
Chapter 319 A Realization Not A Question

The men, especially Aldo felt the revelations were a lot. Still, he felt it was a shame for how the sisters\' fate played out. If only Amy was part of the organization, maybe his love story would have a different ending.

The oblivious Amy resumed doing her assigned task with Dylan\'s hawk eye keeping a close watch. She was not far from finishing up. She looked at the time and realized she had been gone for close to four hours.

\'Zachery\', she mused with worry. She could only imagine how he was feeling with her absence. And her baby Roserie... Gosh!

Would she be able to see them again? She will, won\'t she? Her eyes stung with tears from the possible thought of never seeing them again.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She resumed working. She was so consumed with worry it was now she realized there was one more command to execute to complete the task at hand. She typed it in and pressed enter.

Somewhere in the city outskirts

Darkness was slowly creeping in sending the daylight away. Two black SUVs sat parked on the side of an empty road one after the other.

It was mysterious and gave off a dangerous vibe especially considering they had parked in the middle of nowhere with nothing but grass fields on either side of the road. The mood was much worse inside the cars especially the one parked at the back.

The light from a computer lit up the front seat where the Skull and George who pushed up his eye glasses sat. Both men felt suffocated from the silence but neither could speak or breath too loudly especially with the sleeping lion right behind them.


George quickly reacted to the sound of Amy\'s computer chiming. His face lit up from excitement. "Boss! It\'s done!"

Zach, who was seated at the back opened his blue eyes. As calm as he looked, his heart started to thud a little faster when he heard the notification.

"Oh, we\'re not too far from it", George mused out loud and passed the computer to Zach.


"That must be the second one", George concluded from the sound.

"Take care of it", he instructed. "Skull, let\'s move."

As George received the device, he could not help but conclude Zach looked more angry than before. There was only one reason: he had been separated from his wife for too long, it was time to bring her home.

Back at the villa

"The disguises are done, get the printer ready", Dylan ordered one of the men who quickly scurried out of the room.

It came as no surprise seeing how quickly Amy worked, she lived up to her reputation. She created new faces for them, built a whole backstory, IDs, travel documents, and everything they would need. She didn\'t create any for her other men considering she didn\'t know what they looked like and only targeted Dylan and Esmeralda.

"And our goods?" Esmeralda turned around, her face showing she had calmed down but still displeased by the whole thing. "Don\'t give me that look, at the end of the day, you and I will have what we want."

"I can\'t think of any possible way you can get out of this undetected", Amy confessed

Dylan silently agreed, even he had been thinking of ways but still came up with nothing. The men brought in the 3D printer and started to work on there bosses\' disguises.

"You know", she started to walk over. "Sweet old Joanne did say you only ever wanted family from the time you were a kid, I understand that, which is why I\'m about to give you just that. But just remember, it\'s very easy for me to take that away too."

"There is a way", Amy blurted out.

"I\'m listening", her lips curved up, very pleased.

"Turn yourselves in."

"Turn ourselves in", she mused seeming in thought. She went to Dylan and took his Glock and moved to point it to Amy\'s temple. She leaned forward ad spoke close to her ear. "Let\'s try again. What about my goods?"

"Listen to me", Amy raised her hands up instinctively and forced a hard swallow in anxiousness feeling the cold metal pressed against her. "Turn yourselves in but your country has to lay claim on your case to try you back in Italy. The U.S government will surrender you that means free transport not just for you but your goods as well. But strike a deal with someone powerful to get you out once you get there. There are many corrupt officials who would do anything to conceal their faults or you can use your army to break you free once you land there."

"Hmm....", she fell in thought. It was a sound idea but she was not exactly fond of turning herself in. It was a risky option. "Is this your plan to turn me in?"

"You asked me to think of a way."

"Noooooo", she removed the gun and went to sit across her. "I don\'t trust you."

"I\'m not in a position to lie right now."

"Bullshit. You\'re a sly little thing, just like your mother."

A mother she had never been raised by? Amy who was already having a headache felt it becoming worse. She glanced at her computer then quickly back at Esmeralda.

"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"Why did you look at your computer?"

Amy was feeling exhausted with the question and was about to answer with another question when the door swung open. They all looked over to see one of the subordinates rush to whisper something in Aldo\'s ears.

The latter\'s eyes grew wide in shock and made to report to Dylan when he remembered the change in hierarchy. He changed his way and went over to Esmeralda and made the report!

"WHAT!!!" she stood from her sit like it was on fire.

"What\'s wrong?" Dylan quickly asked.

"The- The- Our hideouts in Italy are under attack. All the clubs where our men are; the groups who lost out with Greco\'s downfall are attacking us! How did they even know the exact location of our bases? Weren\'t they after A.J? When did the target change to us? Why are they attacking us when it\'s Gwen or A.J they should be going after!"

A million questions run through her mind. Well, there goes the plan to use their army to rescue them when they get home if they would\'ve gone with it.

All the groups attacking them all at once? And it wasn\'t just any organization they were attacking, it was the Dark Waters, the King\'s organization. A group that has been governing them and practically held power over them over the years.

Was there a new power in the circle? Who was it? Who would do this to them? She looked down at Amy whose lips curved up. She was quickly overcome with rage she pointed the gun at her once more.

"You did this!" It was a realization, and not a question.

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