
Chapter 111

Elliot unleashed one last Lightning Slash vertically from the top down at the final Stitched Pixie Witch and crushed her body completely.

[Congratulations, You have levelled up to level 255!]

All of his pets had levelled up significantly too, especially his six baby Armored Kaijins which definitely couldn’t be called babies anymore.

They were all very large at a cool three meters tall, and were almost as large as Frosty who was only around four meters tall even though she was close to level 300. Apparently the Armored Kaijin mutation had made them grow bigger than their ancestral Archaic Kaijin bloodline.

Bigger, but definitely not stronger.

Impressively, Frosty had managed to kill the sixth Bangtol all by herself. It was no mean feat, considering that her enemy had nearly a hundred levels on her. But Frosty was a Mythical Grade beast, while her enemy, even though it was King level, was probably merely Legendary or even Epic grade.

Elliot glanced back at the distant Corrosive Sedgedoom Belcher which had resumed feasting on the dead King level beasts, and decided that he would take a breather to sort out his many new items and skills.

“All of the King level beasts except that final group are either dead or under my control. All of you, get into pairs, and hunt down all the remaining non-King level beasts. Return before sundown. We’ll rest for a little bit before attacking them at midnight.” Elliot ordered.

He would need everyone to be in tip-top condition if he wanted to win the fight against the remaining two Belchers and five Bangtols.

“Wu Kong, just hunt nearby and return here in fifteen minutes.” Elliot told his Military Strategist.

“Acknowledged.” Wu Kong said.

All of his beasts obeyed and immediately dispersed.

“Red, stay back.” Elliot called out.

“What’s up? Don’t you want me to level up too? Ah I know! You must finally realize that I do not really need to be strong. Took you long enough! With my Elemental Deconstruction and Production, I do not need personal strength at all! All I need to do is to build a strong enough-“

“Rod.” Elliot interrupted Red loudly.

“What? Did you just say Rod?” Red cocked her birdy head slightly.

“Yes. I want you to make the most powerful rod you can manage for Wu Kong. Give it special functions and stuff. You’re pretty good at designing, right?” Elliot ordered him.

“AHA! Finally! Finally finally finally finally!! A REAL mission worthy of a Master of Design and Production! I can assure you, my dear little pipsqueak, that in a few days, the most po-“

“You have ten minutes.” Elliot interrupted him..

“WHAT? That’s impossible! You think there’s a high-tech weapons factory with an assembly line in my body? I can’t possibly-“

“I’ll put you in charge of all the resources that I get after I win this Battle Royale if you do a good job.” Elliot continued.

“Done. Ten minutes it is.” Red immediately agreed greedily.

“Good. Now go!” Elliot agreed.

Red flapped his wings and flew off to get to work.

After Red left, Elliot was left alone with Romarok and the other Specter Wolf, whom Elliot had disabled by freezing it while he waited for her to make her decision.

“Have they decided?” Elliot asked Romarok.

“Romulus is still refusing to talk to me.” Romarok replied. “And my clansman… Well. He’ll need a little more time to process and understand the situation.”

“He needs more motivation? I can give him more motivation.” Elliot chuckled mirthlessly as he morphed into his giant Black Bear Warrior Form.

At level 255, his Black Bear Form had increased in size accordingly, and was now heart-poundingly fearsome at ten meters tall.

Elliot pressed one giant paw on the Specter Wolf’s frozen upper body and began to press down slowly.


Several of his sharp claws pierced the Specter Wolf’s body. Blood began to flow out of its wounds.

As always, Elliot nicked his own paw to allow their blood to mingle slightly.

The familiar mindspace descended upon them.

Elliot didn’t even bother checking out the wolf’s stats as he already saw Rom’s before. Being the leader of the pack, Rom was already the most powerful out of the four.

“Brainwyrm.” Elliot said in greeting.

“No. I will never yield like that damned traitor.” The Dark Brainwyrm spat.

“I am going to slowly increase my strength until the Specter Wolf dies. However, know also that I am actually very interested in working together with the wolf. So if you still haven’t signed the slave contract by the time the wolf dies, I would be really pissed off. And being pissed off, the only thing I will be willing to do to you is to rip you into a thousand little pieces.” Elliot said calmly and increased his strength once more.

“Never! Death does not faze me! You might have managed to trick Romulus Amarok Dark Wyrm with your honeyed words of shared goals and contributing to the empire. But you will never trick me!” The Dark Brainwyrm shouted stubbornly.

Elliot remained silent and simply increased his strength even more.

Very soon, his claws reached the Specter Wolf’s heart. Just one tiny move, and Elliot’s sharp claws would pierce it.

“Do it! Kill the wolf, and kill me if you can!” The Dark Brainwyrm snarled. “You and your kind will all die very soon. LONG LIVE THE WYRM EMPIRE!!”

Elliot sighed deeply in regret and slowly pushed his paw down.


Ack! The Specter Wolf choked and then gurgled lightly as blood began to flow out of her mouth. The light of life within its eyes began to dim. And as usual, Elliot felt the strange power belonging to the Dark Brainwyrm recede from the mindspace.

“Frost Domain.” Elliot said sofly. Immediately, the area around him became frigid. Any lifeform caught within it would have its speed halved.


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