
Chapter 258 - Xuanyuan Operating System

Chapter 258: Chapter 258 – Xuanyuan Operating System

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In one, two, three...

“Ding Dong~” The sound of a water droplet was heard.

It only took slightly more than three seconds. Both computers finished booting at almost the same time and entered the main system interface.

The desktop was rendered in the color of a blue sky with a dynamic white cloud floating in the middle. In fact, it was a line of text – Xuanyuan Operating System.

It was a domestically produced independent operating system developed in the past two years based on the system kernel provided by Chen Jin with the combined effort of more than 500 software engineers.

Software and algorithm have always been Xing Hai Technologies’s stronghold. Along with the Work Assistant, not only that the Xuanyuan OS installed on the two computers had complete functions in its current state, there were even hundreds of applications created for the operating system. For example, the few common office software’s, video players, music players, browsers, drawing tools, and input method tools were all available. There were even dozens of minigames.

As of now, it could satisfy everyday office work and light entertainment without any problems.

Once Xing Hai Technologies’s personal laptop was launched on the market and gained a substantial amount of users, massive amounts of applications based on the Xuanyuan OS would bloom like mushrooms after the rain.

The most crucial thing was that, in order to let users, accept and get used to the Xuanyuan system in a hastier manner, aside from gaining the customer’s sentimental resonance, the system must also be superior than the others in terms of the customer experience it provides.

In other words, the Xuanyuan system must possess something that was leading the mainstream Windows, Linux and MAC system by a significant margin. There must be something special that would make it so that, once customers had experienced the OS, they would never want to switch back to other systems.

With that being said, does the Xuanyuan system have such a specialty?

Of course, it had one. Or to say, it must have one. Or else, where would the Xuanyuan system’s market competitiveness come from? How could they have a stand in the market?

On this matter, Liu Xu, the technical director responsible for the operating system, said:

“Mr. Chen, we are very confident with the Xuanyuan system. We are 100% confident that it can defeat the Windows system.”

“In fact, Windows is generally popular, not because it is smooth, fast, safe and stable. In terms of operating smoothness, Windows is inferior to MAC. After a long period of usage, the system will become laggy, and more and more garbage will accumulate in the system disk. With regard to security and stability, Windows is once again inferior to Linux. Linux, which is widely used in server systems, can run continuously for more than one year. Windows on the other hand crashes more often than not. Due to the systems insurmountable amount of bugs, it requires patches for hotfixes at every other period of time.”

“Despite so, Windows still occupied more than 80% of the market share.”

“The reason is that, the operational methods of Windows’s visualization window really made it easy for people to get started with it. Its conventionalized operations will allow anyone to get used to the computer within hours.”

“Besides, Windows’s compatibility is not bad at all. Most applications and games can run on Windows. Its abundance in software resources is also the reason why users can’t get rid of it.”

“It is because of Windows’s triumph in the operating experience it provides and its application resources that it became almost impossible for other OS’s to even budge Windows on the throne.”


The launching of the Xuanyuan system could very well topple Windows’s dominance.

Liu Xu thus explained the few strengths of the Xuanyuan system:

“The first is its operating smoothness. The Xuanyuan system runs very smoothly.”

“At least 50% faster than Windows. It’s not only quick in starting up applications, it is also quick in opening webpages, doing audio and video decoding, file compression and decompression... the Xuanyuan system is faster and more efficient in any operation.”

“Secondly, on stability and security.”

“The Xuanyuan system has achieved the same security and stability levels as the Linux system, and even better. Developers can use it as a server operating system without having to make any customized improvements.”

“Also, in terms of visualization, we have to admit that there’s a lot for us to learn from Windows. Thus, the Xuanyuan system has engrafted something similar to Windows’s ‘Window mode’, but we have many specialties exclusive to ourselves, or to put it in another way... users can freely pick for themselves from a variety of operating fashions.”

“For example, Linux users prefer keyboard commands. We give them this mode of operation and let them do whatever they want.”

“It also has the sandbox operation that MAC users prefer, including the Touch Bar function.”

“The Xuanyuan system had even added the touch screen function which allows operation using the touch screen. It can run on mobile phones or tablets, which means that it can become an operating system for mobile devices.

“It can also run in VR equipment’s which allow user operation via eyeball and joystick movement.”

“There are even more under the special Workstation system.”

“Hence, users won’t have to worry about being accustomed to it. The Xuanyuan system provides all operating modes... it’s a system that runs on all devices.

“At last will be compatibility. For most Windows software’s or games, they might be compatible on Windows XP, but once the system is updated to win7 or 8, it might no longer be compatible. Software adaptation is required for almost every version update, which causes a lot of trouble and even make many users reluctant to use the latest system.”

“This problem doesn’t exist in the Xuanyuan system. Regardless of the version, as long as the system kernel does not have any major changes, the original old application will always be compatible. Users can be rest assured to upgrade their system version as all their software’s will remain usable.”

“As for viruses, Trojans, loopholes, etc., we are willing to provide rewards. As long as someone successfully implants a virus or Trojan, or find a loophole on the Xuanyuan system, they will be rewarded 10 thousand dollars. In this way, hackers won’t have to commit crimes. It will also be unnecessary for Xuanyuan users to download protection software’s such as 361 AntiVirus and what not that will slow down the computers’ operations.”

Afterall, during the development process of the Xuanyuan system, a supercomputer was always there finding loopholes. Unless the hackers were smarter than a supercomputer, they would never get to hack a computer with the Xuanyuan system installed.

The Xuanyuan system was indeed that confident in its security.

Chen Jin held the mouse and experienced both of the computers respectively. He felt that it was indeed much smoother than Windows. After configuring to the Window mode, nothing felt accustomed to him. He learned very swiftly at zero cost.

Another thing worth mentioning was that the programming language used in developing the Xuanyuan system was an entirely new language called the “Yanhuang language”. It used Z language characters in programming. The language could easily be comprehended which made it easy to understand and learn. Acting in concert with Z language programming tools, novices could swiftly master the language, greatly reducing learning costs.

The various software tools running on the Xuanyuan system on the other hand was coded using the “Yanhuang+” programming language, which was also relatively easy to learn.


For this whole set of purely domestically produced computer system, which from its underlying hardware to the operating system, from its applications to its programming language, and from the operating experience it provides which was completely no worse than any foreign system, Chen Jin does not believe that it would fail, nor would it ever fail!

It was just that on its path towards success, it may require a slightly longer time, or maybe shorter.

“Hmm, I remembered that Loongson Corporation launched their own Loongson 5A4000 computer last month which performance is similar to that of an i5-6500 computer. The government bought 10 thousand units of that computer at one go.”

“Loongson CPU’s uses the MIPS architecture and 22 nm process technology. Many of their technical licenses was obtained from foreign countries. The path they took was far from comfortable compared to the one taken by Xing Hai Technologies which uses only homegrowns. They will have no way to surpass intel and defeat the win-tel alliance at least within these 10 to 20 years.”

Should Xing Hai Technologies help Loongson Corporation who was still struggling in the path of darkness?

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