with you but noooooooooo you just had to interfere with my business. So I\'ll say this once, little sister, those drugs better make it out of here with me. I\'m not asking."

She walked over to the floor to ceiling window leaving a confused Amy staring at her back. She crossed her arms over and gazed at the view of the city that was a good distance away from the villa. She took a deep breath and exhaled.

Dylan looked between the ladies. He could have gone to comfort her but someone needed to watch over Amy so she doesn\'t try anything funny. They could not risk it.

Amy took a moment before she snapped out from the confusion which had just grown by a mile. She understood Esmeralda\'s feelings towards her but what about her father. What could she make of it all?

"Get back to work", Dylan ordered.

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