
Chapter 259 - Loongson’s Decision

Chapter 259: Loongson’s Decision

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Fu Weiwu. Chairman of Loongson Corporation. Leader of the state-owned ‘Project-863’.

He was 53 this year, still considered young, but living a life of abiding toil and anxiety turned half of his head grey as if it was dyed in snow.

From Loongson’s establishment in the early 2000’s until now, he had already held the company in his hands for 20 long years... it could be said that he dedicated half of his life in the domestic chip production field.

It was only until recently, after the Loongson 5A4000 computer was launched that the deep-rooted anxiety lurking on his face dispersed. He could finally smile.

It was because this product had achieved success.

Not only that the government purchased 100 thousand units at one time. Loongson fans at home and abroad bought a full 50 thousand units collectively... after being experienced, the product won raves from its users.

With the product, the company achieved its first major breakthrough in the civilian market as the product gained acceptance from a portion of the ordinary consumers.

Over the next two years, if Loongson so launches a computer with better technical quality and greater performance, the company will definitely gain more popularity and take down a bigger portion of the market.

He had faith in this!

However, on the 20th of December, a person’s visit caught Fu Weiwu unprepared and even muddled his mind.

CEO of Xing Hai Technologies, Ling Jun Dong.

Inside the tea hall.

After the man was done with his polite pleasantries, the suggestion he gave him knocked him over.

Ling Jun Dong said, “Mr. Fu, your company’s determination is very respectable and what you have achieved throughout these years is truly admirable. But the MIPS architecture was only a niche. The Linux OS doesn’t really fit for civilian usage. If you continue walking down this path, it will be very, very difficult for you to achieve great success.”

Fu Weiwu was not agitated by such negative comments; he had listened too much. He said with a light tone, “I know it will be hard, but we are currently moving towards success, and we will prevail in the end.”

“But that will require too long, Mr. Fu, the whole process you are going through is still too slow.” Ling Jun Dong shook his head.

Fu Weiwu became solemn and refuted him, “I’m now 53 and I plan to retire at 70, could it not be done until then? What is the motive of your visit Mr. Ling?”

He became a little impatient. He had too much of such belittling words. It was meaningless and would only delay him from working. If Ling Dong Jun does not talk about some substantive topics, he would be asking him to leave.

“Here it goes Mr. Fu, Xing Hai Technologies is also currently making our own CPU and operating system, are you aware of this?” Ling Jun Dong asked.


u Weiwu nodded, “Your courage is admirable and that was some bold steps you have made... so what’s the matter, have you encountered some problems?””And you have come specially to seek our help?”

“That’s not the case. We have succeeded. We used our own architecture and operating system and created the first ever purely local made computer.” Ling Jun Dong said.


Fu Weiwu was shocked, “You succeeded so quickly?”

Moreover, everything from hardware architecture to software system was self-made, how was this even possible?

“Yes, we have achieved initial success. Besides, the architecture we developed is very advanced and our operating system is very smooth as well. The performance of our first prototype should be better than the Loongson 5A400 your company just released.”

Fu Weiwu started his eyes wide open.

Then, he shook his head hard!

He must be bluffing!

It was only two years since Xing Hai Technologies decided to make personal computers, and the results they obtain was already comparable to what Loongson worked hard for 20 years. Is this even possible?

Is this logical?

In short, he had a million reasons to disbelief him.

He laughed and said, “Mr. Ling, I was unaware that whether your company’s computer R&D department purchased our Loongson 5A4000 computer. If you happen to have bought it and gave it a throughout inspection, you won’t be saying these words in front of me. Our society now is too impetuous. Every single person is eager for quick success. I suggest your company to soothe yourselves down and do things the right way. Maybe in five to ten years, you just might be able to achieve the heights where Loongson is now.”

What he said was not mockery, but an earnest advice. Xing Hai must be able to withstand loneliness when it comes to autonomous chips. Having the mentality of wanting quick success would never make things work. He too hoped for Xing Hai Technologies’s success. In this way, Loongson would have company in their path towards autonomy.

“Yes, we’ve bought it Mr. Fu. Our team on the computer project had bought a few Loongson 5A’s and conducted many comparison tests. What we concluded was that both of them were on par.” Ling Jun Dong said. His was obviously being modest. The actual test result was: the Loongson 5A was slammed by the “Xing Hai First Generation” computer on almost all test items.

Fu Weiwu finally took on a ghastly expression.

He could not keep the conversation going. He stood up and said, “Mr. Ling, my last piece of advice for you company is, no matter what product you are doing, be realistic and down-to-earth. Companies that rely on only big talk is destined to fail... I still have things to tend to, I’ll be leaving.” He swung his hand and was prepared to leave.

“Mr. Fu, I’ve brought along with me a ‘Xing Hai First Generation’ laptop. I can give you a demo.”

Fu Weiwu halted his steps.


Ling Jun Dong really did bring along with him a “Xing Hai First Generation” laptop, and it was in his handbag.

Upon seeing that Mr. Fu was reluctant to believe his words, he could only take out the computer and demonstrate it in front of him. He also explained the technical specialties of the “Weave Architecture” used by the “Qinglong First Gen” CPU within the computer and talked about the power of the kernel used by the “Xuanyuan Operating System”.

He placed the mouse down and let Fu Weiwu operate it for more than two hours.

One whole afternoon had passed.

The laptop powered off due to low battery.

Only then, Fu Weiwu placed the mouse down reluctantly and sat in the chair, remaining silent for a very long time.

None of the technical personnel’s present stepped forward.

A knockdown.

This was undoubtedly a tremendous blow to them. Their hard work for more than 20 years was actually inferior to a new company’s two years of research and development.

The astonishing Weave Architecture, the smooth and handy Xuanyuan operating system, all of the system was autonomous from hardware to software. Towards its exceptional performance, not only Fu Weiwu, all the other researchers from Loongson bowed their heads down and started doubting themselves.

A voice emerged in their hearts: what we made, was trash.

Fu Weiwu was unable to accept the fact. After staring blankly for quite some time, his eyes suddenly became teary.

He pounded his own chest, “Twenty years of futile work. Why didn’t such a marvelous architecture and system appear earlier but chose to appear before my very eyes just when Loongson finally achieved something?”

He was a little crushed. On one side, he was criticizing his own inabilities; on the other end, he was blaming that, why didn’t such computer products appear before him at an earlier time but chose to appear and crush him when he was at the peak of his confidence?

Ling Jun Dong was a little guilty. He knew that he should not have brought along the laptop. He did not want to stimulate this faithful dreamer who deserved respect. But in the field of technology, there were many of those who had faith , but once they go down the wrong path, only the Southern Wall awaits them at the end.

Therefore, he along with the others comforted Fu Weiwu. After his emotions were calmed down, Ling Jun Dong revealed the real motive of his visit:

“Mr. Fu, we, Xing Hai Technologies want to bring you along a brighter path. We provide two choices:”

“First. Xing Hai Technologies acquire Loongson at a premier price, reintegrate the project team, forgo the MIPS architecture and adjoin the company into the Weave Architecture’s R&D”

“Second. We will not acquire Loongson, but will be willing to license the Weave Architecture, Xuanyuan operating system to Loongson. We will initiate the ‘Xing Hai Computer Alliance’, integrate all domestic hardware and software manufacturers together, call upon an all-out promotion of the Weave Architecture, the Xuanyuan operating system, and create a strong ecosystem.”

“In short, we hope that Loongson will join us.”

Upon hearing his words.

All of Loongson’s technical personnel began discussing among each other. In the end, all their eyes were set on Fu Weiwu. Fu Weiwu however fell into silence. He did not provide him with an immediate reply.

Ling Jun Dong said, “Mr. Fu, I hope that you would give it good consideration. Give me your answer at any time.”

After that, Ling Jun Dong left Kings City and returned to Shang Hai.

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